Page Planner

Program Help / Instructions

Updated 01/2012

Steps in 360 (every issue):

Refer to 360 Deadline Checklist for detailed information on what steps need to take place each issue. The below information is a summary of the key points.

1. Add & delete advertisers per contract paperwork

2. Update the file names / versions.

a. Don’t enter any page numbers in 360!

b. Utilize placement codes as needed, however, it is recommended to keep these to a minimum so your book will paginate in the most efficient manner. Each office should review their business rules and determine which ones are actual requirement vs which ones are just preferential (or is it just because they have always been that way?).In addition to the Bleed codes, the following placement codes will pass over to Page Planner program:

L - Left side R - Right side
F - Front of section E - End of section

P – Premium position (will be placed in the front of the book, right after the inside front cover). Use this code for ads that need to go in the front of the book, but also need to maintain their geographical header.

C – Cover Community. Will print with the color of the geographic section assigned, but the banner will actually read COVER COMMUNITY.

*Note: placement codes of U (Up), D (down), I (inside) and O (outside) will not pass over to Page Planner. Any ads that still require a specific U, D, I or O placement will need to be manually moved in Page Planner.

c. For Carrollton Design books, use the Spyder tracking system to assist with this. The Page Planner system will not allow you to submit your pagination if there are file name discrepancies between your IDR & Spyder.

3. Assign the Banner Names to the Cover Wrap Pages.

4. Generate the IDR

5. If you are running a double wrap (or 3rd wrap for qtrly books), follow the 360 instructions for creating a 2nd wrap file and click on the “Produce Second Wrap File” button in 360.

Page Planner

Final Pagination (.ppc file) must be submitted date / time listed on the Production schedule.

Log onto Page Planner

· The program can be accessed via Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox. Because IE8 is standard for your other programs, it’s fine to continue using that. Firefox is faster with the page moves though ~ so if you are experiencing slowness problems, you can try the Firefox route. This is a user preference, so choose which works best for you.

· Your username & password are the same as the Spyder system. If you are not a Carrollton Design book and need your login information, send an email to .

In the Home Page screen, click Planner.

Select your book name & issue date. Click on “Get IDR Files from CRM site”, then click Paginate.

Review and resolve Pagination Errors. For filename & bleed code errors generated from Spyder tracking system, these must match exactly before you can proceed. (Correct filenames in 360, re-export idr and repeat steps).

Ø Note: Beginning March 1st, 2011 if there is an ad with missing information, the filename is Spyder will have an extra character (i.e.. Park Place 866.555.1212 – will be entered in Spyder as park1212x.a11). The extra character cannot be entered into 360, therefore is a red flag that the ad is not ready for pagination. If you see this on an ad that is approved, please contact your Designer, a Design Supervisor or Rashad Hatch.

Look at the cover wrap pages. Unless you are running a fill or the Index on these pages, the files should all have a placement code of “B” (full bleed). If the ad is processed with a “no code | X”, then the page WILL run with a header of “Inside Front Cover”, “Inside Back Cover”, etc…

1. If the ad is not a B in 360, correct in 360.

2. If the ad is correct in 360, but not correct in Spyder: Contact Rashad Hatch, one of the design supervisors, Amanda Rivers-Myers or Sara Dunn and ask that the Spyder coding be changed for the ad to a “B”

The Page Planner program will import the data from your IDR file and lay out your book as follows:

· The book will automatically lay out in geographical section order based on how the sections are listed in the production database. If any entire sections are in the wrong place / order, for your 1st Page Planner issue, contact Jessica Steffen (); cc to Margie Allmon (). For subsequent issues, contact Andrea Edwards (); cc to Sara Dunn ().

· Ads will be placed in size order within each geographical section: Double Trucks will be first, followed by Full page ads, then half page ads. If you have assigned placement codes of F or E, then the placement codes will be honored first if possible.

· If the ad is paginated to run with a header, the header name & section color is displayed. This allows you to easily see the flow of your book and identify potential problems. (Note the Index header will show as Blue, but will print with the default gray in the final book)

· The red X boxes are blank pages that can be used to select generic fills. You can also use these blank spots to move existing ads to a different spot in the book.

· The left panel will show general information about your book:

o Top Section:

§ Total Pages

§ How many pages are still needed to generate a book with correct page counts / sig breaks.

§ Fill Pages breakdown (Required vs non-required)

§ Total Index Pages. This should match your previous issue. If it does not, please contact Jessica Steffen or Margie Allmon for assistance. Index Pages will be included in the Required fill (“C” fills) page count.

§ Ad breakdown by size

§ **Anything that needs to be resolved will be highlighted in yellow. Most of this will be resolved during the pagination process by adding fill pages.

o Middle Section – Action Icons

§ Overview (Blue circle); Will list publication overview information (i.e.. inserts, page numbers with Red X’s). If you click on anything in the overview section, Page Planner will jump to that page.

§ Undo (Blue arrow); Will undo the last action. This function will work from the history report and with each click will continue undoing until there are no more entries in history. Once you click the save button, this clears the “Undo” list, so you cannot undo after you save.

§ Show History (Grey Notebook); shows the history of every move you have made with this page planner file.

