Dr Irena Ateljevic


Publications – Books

Ateljevic, I. Pritchard, A. and Morgan, N. (2007) (Eds) The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Innovative Research Methodologies. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.

Pritchard, A. Morgan, N. Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. (2007) Tourism and Gender:

Essays on embodiment, sensuality and experience. London: CAB International.

Hannam, K., and Ateljevic, I. (2008) Backpacker Tourism: Concepts and Profiles. Clevedon: Channel View Publications.

Publications – editing special journal issues

Ateljevic, I. Hollinshead, K. And Ali, N. (2008) special issue of Tourism Geographies: Tourism as a worldmaking phenomenon (in press)

Pritchard, A., Morgan, Ateljevic. I and Harris, C. (2005) special issue of Tourist Studies journal: Embodiment, Gender, Sexuality 5(3), pp. 203-303.

Ateljevic, I. and Pritchard, A. (2006) special issue of Tourism journal: Tourism, Gender and Sexuality 54(1), 1-92.

2003 / Ateljevic, I., Harris, C. Wilson, E. and Collins, F. Getting ‘Entangled’: Reflexivity and the ‘Critical Turn’ in Tourism Studies. Tourism Recreation Research: Theme – Tourism and Research, Vol 30 (2), 9-21.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Dialectics of Authentification: Performing ‘Exotic Otherness’ in a Backpacker Enclave of Dali, China, Tourism and Cultural Change, Vol 3(1), 1-27.
Milne, S. and Ateljevic, I. Tourism, economic development and the global-local nexus: Theory embracing complexity. 2001 journal article in Tourism Geographies, selected to be republished in Routledge collection of seminal works for the last 30 years: Tourism: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences (edited by Williams, S.). London: Routledge.
Ateljevic, I. Reinventing Rotorua: From a ‘Thermal Wonderland’ to a Place ‘Full of Surprises’. Tourism: Special issue: Reinventing Tourism Destination 50(4): 383-394.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Culture, economy and tourism commodities: Social relations of production and consumption Tourist Studies 3(2), 55-76.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Unpacking the local: A cultural analysis of tourism entrepreneurship in Murter, Croatia, Tourism Geographies Vol 5(2), 123-150.
Doorne, S. Ateljevic, I. and Bai, Z. Representing identities through tourism: Encounters of ethnic minorities in Dali, Yunnan Province, International Journal of Tourism Research 5(1), 1-11.
Harris, C. and Ateljevic, I. Perpetuating the Male Gaze as the Norm: Challenges for ‘Her’ Participation in Business Travel. Tourism Recreation Research, special issue "Gender and Tourism: 10 years on", Vol 28(2), 21-30.
2002 / Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Representing New Zealand: Tourism imagery and ideology. Annals of Tourism Research 29(3),648-667.
2001 / Ateljevic, I. Searching for nature and imagining New Zealand, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol 10 (1), 115-122.
Milne, S. and Ateljevic, I. Tourism, economic development and the global-local nexus: theory embracing complexity. Tourism Geographies Vol 3(4), pp.367-388.
2000 / Ateljevic, I Circuits of Tourism: Stepping beyond a production-consumption dichotomy, Tourism Geographies Vol 2(4), 369-388.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Local Government and Tourism Development: Issues and Constraints of Public Sector Entreprenurship. New Zealand Geographer 56 (2), 21-27.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. 'Staying within the fence’ Lifestyle Entrepreneurship. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 8 (5), 378-392.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Tourism as an escape: Long-term travellers in New Zealand. Tourism Analysis, Vol (5), No 2-4, 131-136.
2005 / Ateljevic, I. (2008) Transmodernity – remaking our (tourism) world? (Forthcoming chapter) in Tribe, J. (ed) (2008) Philosophical Issues of Tourism. Elsevier Social Science Series.
Wilson, E. and Ateljevic, I. (2008) Challenging the ‘tourist-other’ dualism: gender, backpackers and the embodiment of tourism research.pp. 95-110. In Hannam, K. and Ateljevic, I. (eds) Backpacker Tourism: Concepts and Profiles. Clevedon: Channel View Publications
Corak, S. And Ateljevic, I. Colonisation and ‘taking the waters’ in the 19th century: The patronage of royalty in health resorts of Opatija, Hasburg Empire and Rotorua, New Zealand, In Long, P and Palmer, N. (eds) Royal Tourism. (ed) Clevedon: Channel View Publications.
Ateljevic, I. and Hall, D. Tourism Embodiment of the Macho Gaze in the South-Eastern Europe: Performing masculinity and femininity in Albania and Croatia, pp.138-157. In. Pritchard, A. Morgan, N. Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. (eds) (2007) Tourism and Gender: Essays on embodiment, sensuality and experience. London: CAB International.
Harris, C. Wilson, E and Ateljevic, I. (2006) Structural entanglements and the Strategy of udiencing as a reflexive Technique. In Ateljevic, I. Pritchard, A. and Morgan, N. (eds) The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Exploring Innovative Methodologies. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd., pp. 42-56.
.Ateljevic, I and Corak, S. “New Croatia in the new Europe: Culture versus Conformity”. In Hall, D. Marciszewska, B. and Smith, M. (eds) Tourism in the New Europe: The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement, chapter 22. Wellingford: CAB International.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Tourism as a Performance: Enacting Backpacker Tourism in Fiji, chapter in the book edited by Jaworski, A. and Pritchard, A. .Tourism, Discourse and Communication, Clevedon: Channel View Publications, pp.173-198.
