Department _____Nursing______Date _____August 18, 2004

__N 311______Clinical Decisions: Adult Health_I__ 2

Course No. Course Name Credits

This proposal is for a(n)_____X_ Undergraduate Course ______Graduate Course

Applies to: ___X___ Major ______Minor ______University Studies*

__X___ Required _____ Required

_____ Elective _____ Elective

Prerequisites____N320, N330, N345, 360, 366______

Grading method _____X_ Grade only ______P/NC only ______Grade and P/NC Option

Frequency of offering ______Every semester______

Provide the following information (attach materials to this proposal):

A. Course Description

1. Catalog description.

2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics (minimum of two-level outline).

3. Basic instructional plan and methods.

4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

5. Course materials (textbook(s), articles, etc.).

6. List of references.

B. Rationale

1. Statement of the major focus and objectives of the course.

2. Specify how this new course contributes to the departmental curriculum.

3. Indicate any course(s) which may be dropped if this course is approved.

C. Impact of this Course on other Departments, Programs, Majors, or Minors

1. Does this course increase or decrease the total credits required by a major or minor of any other department? If so, which department(s)?

2. List the departments, if any, which have been consulted about this proposal.

D. University Studies Course Proposals

The form Proposal for University Studies Course must also be completed and submitted according to the instructions on that form.

Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet.

Attach an Approval Form.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal:


Name (please print) Phone e-mail address

N 311 Clinical Decisions: Adult Health I 2 semester credits

A. Course description

1. Catalog description: This course will introduce students to beginning clinical-decision making and the application of therapeutic nursing interventions for adult clients and their families. Students will be expected to apply theory and scientific principles, as well as begin analyzing client responses to nursing and medical interventions.

Curriculum Concepts, Roles, Sub-concepts, Roles and/or Theories: This course is the first of 2 Clinical decision making courses. Theoretical, scientific, developmental, and nursing theories will be applied to the care of individual adults/older adults. Students will plan therapeutic nursing interventions for selected health conditions and select basic needs.

Major concepts:

1.  Nursing process in selected health conditions (Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Cancer management, specifically lung cancer, and complications (nutrition, fatigue, palliative care, and chronic pain).

2.  Fluid/electrolytes, acid-base, Pain, Wound Care, Oxygenation.

3.  Therapeutic Nursing interventions.

Course Outcomes:

1.  Apply/synthesize scientific principles and nursing theory in the clinical decision-making process.

2.  Incorporate clinical decision-making skills in the planning of care for selected health problems and for basic health needs.

3.  Explore the application of evidence-based practice in developing the plan of care for selected health problems.

4.  Utilize models of care used in the providing nursing care (standards of care, protocols, critical pathways, case management).

5.  Incorporate the professional roles of teacher, researcher, scholar, advocate and provider in the care of adults with acute and chronic health conditions.

2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics

Content Outline

I.  Framework for Adult Health Nursing practice

Collaboration with multidisciplinary team

Managed care

Clinical pathways

Prioritizing care / interventions

Risk management

Discharge Planning

II.  Cardiovascular Disease: Hypertension(HTN), Congestive Heart Failure

A. Risk Factor Appraisal / Precipitating Factors

Diagnostic and lab tests: ECG, ECHO, CXR, BUN/Cr, Electrolytes, Lipid profile,

(HTN-search for target-organ damage)

B. Common therapeutic modalities

Medical Management

Pharmacologic therapy

Nutrition therapy

Complimentary & Alternative Therapies

C. Nursing management

Decreased Cardiac Output

Fluid Volume Excess

Managing Therapeutic Regimen (HTN: risk factor modification,

therapeutic interventions)

Knowledge deficit: Patient & family education

Ineffective therapeutic regiment management.