§ Remove Blank Pages (Red X); This goes through the whole book and removes all the double-truck blank pages. The single page blank pages will remain because deleting these will compromise the flow of double truck pages in the book

§ Unfloat ads (white overlapping pages); if you drag an ad to a blank spot, it should “snap” into place. You can tell if the move was successful by looking at the banner. If the banner moves with the ad, it snapped correctly. If the banner does not move, it’s called a “floating” ad. If you have several floating ad and want to automatically return them to their original spot, click on Unfloat, then try again to move the ad. Note, this is different than Undo. Once an ad snaps correctly into place, the unfloat ads function does not apply.

§ Save (Green disk); Will allow you to save your work and resume the Page Planner process at a later time. This is handy if you need to stop working on Page Planner to do another task, or if you run into problems you can save your file, then contact Production and we can open your file and review. Click the button to Save your Work, then click logout and close your browser. The next time you log in you will see a file named with your issue date .wrk. Select this file to resume paginating your book.

· Note! When working in page planner, you are actually working on your local computer, not on a server ~ so if you forget to save your work or your computer shuts down unexpectedly, your work will be lost. It is recommended that you save often to avoid lost data (every 15 minutes or so)

§ Submit (Green Arrow); This is the button you will use to submit your file to production.

o Bottom Section

§ If you have inserts running in your book, they will be listed in this area along with their assigned placement (page number).

§ When you click on an individual ad in Page Planner, this section will display the ad name, Section & Property Name for the selected ad. If you select a Management ad, all of the properties (as listed in 360) will show up in the Property Name section.

Move Pages & fill in Blank Spots:

· Make any necessary ad page moves.

o If you click once on an ad box, the lower portion of the left panel will display the Property Name. This information can be used for reference when confirming ad placement if needed.

o There are 3 primary ways to move an ad:

§ Click & hold, then Drag & Drop an ad to any Red “X” box. The ad should “snap” into place.

§ If you have 2 ads (same size) that you would like to swap places, do this by Cntrl + clicking on the 1st ad, then Cntrl + Click on the 2nd ad, then right click. A pop up will appear. Click on Swap pages and the ads will switch places. Note, you can only swap ads with like sizes (i.e.. Full Page with Full Page, Double truck with Double truck, etc…)

§ Double-click on the ad and a pop-up window will appear. Type in the desired page #. This will move the entire content of the page (both ads if there are 2 half pg ads) to the new page.

· When moving pages or deleting blank pagess, occasionally the script running in the background will hang up (usually happens if you are trying to do a lots of moves at once). If you get the below error, be sure to click “NO”, otherwise the script will stop running, the program will freeze and your work will be lost.

· If you need to create a blank spot in order to move ads around or add pages to complete the correct page count, click on the green + icon underneath the desired page.

o Page additions are done in 2-page increments. This allows for the double truck pages to flow properly.

o If you only needed 1 page to be added, move a single page ad ~ or 2 ½ page ads to one of the pages, then click the red X to remove the extra box

· To select fill pages (Red X pages), click on the box. A list of generic fills available for your specific book type will appear. Select the desired filename from the list and it will be placed in your pagination book. All fill pages are imported as yellow boxes. This is to highlight the fill in your book so it is easily located.

· As fills are selected, the filename is removed from the list so any given fill can only be paginated one time. Feel free to move these to a logical place in your book.

· If you change your mind on fill selection, you can click on the red x in the lower right corner of the box to delete that fill and make another selection.

· As you are adding fill & moving pages, keep an eye on the panel on the left side of the window. This panel will display the total book page count & fill page count. The system will indicate if you need to add extra pages to create a proper book size.

· Continue through the end of the book, adding pages as needed to achieve a correct signature size (watch left panel).

If you are doing a double (or 3rd) wrap, repeat the Page Planner Process for each issue.

· Click on Planner

· Choose the date for the 2nd Wrap

· Click on Get IDR file

· Select the Second Wrap text file (named: SW_{mediacode}mmddyyyy.txt)

· Click paginate

o Review that the pages are in the correct order. For multiple wraps, do not move pages around – these should automatically place correctly provided the right banner names have been assigned (Front Cover, Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover & Back Cover).


Inserts will automatically be placed in the book at a regular signature break, starting with the 1st sig break (34), then every 32 pages from there forward. If you need to move an insert, double click on the Insert Name. A list of valid page numbers will pop up. Enter a valid insert placement page and click OK. The program will only allow you to move the insert to another valid signature break.

If you have an advertiser who needs to run next to an insert, move the insert first, then use the swap ad function or create blank spots and move the ad to fall next to the insert.


If you locate an ad that needs to be deleted or determine you are missing an ad completely, you cannot “add” or “delete” an ad record within the Page Planner System. In order to make this correction you will need to return to the 360 database, make the necessary corrections, and re-export your idr.

When you return to page planner, first click on “Get Files from CRM” and select the idr. Page Planner will ask if you would like to use your .wrk file as reference.

· Click Yes to utilize your previous file in conjunction with your new idr. This will insert or delete the new ad record, but maintain the previous page moves if feasible.

· Click No to completely start from the beginning.

· If you do not select your new idr file first, the book will automatically paginate with your working file and you will not see your updates from the newest idr.

Submit to Production

Once your book is the correct signature size, ad moves are complete & fill has been selected for all blank pages, you are ready to do a final review of the Pagination. This can be done on-screen or through Reports (see Reports section for more detailed information).

When you are sure everything is final you are ready to submit to Production. This is done by clicking on the green “submit to production” icon. Note ** once you click submit, the pagination is considered completely approved and no further modifications can be made. Production will automatically pick up the final pagination file (now has a .ppc extension) and begin our production processing. Please be absolutely sure your pagination is complete & final prior to clicking the submit button.