A voluntary intervention to prevent offending and anti-social behaviour

Screening Tool

Not to be used as a questionnaire

If you are concerned a child is in danger or there are Child Protection issues, refer to your Child Protection Policy.

Although many young people may exhibit anti-social/offending behaviours/attitudes at some point, most do not progress to the Criminal Justice System (CJS). This screening tool is designed to help if you have concerns about a young person regarding their behaviour. The main purpose is to identify appropriate interventions and indicate when the young person is likely to enter the CJS and requires more robust intervention. If a referral has been identified from the screening tool,please complete a Wear Kids referral form. Please be aware Wear Kids is a voluntary intervention and both the young person and parent/carer must give consent.

Completed forms should be forwardedto:

When completing the form you should tick the most appropriate boxes, if in doubt do NOT tick. Once you have finished, write the total score in the final box and refer to the table at the back of the screening tool booklet.

A score of 24, or under should not automatically require a referral. Support and advice can be given by the person completing the Screening Tool, however further advice can be sought from Wear Kids regarding alternative intervention tools.

If you require any assistance regarding Wear Kids please call 0191 5614000 to be put through to someone who can help you or contact

Julie Simpson, Senior Practitioner on 0191 5614048


Please note: - if a young person is previously or currently known to YOS they are not eligible for Wear Kids Intervention.

If not previously or currently known please complete the screening tool which should be completed when

  • The young person is displaying behaviour that could potentially constitute and offence
  • There has been an instance of Anti-Social behaviour that has been dealt with as part of a formal process.

Risk Factors to consider

  • Homeless
  • Looked after Children
  • Exclusion or frequent absences from school
  • Neglect within the family
  • A risk of CSE
  • Parent/Siblings are offenders
  • Friendship with negative peer

Looked After Child / 3
Subject to Child Protection Plan / 3
Under 13 years / 3
13 – 15 years / 2
15 + years / 1
Poor/ inconsistent parenting
Several referrals to Social Care / 3
Lack of parental involvement in child’s education etc. / 2
Some parental involvement but inconsistent / 1
Living in deprived neighbourhood
Yes / 2
No / 0
Education/Employment/ Training
NEET / 3
EHCP / 3
School exclusions / 3
School attendance
Less than 50% / 3
50%- 90% / 2
90% and above ( inc authorised absence) / 0
In the Community / 3
Disruptive in school / 1
Disruptive in the home / 1
Child Exploitation ( see notes)
More than 2 indicators / 3
One indicator / 2
Alcohol/Substance Misuse
Impacting on daily routine / 3
Regular use i.e. more than 3 times per week / 2
Experimental / 1
Associates with known offenders/older peers / 3
Friends with young people with some problematic behaviour inc poor school attendance / 2
Some pro social friends /mixed friendship group / 1

Notes: There are several risk indicators that maysuggest a child/young person is at risk of exploitation. This can take the form of sexual or criminal exploitation. Some of these indicators are :-

  • Older boy/girlfriend- not age appropriate
  • Excluded from school or not in mainstream education
  • Repeat missing from home or care episodes
  • Staying out overnight with no explanation
  • Unaccounted monies or goods i.e. mobiles, drugs, alcohol, clothing
  • Multiple sexually transmitted infections
  • Self- harming requiring medical assistance
  • Increased / repeat offending.
  • Traveling outside of usual neighbourhood/city
  • Child under 13 engaging in sexual activity or Child under 16 meeting different adults for sex
  • Disclosure of sexual assault and then withdrawal of disclosure/statement
Total Score

What to do next

Score / Action
1 - 23 / Provide universal support e.g. information and advice including brief interventions.
Consider referral to Early Help
If you do not think this score reflects the true situation, you can contact Wear Kids for further advice and guidance.
24+ / Facilitate a referral to Wear Kids

Things to consider:

  • Wear Kids is a voluntary intervention
  • The young person and parent/carer should be made aware of any referral, and should be fully involved, with their written consent given.

A copy of the completed screening tool should be sent with any referral