The Pronoun Song

Pronouns take the place of nouns

She replaces Mrs. Brown

His, her, they, them, we, she, or it

Careful of the antecedent

Personal pronouns refer to a noun

I, me, you, he, it, they, them

Possessive pronouns show who owns

My, mine yours hers its and ours.

Demonstratives say which ones:

This that these those hot cross buns

Interrogatives help ask what or who

Which CD belongs to whom?

Relative pronouns introduce a clause

The man who is dressed like Santa Claus

Indefinite pronouns, there are many

No one, something, anybody.

Reflexive pronouns talk about me

I can do it myself, you see

Intensive pronouns make it strong…

I, myself, can sing this song.

Conjunction & Interjection Song

Conjunctions are words that join

Don’t forget the old FANBOYS

Join words and phrases and clauses together

Conjunctions are our friends forever

Say ‘em loud: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so!

Conjunctions are words that we all know!

Interjections spice it up

Ouch! Wow! Yikes! No! Gee!

That’s tough!

With a comma or an exclamation mark

Interjections add some spark.