Who Will Put Humpty Dumpty

Together Again?

K.1 Language Arts

A WebQuest for Kindergarten Language Arts

Designed by

Judy Christopher


As you know, Humpty Dumpty has fallen off that wall. Since all of the King's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again, you need to find someone that can!


You will read or listen to a variety of nursery rhymes to find just the right character to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. You will circle each rhyme on your paper as you listen to the rhyme. Next, you will take a quiz on Mother Goose rhymes. You will then print out or draw the nursery rhyme character you have chosen to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Last, you will dictate or write a sentence telling why you chose this nursery rhyme character to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


Now it is time to explore many different nursery rhymes so you can choose just the right character to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

1.  Listen to the nursery rhymes to help you decide on your character.

You will need to click on Rhymes and Songs, then Nursery Rhymes when you are there.

2.  Use your print out of nursery rhymes to circle each as you are finished.

3.  Take a quiz on Mother Goose rhymes.

You may need a reading buddy or teacher to help you read the quiz.

4.  Print out or draw a picture of the character you have chosen to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

5.  Color your picture.

6.  Write or dictate a sentence about why you think this nursery rhyme character can put Humpty Dumpty together again.


Rhymes and Songs

Enchanted Learning



The following Rubric is the way your project will be graded:

1= Beginning

2 = Developing

3 = Accomplished

4 = Exemplary

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Listens to 15 nursery rhymes / Listened to less than 5 nursery rhymes / Listened to between 5-10
Nursery rhymes / Listened to between
10 -14 nursery rhymes / Listened to all 15 nursery rhymes
Takes a quiz on Mother goose rhymes / Scored 70% or less on Mother Goose quiz / Scored 80% mastery on Mother Goose quiz / Scored 90% mastery on Mother Goose quiz / Scored 100% mastery on Mother Goose quiz
Draws picture of nursery rhyme character / Did not draw or print picture of nursery rhyme character / Drew or printed a nursery rhyme character not on the list / Drew or printed a nursery rhyme character from list but did not do best coloring / Drew or printed nursery rhyme character from list and colored neatly
Dictates or writes a sentence about character / Wrote only words, no sentences about nursery rhyme character / Dictated or wrote a sentence but did not tell why this character was chosen / Dictated or wrote a sentence with teacher assistance telling why this character was chosen / Dictated or wrote a sentence with no teacher assistance
telling why this character was chosen


I hope you had fun learning about nursery rhymes. When words sound alike we say that they rhyme. Try making up some rhyming words of your own. For extra credit you can memorize

one of our nursery rhymes and recite it to the class.


Students will need assistance on how to navigate the Rhymes and Songs website. It might be a good idea to pair your kindergartner with a 3rd or 4th grader for this part of the WebQuest. Also, be sure your students have heard all of the nursery rhymes on the quiz before they do number three.

Some of these rhymes may not be on the Rhymes and Song website. Students will need print out of nursery rhyme list below.







Directions: Circle each Nursery Rhyme after you have listened to it.

Humpty Dumpty

Little Boy Blue

Jack Sprat

Georgie Porgie

Jack and Jill

The Little Old Woman

Jack Be Nimble

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Little Miss Muffet

Mary Had a Little Lamb


Three Blind Mice

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hickory Dickory Dock

Mary Quite Contrary

Based on a template from the WebQuest Page. Updated Spring 2004