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Acceptance of these guidelines is at the team’s discretion. Agape may be structured in a time and manner to enhance the purpose of the weekend (motion voted and passed by The Diocese of Texas Cursillo Secretariat, May 18, 2002)
- Agape is to be held in the rear of All Saints Chapel (behind where the chairs are usually set up). There is not enough space in the foyer. Agape has also been held in the Rollo Room (the participants were taken to another location while the room was being set up for the Agape).
- It is a good idea to ask for a special Agape team to come Saturday night as service palanca. They could also do the service palanca for the evening meal. It is important to have a very clear understanding with the Rector(a) as to their expectations about the details of the Agape. AGAPE SHOULD LAST NO LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES.
- The Head Cha Cha should arrange for the Camp Allen staff to leave tables in the rear of the chapel for the Agape. Don’t drag tables or chairs across the floor. The Head Cha Cha should arrange for the staff to leave the wine colored tablecloths. If you want to use other tablecloths, you will need to furnish those yourself.
- Table decorations include small votive candles, fresh flowers, paper flowers and brightly colored plates and napkins. An attractive entrance can be arranged by using large votive candles and paper flowers.
- Another consideration is the stairs to the chapel (if the chapel is to be used for Agape). Is there a candidate that will need to ride the elevator? How will this be coordinated with those candidates using the stairs?
- Refreshments can include grapes, bread, cheese and wine/sparkling grape or apple juice and/or non-alcoholic Burgundy, or white sparkling drinks.
- NO ALCHOLIC BEVERAGES WILL BE SERVED. (Policy, Diocese of Texas Cursillo Secretariat, August 17, 2001)
Set Up Duties
- Fluff up the tissue flowers (if you choose to use them)
- Check candles, locate matches and corkscrew.
- Hang Fear Not Banner
- Consider what music will be used and be ready to hand out books or words to music.
- Find out where the light switches are ahead of time. This is important!!
- Check with Rector(a) to coordinate time of candle lighting
Clean Up Duties
- Decide who will clean up…the team or the special Agape team if you have one.
- Replace tables and chairs
- Pack away supplies