Scene 1
Sylvia doing her exercises in the palace garden
SylviaHead and shoulders
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Eyes and mouth and
Ears and nose. (Repeat)
Head and shoulders
Knees and toes!...
(b)Bob and Muzzy in the palace garden
MuzzyWhere are we?
BobWe're in the garden.
MuzzyWhat? Your garden?
BobNo, stupid! The palace garden.
Look! There's Sylvia!
MuzzyWhat's she doing?
BobShe's doing her exercises.
SylviaHead and shoulders,
Knees and toes...
(Sylvia sees them.)
SylviaSsh! Quick! Behind this thing!
BobWhat thing?
SylviaThe statue.
Are you all right?
BobNo, we aren't. We're hungry.
Can we have some food, please?
MuzzyCan I have a clock, please?
SylviaA clock?
Muzzy(Belches) 'Scuse me.
BobYes. A clock. He likes clocks.
SylviaSsh! Somebody's coming.
MuzzyWho is it?
BobI don't know. I can't see.
Ssh! OK! Oh, no! It's raining.
SylviaLook, wait over there.
SylviaSee you this evening.
SylviaSeven o'clock. See you at seven this evening.
BobSeven o'clock. Right!
MuzzyWhat's the time now?
Scene 2
(Clock strikes)
VoiceIt's eight o'clock.
PhoneRing, ring...
Norman Hello?
Norman No, I'm busy. I'm having breakfast.
(Clock strikes)
VoiceIt's one o'clock.
PhoneRing, ring...
Norman Hello?
Norman No, I'm busy. I'm having lunch.
(Clock strikes)
VoiceIt's seven o'clock.
PhoneRing, ring...
Norman Hello? Norman No, I'm busy. I'm having dinner.
(Clock strikes)
VoiceIt's nine o'clock.
PhoneRing, ring...
Norman Hello? Norman No, I'm busy. I'm having a bath.
(Clock strikes)
VoiceIt's ten o'clock.
PhoneRing, ring...
Norman Hello?
Norman Busy? No. I'm going to bed. Good night!
Scene 3
(a)Back in the palace
QueenOne o'clock. It's lunch-time.
(To King)
It's lunch-time, dear.
KingI'm coming.
QueenIt's lunch-time, Sylvia.
SylviaI'm not very well. Can I have lunch in my room?
QueenWhat's the matter?
SylviaI've got a terrible headache.
(b)Norman as a doctor sees some patients.
VoiceA headache.
NormanCome in. What's the matter?
1st PatientI've got a headache, Doctor.'
NormanA headache? Take this.
1st PatientThank you, Doctor.
What's the matter?
PatientI've got stomach-ache, Doctor.
NormanStomach-ache? Take this.
PatientThank you, Doctor.
What's the matter? 3rd
PatientI've got toothache, Doctor.
NormanToothache? Take this.
PatientThank you, Doctor.
NormanNext! What's the matter?
PatientI've got backache, Doctor.
NormanBackache? Take this.
PatientThank you, Doctor.
Scene 4
(a)In Sylvia's room in the palace
QueenA headache? Tut! Tut! Stay in your room, dear, and have
a rest.
(To attendant) Lunch for the Princess in her room!
She joins the King.
QueenSylvia isn't very well. She's got a headache.
she's got - she has got - she's got
I've got -1 have got - I've got
he's got-he has got - he's got
she's got - she has got - she's got
King and Queen eating lunch
QueenShe's got a headache. She's having lunch in her room.
Scene 5
VoiceHis - her
Her knife - his knife
His fork - her fork
Her glass - his glass
His plate - her plate
Her bowl - his bowl
His crown - her crown
Scene 6
(a) Sylvia in her bedroom
SylviaA headache! Whoo!
Move to outside palace - Queen meets Sylvia replica.
QueenHello, Sylvia. How are you now?
SRI(To herself) How am I?
(To Queen) I'm fine, thank you.
QueenWhere are you going?
SRII'm going to the swimming pool. See you!
QueenHave a nice swim, dear.
(b)King meets another Sylvia replica.
KingHello, Sylvia. How are you now? Feeling better?
SR2(To herself) Feeling better?
(To King) I'm fine.
KingGood, good, good. Where are you going?
SR2I'm going to the tennis court. See you!
KingHave a nice game, dear.
King(To Queen)
Sylvia's feeling better now. She's playing tennis.
QueenPlaying tennis? No, she isn't. She's having a swim.
(d) A third Sylvia replica passes on horseback.
SR3Hello, Mummy!
Hello, Daddy!