2004 / Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Theoretical Encounters: A Review of Backpacker Literature. In, Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (eds) The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice, chapter 4. Clevedon: Channel View Publications, pp. 50-76.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Cultural Circuits of Tourism: Commodities, Place and Re-Consumption. In Lew, A.A., Hall. C.M, and Williams, A.W., eds. A Companion to Tourism, pp 291-302. Oxford: Blackwell. (Blackwell Companions to Geography).
2001 / Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. 'Nowhere left to run': A study of value boundaries and segmentation within the Backpacker Market of New Zealand. In Mazanec, J.A. Crouch, G.I. Brent Ritchie, J. R. and Woodside, A.G. “Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure”, volume II, pp. 169-187. CAB International, London.
2000 / Ateljevic, I. Tourist motivations, values and perceptions, In Woodside et. al. “Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure”, chapter 11, pp. 193-211. CAB International, London.
2000 / Ateljevic, I. Research Findings of Visitors’ Focus Groups: Golden Bay Research Project. The New Zealand Tourism Research Institute, AUT, Auckland.
1999 / Ateljevic, I, Doorne, Ateljevic, J. and McCready. Visitors to Nelson, Victoria University Tourism Research Group, Centre Stage Report No 9. School of Business and Public Management, Victoria University, Wellington.
Ateljevic, J. Milne, S., Doorne, S. and Ateljevic, I. Tourism Micro-Firms in Rural New Zealand: Key issues for the Coming Millenium. Victoria University Tourism Research Group, Centre Stage Report No.7. School of Business and Public Management, Victoria University, Wellington.
Doorne, S. Ateljevic, I, McCready, Z. and Harris, J. Marlborough Events, Victoria University Tourism Research Group, Centre Stage Report No 6. School of Business and Public Management, Victoria University, Wellington.
Doorne, S. Ateljevic, I, and McCready, Z Harris, J. Marlborough Visitor Characteristics, Victoria University Tourism Research Group, Centre Stage Report No.8. School of Business and Public Management, Victoria University, Wellington.
Milne, S., Harris, J., Ateljevic, I. Riley, S. and Coburn, J. 1999. Karori Wildlife Sanctuary: Market Development Project. New Zealand Tourism Research Institute, Wellington, New Zealand.
2006 / Ateljevic, I. and Swain, M. (2006) Embodying Tourism Research: Gender performance among Sani and Bai Women in Yunnan’s Ethnic Tourism CAUTHE International Tourism Conference: “To the city and beyond….”, Victoria university, Melbourne, Australia, February 6-9.
2006 / Ateljevic, I. and Hall, D. (2006) The embodiment of the macho gaze in the South-Eastern Europe: Performing femininity and masculinity in Croatia and Albania. Leisure Studies Association Conference 2006:
Making Space: Leisure, Tourism and Renewal, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
2006 / Peter, K. Melnitskaya, Y. and Ateljevic, I. Leisure identities of Russian immigrants in the USA: Examining intersection of ethnicity and class. . Leisure Studies Association Conference 2006:
Making Space: Leisure, Tourism and Renewal, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
2006 / Ateljevic, I. (2006) The process of (un)learning and becoming: Being a student and teacher of what? ATHE Annual Conference 2006: Knowledge, communication, networking: Locating tourism knowledge, 6th 8th December 2006, Cambridge University, the UK.
2005 / Ateljevic, I. (2005) ‘The art of loving and the dehumanization of the world: The concept of embodiment in tourism studies education and research’ ATHE Annual Conference 2005: The Future of Tourism in Higher Education, Liverpool, December.
2005 / Wilson, E. and Ateljevic, I. (2005) ‘Home and away’? Female backpackers and the embodiment of tourism research. ATLAS SIG Meeting, Backpacker Research Group: The global nomad – an expert meeting on backpacker tourism 2: Advancing research agendas in backpacker travel, Kasetstart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-3 September 2005.
2005 / Harris, C. Wilson, E. and Ateljevic, I. (2005) The critical turn in tourism studies and the search for reflexivity. Conference proceedings, Embodying Tourism Research: Advancing Critical Approaches (30 June – 3 July 2005), Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2005 / Ateljevic, I. (2005) ‘The Critical Turn in Tourism studies: Reflexive tourism knowledge and the strategy of audiencing’ Extra-in-between-seminar RC50 (International Tourism), Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 9-10 June, 2005.
2005 / Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. 2005 Tourism Researcher: From ‘Otherness Machine’ to Reflective Bricoleur. International Tourism Conference, CAUTHE 2005: Sharing Tourism Knowledge. Conference Proceedings, Darwin University, Alice Springs.
2004 / Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. 2005 Issue of Reflexivity in Qualitative Tourism research: You have to be ‘objective’ and ‘practical’! Qualitative Research in Business Symposium Conference Proceedings, Massey University, New Zealand.
2004 / Abramovici, M. and Ateljevic, I. The Gendered Consumer and Identity: Exploring Tourism Consumption of Italian Woman, paper accepted for the International Scientific Conference, Tourism: State of the Art II, the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 27-30.
