SchoolName of Head Teacher
Date of Interim Audit
Halton Safeguarding Children Board has produced the following Section 175/157Interim Audit Questions to ensure that schools in Halton continue to meet statutory requirements to safeguard children during the interim year between full Section 175/157 Audits. These questions must be completed and appropriate supporting evidence provided to clarify that schools continue to remain compliant in areas of the main audit that may have changed during the interim year. There are also questions to evidence that schoolremains compliant with their Prevent Dutyand with new statutory guidance issued since the last Section 175/157 Audit, “Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016” and the “School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016”.
In completing this audit please ensure that you provide evidence to support your response in the right hand column. This includes embedding key documents where relevant to do so. The interim audit questions should be completed by the Head teacher, alongside the Senior Designated Person and the Chair of Governors/ Designated Governor for Safeguarding. The results of the audit and any subsequent action plan should be shared with the whole Governing Body.
Please ensure that you return your completed audit (and updated 2015-16 Action Plan) via email to for the attention of the HSCB Business Manager Tracey Holyhead,by Friday 9th December 2016.
For advice in relation to completion of this form, please contact:
Nicola Noon, Safeguarding Children in Education Officer
Tel: 0151 511 6948 /
2016-17 Audit sign offHead teacher: / Date:
Senior Designated Person: / Date:
Chair of Governors: / Date:
Senior Designated / Deputy Designated Persons / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Who is your Senior Designated Person(SDP) for Child Protection? What position do they hold in school?
Does your SDP comply with the following requirements of the role:
- SDP is a member of the Senior Management Team
- The SDP role is explicit within their job / role description
- Has undertaken Level 3 “Working Together” or “Working Together Refresher” training, as provided by HSCB, within the last 2 years (please provide details)
- Undertakes other specific Level 3 safeguarding training annually in order to continuously update knowledge (please provide details of other training undertaken)
Who else is trained to deputise for the SDP? What position do they hold in school?
Has the Deputy Designated Person (DDP) undertaken “Working Together” or “Working Together Refresher” training as provided by HSCB and any other specific Level 3 safeguarding training in the last 2 years? (please provide details)
Has the SDP or the DDP attended WRAP Level 3 facilitator training?
Children in Care / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
1. / Who is your designated teacher for Children in Care (CiC)? What position do they hold?
Governance Arrangements / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Who is your Designated Governor for Safeguarding and what position do they hold in relation to the school?
Has the Designated Governor undertaken specific Roles and Responsibilities Safeguarding training with regard to their role and statutory duties within the last 3 years? (please provide details)
All maintained school Governors have an enhanced DBS check in line with the amendments to the School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016?
Whole School Safeguarding Training / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Have all of the staff in your school community (including ancillary staff and volunteers) undertaken full Level 2 Basic Awareness in Safeguarding training within the past three years? Please provide dates of most recent and the next planned training, including who delivered this training and whether it meets HSCB approved standards.
Do all staff receive annual safeguarding update training in addition to the full Level 2 Basic Awareness training? Please give examples of what this has included.
Have all staff and volunteers received separate WRAP training relating to Prevent?
Please provide dates of the most recent training, including who delivered this training.
Safeguarding Quality Assurance / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
The school is signed up to Operation Encompass and has the following in place:
- A named Key Adult and deputy/s is identified and details are known by Cheshire Police(please state who these designated members of staff are)
- All families are aware of the Operation Encompass process and school’s commitment to the scheme and school ensures that letters are sent out to all new admissions
- Operation Encompass is highlighted and promoted on the school website
The school fulfils its Prevent Duty by:
- Identifying a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for concerns relating to Prevent and Channel (please state who this designated staff member is)
- Ensuring that all school staff and Governors have accessed appropriate WRAP Level 3 training in relation to Prevent
- Ensuring that children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school and that this is built into existing policies
- Building children’s resilience to radicalisation by providing a safe environment for debating controversial issues and promoting the fundamental British Values
Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Is your safeguarding / child protection policy:
- Available to view on your school website?
- Available to everyone in the school community and included in your induction pack to all new staff (including NQT’s, ITT’s, supply staff, non-teaching staff, governors, students and volunteers)?
Has your safeguarding / child protection policy been updated in line with statutory guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016”and “Prevent Duty Guidance 2015”?
E Safety / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
1. / Has the school’s E-Safety / ICT policy has been updated to reflect the Prevent Duty guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016?
2. / How are children briefed on safe use of electronic media including issues around sexting, bullying, harassment, and exploitation via the internet, social media, mobile phones, etc.?
Managing allegations of abuse against staff / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Does the AAA policy (or section within the Safeguarding / Child Protection policy) reflect HSCB LADO guidance and has it been updated in line with statutory guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016”?
Does the school have a statutory Staff Behaviour Policy / Code of Conduct to assist adults to work in an open and transparent way? Has it been updated to reference DFE guidance“Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016”and “Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings 2015”? Does this policy include reference to staff conduct and behaviour outside of school which might compromise safeguarding issues or bring the school into disrepute, including the use of social media / the internet?
Safer Recruitment and Single Central Record / Yes/No / Evidence to support your response
Does the school adhere to the guidance in “Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016”?
Has your Head teacher undertaken NCSL / CWDC / SRC approved Safer Recruitment training and where appropriate, refresher training? (please provide dates)
Has your Chair of Governors undertaken NCSL / CWDC / SRC approved Safer Recruitment training and where appropriate, refresher training? (please provide dates)
As part of your Safer Recruitment practice, has at least one member of each interview panel attended NCSL / CWDC / Safer Recruitment Consortium approved Safer Recruitment training?
Is the Single Central Record (SCR) in place, up to date and fully meets statutory requirements including the following change?
- SCR contains details of enhanced DBS checks without barred list checks for all other Governors not deemed to be in regulated activity
Does your Single Central Record also contain details regarding any checks undertaken under the Childcare Disqualification Regulations? If no, where are the details of these checks stored?
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