D. Potential complications

Pulmonary edema

Pleural effusion


Dysrhythmia: Atrial Fibrillation

Fluid/Electrolyte Imbalances r/t diuretic therapy

Renal Insufficiency

Hypertensive crisis (HTN)

E. Continued care and Rehabilitation

Risk factor modification, pharmacologic compliance, Follow-up care, cardiac rehabilitation, teaching S/S of potential complications

III.  COPD (chronic bronchitis, emphysema)

A. Risk factor appraisal

Diagnostic & lab tests: ABGs, CXR, PFTs, Sputum specimen

Procedures: bronchoscopy (related Nursing care)

B. Common therapeutic modalities

Pharmacologic therapy

Nutritional/Hydration therapy

Oxygen therapy / Oxygenation

C. Nursing Management

Ineffective airway clearance


Activity Intolerance

Knowledge deficit: patient family teaching: meds: use of DPI

D. Potential complications


Cor pulmonale, dysrhythmia

Acute exacerbations


E. Continued care and rehabilitation

Smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation

IV.  Diabetes

A. Risk factor appraisal

Diagnostic & lab tests: GTT, FBS, glucose monitoring (RMG, HbA1c), lipids, triglycerides




B. Common therapeutic modalities

Pharmacology (Insulin, Oral agents)



Home monitoring

C. Nursing Management

Management of Therapeutic regimen: Patient & family teaching

Risk for infection

Ineffective therapeutic regimen

D. Potential complications

Acute: Hypo-/Hyperglycemia

Chronic: Micro-Macro complications

CVD, retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy

Diabetic Ketoacidosis/Hyperosmotic Hyperglycenic Nonketonic Syndrome

E. Continued care and rehabilitation

Follow-up monitoring and screening for early detection of potential

complications: Fundoscopic exam, Neurological exam lower


Secondary preventative measures: foot care, …

Sick Day Rules

V.  Cancer (Colon)

A. Risk Factor Appraisal

Diagnostic and Lab Tests: Related to specific cancer

-CT, MRI, and/or PET scan, CEA, CBC, LFTs, Guiac,

-procedures: endoscopies (colonoscopy, proctoscopy – related nursing


Staging and Grading: Tumor Node Metatasis classification

B. Common Therapeutic Modalities



Chemotherapy --- current protocols


Complimentary & Alternative Therapies

C. Nursing Management

Acute/Chronic Pain

Imbalanced Nutrition


Anticipatory Grieving

Altered body image: ostomy

Impaired Skin Integrity: Complex wound care

D. Potential Complications

Metastatic disease

Therapy related: problems r/t chemo, radiation

Surgical wound infection

E. Continued care and Rehabilitation

Palliative care

Follow-up care

VI.  Osteoarthritis / DJD

A. Risk factor Appraisal

Diagnostic & lab tests: X-ray, arthroscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,


Common Therapeutic Modalities

Medical management

Pharmacology (NSAIDs, non-opiod analygesics)

Physical therapy, assistive devices

Surgical Management – Total Knee Arthroplasty, Total Hip Arthroplasty, transfusion therapy

Nursing Management

Impaired Physical Mobility

Altered elimination

Acute/Chronic pain

Potential Complications

Deep Vein Thrombosis /Pulmonary Embolism


Neurovascular integrity

Continued care and Rehabilitation

Physical therapy, rehabilitation

VII.  Plan interventions for selected nursing diagnoses (should be different from the Nursing Diagnosis covered in Semester I)

Decreased Cardiac Output

Fluid Volume Excess

Knowledge Deficit: Patient & Family education re: therapeutic management for HTN, CHF (lifestyle, nutrition, meds, etc.)

Ineffective Airway Clearance


Activity Intolerance

Knowledge Deficit: Patient & Family education re: therapeutic management of COPD (meds: DPI, hydration, breathing tech, nutrition, etc.)

Management of therapeutic regimen: Diabetes

Risk for Infection

Acute/Chronic Pain

Imbalanced Nutrition


Anticipatory Grieving

Altered Elimination: Bowel

Altered body image: Ostomy

Impaired Physical Ability

Altered elimination: bladder & bowel

Acute/Chronic pain

VIII.  Learning Activities: Case Studies, Clinical pathways, Patient/Family teaching plans, Lectures, Discussion.

IX.  Course Requirements/Evaluation: Attendance, student participation and 5 exams including NCLEX-type questions (20% each).

X.  Resources.



Lewis/Heitkemper/Dirksen (2004) Medical-Surgical Nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems (6th edition). Mosby, Inc.

