Project 7.5 Engineering Documentation ALTERNATE


In order to design an improvement, enhancement, or accessory for a product you must have detailed information about the product itself. Reverse engineering a product should provide all the information you need; however, it is necessary to carefully document that information so that everyone involved in the project can have accurate information. In this project you and your team will document the product that you reverse engineered in preparation for designing an improvement or enhancement to the product.


·  Engineering notebook

·  Pencil

·  Product Disassembly Chart

·  CAD files for Automoblox vehicle or other reverse engineered product.


1.  Create a set of working drawings to document the parts and assembly of your reverse engineered product. The drawing set should include the following.

  1. A fully dimensioned part drawing for each part of the product. Each part drawing should include general notes and general tolerances. Divide the work evenly among your team members such that each team member produces at least two part drawings.
  2. An assembly drawing. Remember that you have created subassemblies and a complete assembly of the Automoblox vehicle in Activity 7.4 Assembly Models. Each team member must individually produce their own assembly drawing that includes:
  3. A ballooned isometric view of each subassembly and other orthographic and/or section view(s) of each subassembly, as needed, to fully describe the sub-assemblies.
  4. A ballooned isometric view of the complete assembly (with all parts assembled together) and orthographic view(s) of the assembly as needed to fully describe the assembly.
  5. A ballooned section view of the full assembly.
  6. A parts list giving part names, material, density, volume, surface area, and mass.


1.  Why is detailed documentation important in the design of a product?

2. What is the purpose of engineering documentation in reverse engineering?

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Introduction to Engineering Design Project 7.5 Engineering Documentation ALTERNATE – Page 1