Registration Form

„Project Ironwood – Battle of Suentana 798“

- 2017 -

Basic Information:

When: 20. – 21.5.2017

Where: Erlebniswald Trappenkamp, Tannenhof 1, 24635 Daldorf /Germany



For registration by mail:

Danny Zarling

Wulmenau 6

23847 Westerau


For registration by e-mail:

For registration by fax: 040-652 62 20

Deadline: 01.3.2017

(Later registrations can only be regarded exceptionally!)


We invite you to this event called „project ironwood-battle of Suentana” on behalf of the organizer “Erlebniswald Trappenkamp”. Due to the aimed at authenticity of the event and the involved re-enactors the before mentioned organizer “Erlebniswald Trappenkamp” made us responsible for checking the incoming registration forms. After we have accepted your registration you will receive a written confirmation and further information.

Even if your clothes and equipment don’t meet with the kit guide’s requirements we would like to have a couple of pictures of your group, the re-enactors and the camp in advance. The address of a homepage which shows you and your camp would be fine, as well.

We specifically stress that the official organizer of the event “project ironwood-battle of Suentana 798” is the Erlebniswald Trappenkamp. The planning team works on a voluntary basis and simply has an advising function.


The following group/person is

Name of the group/reenactor:

Contact person for queries

Last Name:

First Name:

Street / No:

Postal Code / City:



We/I need space for the following number of

tents: weather protection: stalls:

Kind of tents and buildings
(For example Viking tent, Saxon tent, round tent and so on; no modern tents!)

We/I need an area (including all ropes and weather protection) of:

width: depth:

Description of the group/reenactor
(is needed to have an image of you in advance)
(possibly existing pictures can be send digitally to our e-mail)

Date of arrival: Date of departure:

☐ I/we assure that I/we will follow the kit guide of “project ironwood” during the battle and that I/we will do my/our best to apply it to my/our camp.

I/We have read the rules of conduct, the conditions for traders, the “No-Go List” and the rules of the „Erlebniswald Trappenkamp“ for participants. I agree to them and will respect them. I am aware that this is no fantasy event.

☐ In case of a cancellation or the inability to take part we will inform the organizer by e-mail or mail in time (that means two days in advance of the event at the latest).

Place/Date/Name of contact person



Each participant must be named in the list above!

We/I will take part in the event as the following:

Nr. / Name / E-Mail / Saxon or Slav / Craftsman? (what?) / Trader? / Archer,Compares,Infantry?

Before you register please check if the conditions you find in „conditions for traders“ can be fulfilled!

Fill in only if you come as a trader.

Which trade is presented:

Discription of the goods:

Further important informations:

Code of conduct

All stall owners and persons who build up their camps are liable for all damage they cause and must therefore have an according liability insurance.

All stall owners and persons camping are liable for all damage and all accidents that occur in connection with their stall or camp.

The organizer therefore is not liable for any damage or any mess that is caused by others.

Each stall or camp must have sufficient security equipment (fire extinguisher, fire blanket).

Only fire in digged out holes or special pans for fire is allowed.

All persons build up their camp at their own risk.

Hobby craftsmen without a trade license, who do not make any profit from selling their goods, need a private liability insurance that covers their hobby.

Additionally all fighters need to sign the consent form of attachment 3 when they register. Only persons who have signed this consent form are allowed to take part in the battle and only they can claim the compensation for fighters.

Smoking is allowed only outside the camp or outside the view of any visitors!

The organizer has the right to ban any participant from the event who violates the rules or attracts attention in any other negative way.

In any case of an act of nature beyond control (storm, natural catastrophe) the organizer has the right to cancel the event.

The organizer can not be held responsible for any damages, costs or lost profits that occur in such a case.

The organizer can not be forced legally to pay any compensation either. Also the compensation for fighters will not be paid.

