Intercollegiate Academics Fund
Research and Creative Activity Application
Please read the IAF Research and Creative Activity Fund Guidelines before completing this application
Application MUST be typed
2017-2018 IAF Application Due Dates:
September 14 / November 2 / January 11 / March 1 / May 3October 5 / December 7 / February 1 / April 5
Please note that all IAF Applications for 2018 Summer Research and Creativity Projects must be submitted by May 3, 2018.
Date of Application:
Name of applicant(s)* / UID #(s) / E-mail address(es) / Major(s)1.
*Attach additional sheet with student names if necessary
Course Title or Group Name:
Course Number (if applicable):
Instructor/Faculty Advisor Name:
Title or other designation of the project to be funded:
Dates research/creative activity will be conducted (i.e. fall semester 2017; May-June 2017):
Date by which all supplies will be purchased or travel completed:
Have you previously received an IAF Research/Creative Activity Award?: / If yes, date awarded:
Is your faculty advisor involved in this research or creative activity? If so, how?
Does the project involve human beings in the research? Yes or No If yes, check one of the following:
Approval was granted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) on (date). (Please attach a copy
of the certificate to this application)
Application for approval was submitted to the IRB on (date) but a response has not yet been received.
Review will be sought if the project is funded.
IAF Research and Creative Activity Budget Worksheet
Provide a short description of the item(s) to be purchased or the services requested. Include cost per item where appropriate. Similar items can be combined in one line where appropriate. Add additional sheet if necessary. Attach quotes or other budget documentation for all expenses listed.
Grand Total
Total amount of request: $
Requests for funding will not be considered after expenses have already been incurred.
We acknowledge that we have read the IAF Guidelines and verify that the above information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. If plans change, we will promptly inform the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. Expenses not included in the budget or approved prior to expenditure by the Office of the Provost will not be reimbursed even if award funds are not expended. Signatures below constitute agreement to abide by the “Intercollegiate Academics Research and Creative Activity Fund Guidelines.”
We acknowledge that we understand if travel is involved, student(s) must contact the department office of the faculty sponsor prior to the trip to receive authorization to travel via ProTrav from the department. Any questions about travel authorization should be directed to your Faculty Sponsor.
We acknowledge that we understand that the following must be submitted to the Office of the Provost within 21 days of purchase. (If travel is involved, prior approval must be given by the faculty sponsor’s department in ProTrav and receipts are then to be submitted to the department office of the faculty sponsor within 21 days of the trip.) After 21 days of purchase, or the completion of the trip, the funds allocated to that purchase are forfeited. The funds are returned to the account for future applicants and may affect future funding of requests.
3-4 paragraph summary of research progress to date
Original receipts
e-Business Supplier Information Form (If student has not been reimbursed by UNI previously). See OBO for assistance filling form out.
Student Signature(s):______
Instructor/Faculty Advisor Signature:______Date ______
Department Head Signature**: ______Date ______
**Department Head’s signature signifies you have read the entire application and have concurred that the guidelines have been met.
IAF Research and Creative Activity Narrative
Provide a one-page narrative description of intended research or creative activity.
What is the intended outcome or deliverable of your research or creative activity?
Submit Completed Application to the
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
20 Seerley Hall, (Mail Code 0707)