Exploring Human Rights

In this two-part project, we are going to explore the depths and progress made in Human Rights throughout modern civilizations. While Human Rights have evolved through time, they have made significant strides in the last 200 years. While large groups of marginalized individuals and groups have seen their circumstances improve, many still exist in situations that leave them oppressed, abused, enslaved and malnourished. Our two-part project will seek to persuasively identify a current human rights concept, communicate the need for change & Identify a path to change.


Part One: (Independent Written Argument)

With human rights violation you have chosen to investigate, choose one of the following options to compose a persuasive essay regarding that issue:

  1. Heroes
  2. Identify a significant figure (past or present) that has had a prominent role to play in a social, environmental or cultural issue.
  3. Critically analyze his/her/their actions and participation in trying make change to a human rights violation. Be sure to investigate multiple perspectives.
  4. Write a persuasive essay that either denounces OR advocates for the ‘hero’.
  1. Visual

a)Choose three pulitzer prize winning images with a similar theme or ‘right’ that has been violated. Other images will also be considered, but check those with your teacher.

b)Interpret the three images in terms of their symbolic importance.

c)Write a persuasive essay justifies the need for change and greater attention to that human right while using your ‘sources’ as a resource.

  1. History

Choose a key event or document in the development of human rights and prepare a persuasive essay outlining the significance of that event to the importance to the development of modern day human rights. You can include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Magna Carta
  2. The Emancipation Declaration
  3. UDHR
  5. Other??
  1. Creative

a)Choose any medium (written, music, art, media, etc…) and prepare an original composition that would draw attention to a human rights issue that you are concerned about.

b)In addition the original composition, craft a persuasive essay that justifies the need for change, and further development of human rights, for that current issue.


Part two: (Public Display)

Once you have completed part one, consider how you might activate change regarding your human rights issue AND consider how you might engage others. To start, use the options below. If you have an idea or concept that is not here, discuss with your teacher.

  1. Social Media Campaign
  2. Identify a number of avenues for the dissemination of ideas. Consider how you might reach the largest number of people to activate change. Are their current NGO’s or non-profits that already have a foothold here?
  3. Utilize a strategic plan to design your advocacy.
  4. Initiate your plan.
  1. Visual Display
  2. Create a visual display that may also have accompanying pamphlets or other materials or manipulatives to convey your message.
  3. Consider your target audience. How do you engage them and help them to care?
  1. Digital Presentation
  2. Create a digital presentation that succinctly encapsulates your topic.
  3. Design your presentation so that it incorporates both images and voice over and can run without facilitation or guidance.


Students should know and be able to:

Not yet / Developing / Admirable / Strong
Apply critical thinking skills—including questioning, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, and defending—to a range of issues, situations, and topics.
demonstrate effective research skills, including
− accessing information
− assessing information
− collecting data
− evaluating data
− organizing information
− presenting information
demonstrate effective written, oral, and graphic communication skills
Assess the application of fundamental principles of democracy (including equality, freedom, selection of decision makers, rule of law, and balancing the common good with the rights of individuals) with respect to selected 20th and 21st century cases
apply skills of civic discourse and dispute resolution, including
− consensus building
− negotiation
− compromise
− majority rule
evaluate the ethics of selected civic decisions, including consideration of
− fairness
− honesty
− application of democratic principles


Investigate topics in Human Rights
− Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
− BC Human Rights Code
− UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Explore Historical concepts from:
− Magna Carta (1215) − Habeas Corpus Act (1679) − English Bill of Rights (1689) − Proclamation of 1763 − US Bill of Rights (1789) − BNA Act (1867) − UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) − Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) − Canadian Human Rights Act (1977) − Multiculturalism Act (1985) − Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982).

Initial Sources:

This needs editing, but it is what I have used with students in the past:

Project Planning Template

Description of what you hope to do: ______



Stage Completed / Materials Needed / Partner? / Peer? / Outcomes Addressed / Date Completed
Rough Design
Peer review
Final Product