Conditions for traders:

1. Basic rules

The craftsmen and traders should represent a person from northern Europe who can be dated from 700 to 1100 A.D. When applying please describe the trade and the goods precisely. It is necessary that traders have registered their trade and that they have a personal liability insurance for their trade also. Please add some pictures of your stall and your goods to your application. Send them by e-mail to

2. Choice of goods

-  Goods which can be dated 700 to 1100 A.D. are allowed

-  Books in small quantities can be offered (only historical topics, please)

-  Alcohol in glass bottles, also in small quantities, can be offered

-  Pottery that fits into the represented period

-  The goods should have some resemblance to historical examples

3. Show production

No show production involving modern tools or other modern means during the event!

-  Exceptions are made for modern tools that have to be used for security reasons as part of entertainment for kids. Please contact the planning team.

-  Try to do without visible screws, bolts or other fastening devices or cover them well.

-  Everyone who offers food for sale has to follow the regulations concerning food and hygiene. All staff members need a health certificate.

-  It is forbidden to sell drinks in glass bottles without having contacted the planning team or organizer and without having discussed this with them.

No-Go List

„Project Ironwood – Battle of Suentana 798“

These things are forbidden:


- Boots like Rus/Sutton-Hoe/Hedeby Typ 8

- Rus/Birka hats/caps

- Frisian caps

- Hoods with tails

- Vest

- Pants and tunics of leather

- Rus/Baggy Pants

- Torques

- Capes of fur

- Viking jewelry (oval brooches, fibels)

- Wooden shoes (Clogs)


- Visible collar protection like „Gambesons“ with straps

- Ocular helmets like “Gjermundbu”

- Vendel helmets

- Norman helmets with raised avantail

- Norman helmets like St. Wenzel

- Modern „Faceguards“ with leather, chains and so on

- Separately chains on armor and clothing

- Chainmail without arms like vests

- Modern Gambesons with straps on the frontside, if you need modern Gambesons or modern protection, you must wear it under the clothing

- Lammelar/Scale Armor

- Leather Armor

- Kiteshields


- Weapons without sheats (swords, seaxes, knifes)

- Modern lettering or conspicuous colors on protection gear (gloves and so on)

Non-approved goods or camping stuff

- Plastic is an absolute taboo

- CDs

- Goods that are forbidden by law or that show forbidden symbols

- Preserved food in glass containers (jam e.g.)

- Goods related to the fantasy genre

- Cotton

- Goods that do not fit the event’s topic (Romans, knights, etc.)

- Goods wrapped in plastic foil

- All sorts of goods forbidden by German law

- Imported and mass-produced goods should be limited to a minimum quantity

- Modern camping stuff for cooking

- African plugchairs

Non-approved decoration

- Fur and products of animals that did not live in early medieval northern and middle Europe (modern cows, animals from different continents, Longhorn skulls, etc.)

- Modern cuddly toys, modern dolls (teddy bears in chain mail, etc.)

- Flyers/ It will be possible to display them at the entrance. (Please inform the planning team what kind of flyers you want to display.)

- Coloured flags (showing Viking and Celtic patterns and pictures)

The Erlebniswald’s rules for participants:

01. Driving a car on the premises is forbidden within the two hours before the event and during it.

02. Only a visible identification allows you to drive your car on the premises.

03. Parking is only allowed in the arranged areas and with a visible parking permission.

04. Dogs are allowed if leashed. Dog droppings have to be removed in plastic bags.

05. The premises are locked at 10 pm and opened at 7 am. Only authorized persons can enter at night.

06. Open fire is only allowed after discussing it with the organizer. Barbecues are allowed in especially arranged places and in pans for fire.

07. There are waste containers at the maintenance and storage facilities. All rubbish has to be sorted and accordingly wasted.

08. All participants of the event get an authorization to enter the premises. So the names of all participants have to be registered at least three weeks in advance of the event.

09. Discounted tickets are available for the organizer’s relatives (max.3 per person). They have to be registered in advance.

10. Toilets are available at the “Waldhaus”