Fischbach, F. (2004). A manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests (7th ed). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Potter & Perry (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing (6th Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

Winningham & Preusser (2001). Critical thinking in medical-surgical settings: A case study approach (2nd ed). Mosby.

Gutierrez, K. & Queener, S. F. (2003). Pharmacology for nursing practice. Mosby, Inc.

Raingruber & Happer (2001). Using your head to land on your feet: A beginning nurse’s guide to critical thinking. F.A. Davis.

Benner, Tanner, & Chesla (1996). Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgement, & ethics. Springer.

Wilson, Shannon, Stang (2005). Nurses’s drug guide 2005. Prentice Hall


Health Related Search Engines

* CliniWeb

* Medscape

* OncoLink

* Health A to Z

Other Sites for Health Care Professionals

Diseases and Specialties

* National Council of State hhtp://

Boards of Nursing

* Digital


* Drug Formulary

* Nutrition

* Center for Disease

Control and Prevention

Nursing Sites

* Nursing Index

Patient Education Sites

* CancerNet

Mayo Clinic’s Web Site

* Mayo Clinic

Job Search Sites

* Mayo Clinic Career Site

* MN Dept of Ecnomic Security

* City of Rochester

B.  Rationale

1. Major focus of this class is to improve student experience and performance in beginning nursing clinical decision-making earlier in the program. See course outcomes above. The major emphasis in this course is the selection of, and rationale for, therapeutic interventions in the care of adult clients. Based on selected health problems, students will be expected to apply theoretical and scientific principles. Providing opportunities for beginning clinical-decision making is foundational for students as they progress to N411 Adult Health Nursing (II) in which higher levels of clinical-decision making skills are required.

Several factors led to this decision.

·  Undergraduate nursing program evaluation data demonstrated a weakness in student performance in the area of clinical decision-making. Our Benchmark NCLEX performance dropped 2 years ago and the nursing curriculum committee has proposed creating this course to improve student performance as part of a long range plan.

·  Students who were applying for nursing internships between the junior and senior year lacked sufficient background in nursing care and expressed their desire to have a course of this kind as a junior.

·  Higher patient acuity in the practice arena led to leveling of clinical decision making skills essential to student development.

2. This change is a reorganization of the nursing curriculum that involves shifting material into different courses and in this case, creating a new course to address weaknesses in the nursing program. The department had added some of this material to the current 321 and 346 courses as a short term fix. This proposal is part of a long-term plan to reorganize the semester 2 courses for congruence and coherence for students.

3. The current nursing curriculum was implemented in AY97 and was initially taught in quarters for one year before the semester conversion. Since that time evaluation data have assisted in assessing effectiveness and organization of curriculum delivery to meet benchmarks. Based on that data, 311 has been developed. One course, NURS 346 Health assessment II will be dropped after the program revision and after this new course is approved. The content of N346 will be subsumed into 321 and 331.

C.  Impact of this course on other departments: None. No departments notified



Course or Program______N 311 Clinical Decisions: Adult Health I______

Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.

Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.

1.  Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale.

This change will increase efficiency of curriculum delivery. Nursing expects and has been promised additional faculty (probationary) to be hired for the overall plan to admit students to the major twice a year.

2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.

This course is consistent with program evaluation. Although it will result in one additional credit in the major, the content is essential. One course section will be offered each semester. Additionally, the entire curriculum every semester, and have the biggest effect on course offerings. This nursing department initiative has received funding. This course will eliminate N346, the content of 346 will be added elsewhere. See program revision.

3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.

No extra supplies, equipment or resources other than the faculty will be needed because this is a theory course.


. Course or Program: NURS 311 Clinical Decisions: Adult Health I

Department Recommendation
Department Chair Date e-mail address
Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Dean of College Date
A2C2 Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
For: _____ Major _____ Minor
Chair of A2C2 Date
Graduate Council Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
(if applicable)
Chair of Graduate Council Date
Director of Graduate Studies Date
Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President of Faculty Senate Date
Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Academic Vice President Date
Decision of President _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President Date
Please forward to Registrar.
Registrar ______Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.
Date entered