N*WISH CoC minutes fromJanuary 3, 2017

Northern Advantage Job Center

51-A N. Brown Street

Rhinelander, WI

Attendees:Lori Hallas, Michelle Arrowood, Jean McNaughton, Tammy Modic

Ginger Chrobak,Teleka Dewing, Debbie Bushman, Sarah Thorsbergand Beth DeNell

Loribegan the meeting with the PIT results forDecember. There was a change to the November PIT count that was addressed. Didn’t affect the report emailed to NEWCAP, that is when the error was discovered.

Talked about the upcoming January Point in Time Count and the street count. Confirmed who will be covering each area of the four counties of N*WISH. More information will be provided to volunteers as it is made available to the PIT Lead, Lori Hallas.

Sunshinefor Humanity facility is open to take in people who are homeless. Two people Greta & Sarah are managing it in Debbie Johnson’s absence.

We talked about motel vouchers that are possibly available in the N*WISH CoC. Sarah Thorsberg has Salvation Army Vouchers if a person is a Veteran for motel stays. Just need to refer them to her. She is available only during business hours. NEWCAP can do 7 days of emergency shelter through ETH funding. Need to meeting ETH eligibility. There is $5,000.00 available in the nine counties they provide service in. Available during business hours. ACES currently doing motel vouchers in the Rhinelander area, has Salvation Army funding. Turn around tine to call someone back is 48 hours so people may have to wait to get emergency shelter. Jackie Schmieder is a Salvation Army voucher writer for Minocqua which is also Oneida County. Kathy Holtorp is the Salvation Army voucher writer for Vilas County. Michelle Arrowood has Salvation Army for motel vouchers in Langlade County.

Lunch & Learn Updates

Tammy will be finalizing the brochure to be included with the invitation that will be sent to Forest County landlords. Debbie will send landlord names and addresses to Lori so mailing can go out on January 9th. It was suggested that anyone who wants to carpool to the Lunch & Learn meeting to meet at the Northern Advantage Job Center. The Lunch & Learn meeting is taking place at the New Hope Shelter in Crandon from 11:30 to 1:00. Press releases will go to Pioneer News and WRLO radio station. We plan to order pizza from LaFetta’s Pizza (Dave owner) and also provide water for lunch.

We also set up future dates for lunch in learn in other counties too. Oneida County will be on May 3rd at the Rhinelander Area Chamber of Commerce. Langlade County date is September 6th and Michelle will check on a location for that one.


Debbie informed us that NEWCAP has no more TBRA funding until October 2017. She had said that ETH Rapid Re-housing would be pulling from the priority list in the next couple of weeks. Section 8 program – no update, still not pulling from the waiting list.

Tammy said NATH’s 6th Anniversary Annual Benefit will be February 7th starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Quality Inn in Rhinelander.

Ginger shared information about a fundraiser at CT Deli on Friday, January 20th from 5-8:00 p.m. that will benefit the Rhinelander Food Pantry. 50% of the bar proceeds along with the tips that are received by “Celebrity Bartenders”will be donated to the food pantry. There will be a 50/50 raffle & music. People are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation.

Our next N*WISH meeting will be Wednesday,February 1, 2017

The next Balance of State Meeting will be February 9-10, 2017 at the Jefferson Inn in Wausau.