CSC 360.001


FALL, 2016

PROFESSOR: David L. Cozart

OFFICE: 201-E Computer Science Building

PHONE: 301-4087 (Office)

719-1195 (Cell)


OFFICE HOURS: M-F: 2:00 – 3:00 PM

and by appointment


TEXT: West, Dean & Andrews, Network+ Guide to Networks, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2016. ISBN 978-1-305-09094-1


Students upon completion of this course will be able to do the following:

1. Explain the functions and applications of various network devices.

2. Understand various cable types and connectors.

3. Describe common network topologies

4. Explain the basic of routing.

5. Given a set of requirements, implement a basic network.

6. Be able to use different network monitoring tools.

7. Be able to configure a switch.

8. Understand network vulnerabilities and threats.

9. Implement network hardening techniques.

10. Install and configure a basic firewall.

11. Troubleshoot and resolve various cable issues.

12. Understand the OSI model.


Four tests at 10% each ------40%

Laboratory Projects ------15%

Homework Problems ------15%

Report on an ethical/social issue in data commun - 5%

Final Exam ------25%

Grading Scale

Average / Grade
= 90% / A
= 87% / B+
= 80% / B
= 77% / C+
= 70% / C
= 60% / D
< 60% / F

Tentative Class Schedule

The class meets each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 AM to 9:50 AM.

Wednesday, August 24 / First class day for IST 221
Friday, August 26 / Last day for late registration
Monday, September 5 / Labor Day holiday
Monday, September 19 / Test 1 Chapters 1-3
Thursday & Friday, October 6-7 / Fall break
Friday, October 14 / Test 2 Chapters 4-6
Friday, October 14 / Mid term
Friday, October 28 / Last day for course withdrawal
Friday, November 4 / Test 3 Chapters 7-9
Wednesday-Friday, November 23-25 / Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 2 / Test 4 Chapters 1—12, Ethics Module
Mon, Wed & Fri December 5, 7, and 9 / Student presentations
Friday, December 9 / Last class day
Saturday, December 17 / Final Exam, 9:00 AM - noon

General Information

Students are expected to attend each class meeting as all new material builds upon previous classes. Students must be present for each scheduled test and exam. Students not present during these times without making prior arrangements will receive a zero for that work.

The Computer Science Department sponsors a Friday colloquium series. The event is usually held in Room 100 of the Computer Science Building, but that location is subject to change. During the semester you are encouraged to attend these talks. You may obtain extra credit for the course by attending up to three of these presentations. Record your summary of each talk on the appropriate form and submit to Blackhawk.

Lab assignments and homework will be collected on a regular basis. These assignments will be accepted one class period late, but there will be a late penalty. After that point no credit is awarded, so KEEP UP with all assignments.

Anyone missing a test must notify me before the test and provide a valid reason for missing the test. A make-up test will be given prior to the next class meeting. Students not present for a test that have not made prior arrangements will be given a zero.

Supplementary information for this course is available on the Computer Science courses file server at Click on the <David Cozart> directory and then your class directory (CSC 360). The file server contains class notes, PowerPoint slides, class announcements, the course syllabus, test dates, and other information for the course. Lab assignments may be uploaded to this file server. You will be given instructions on how to upload and download from this site.


Students with a documented disability should inform the instructor at the close of the first class meeting. The instructor will refer you to the Office of Student Support Services (SSS) for consultation regarding evaluation, documentation of your disability, and recommendations for accommodations, if needed. Students will receive from SSS the Faculty Accommodation form. On this form SSS will identify reasonable accommodations for this class. The form must be given to the course instructor for signature and then returned to SSS. To take full advantage of disability services, it is recommended that students immediately contact the Office of Student Support Services. The office is located on the third floor of the Connell student Center.

Honor Code

Students are expected to follow the College of Liberal Arts Honor code.

·  You may ask for help on assignments from other students, as long as the purpose is to help you understand, not for the helper to do your work for you.

·  You may not use copies of material created by other students, or obtained from other sources such as the Internet, even if you plan to modify the material.

·  You should not give copies of your material to other students in any form.

·  Do not copy or use material from other sources unless explicitely directed by the instructor.

End-of-Semester Evaluation
In an ongoing effort to improve the quality of instruction, you are asked to complete a web-based course and instructor evaluation, to be completed at the end of the semester during the final exam.