2004 / Harris, C. and Ateljevic, I. The work/leisure dichotomy? Business Travellers Blurring the Boundaries, paper accepted for the International Scientific Conference, Tourism: State of the Art II, the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 27-30.
2004 / Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. ‘Being Cool’: Generation Y and Tourism, International Tourism Conference, CAUTHE 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge, Brisbane, February 10-13, 2004.
2003 / Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Culture, economy and tourism commodities: Social relations of production and consumption, Quality of Life: Competing Value Perspectives in Leisure and Tourism Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, June 19-21.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Entrepreneurship and the search for the ‘Exotic Other’: The Role of Culture and Ethnicity in the Development of a Backpacker Enclave, Dali Prefecture, P. R. China. Second conference “Entrepreneurship in Tourism and the Contexts of Experience Economy Conference” (ETCEE II), organized by the Small Tourism Enterprise Research Network (STERN), 2–6 April in Lapland, Finland.
2002 / Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. Taking ‘Coolness’ to the Limits: New Zealand Teenage Girls, Identity and Travel, “Taking Tourism to the Limits”, International Tourism Conference 8th-11th of December, the University of Waikato, Hamilton.
Harris, C. and Ateljevic, I. ‘Briefcases and Businessman’: Representations in Business Travel Advertising, Riding the Wave of Tourism and Hospitality Research, CAUTHE conference, Coffs Harbour, 5-8 February.
2002 / Ateljevic, I From a Thermal Wonderland to a Place Full of Surprises: A Case Study of Rotorua, New Zealand, Reinventing Tourism Destination, International Tourism Research Conference, Dubrovnik, October, 18-21.
Ateljevic, I. and Abramovici, M. What lies behind the romance of the grape? A case study of Wairarapa, New Zealand, Social Science in the 21st Century: Challenges to Theory-Policy-Practice. Sociological Association of Aotearoa, SAANZ 2002 Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 5-7 December.
Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. Review of the backpacker research, ATLAS Backpacker Research Group, The Global Nomad – an Expert Meeting on Backpacker Tourism, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-12.
2001 / Ateljevic, I. Cultural context of tourism entrepreneurship: Case study of Murter, Croatia. Entrepreneurship in Tourism and the Contexts of Experience Economy Conference (ETCEE), The University of Lapland, April 4-7, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Ateljevic, and Milne, S. Tourism, economic development and the global-local nexus, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, Feb 27-March 3.
2000 / Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S. 'Nowhere left to run': A study of value boundaries and segmentation within the Backpacker Market of New Zealand. The second symposium on the Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure (CPTHL), Vienna, July 6-9.
Doorne, S. Ateljevic, I. And Zhihong, B. ‘Breaking new frontiers’: A case study of core and peripheral tourism development in Dali, Yunnan Province, P.R. China. The Second Bi-annual ATLAS Asia conference "Marketing Identities: Asian tourism in the 21st century", October 23-26, Hainan,China.
1999 / Ateljevic, I. ‘Continuity and Change in Tourism Marketing of New Zealand, 1900-1990s'’, 9th World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Malta, 23-26 June.
1998 / “The Meaning of Nature: The Tourist Gaze and Imagination of New Zealand”The international symposium on the Consumer Psychology of Travel, Hospitality and Leisure Research, University of Hawai’i at Hilo, August.
“From Travel Gateway to Tourist Destination: A Terminal Decision?” (Ateljevic, I. and Doorne, S).The New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Tourism Downunder, Akaraoa, December.
1997 / “Evolving Tourism Identity: Rotorua (New Zealand), Place “Full of Surprises”. Tourism, Leisure and Community Development: ATLAS Conference, Viena do Castelo, Portugal.
1996 / “Getting Away From It All’: Survey of International Visitors to Rotorua”. International Conference: Pacific Rim Tourism, Rotorua, New Zealand.
1995 / “Production-Mediation-Consumption: Tourism in Rotorua, New Zealand”.Annual Conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers, Newcastle, Australia.
“International Tourism: The Commodification of Rotorua” New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2006 / Transmodernity changing our (tourism and hospitality) world? CHME conference, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, 14-16, May, 2008.
Transmodernity remaking our tourism world. A keynote at the ESRC Seminar Series: Tourism, Inequality and Social Justice. Seminar Two: Tourism and Social Exclusion, April 5-7th.
In search for universal humanity. Tourism connecting the world? International conference: “Tourism and Politics”, Institute for Political Studies, Jerusalem, May8-10.
Promoting an Academy of hope in Tourism Studies: A Way of Knowing and a Way of Being Keynote Presentation for the 15th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Savonlinna, October 19-22, 2006.
2006 / Tourism and issues of gender and ethnicity in Croatia: An auto ethnographic approach. Invited presentation for Geography Department seminar series, University of Brighton, UK.