Dorm Bible Study

1. What is a priority?______________________________________________________

Can you see ways that a set of personal priorities could determine your use of time?



2. What does God’s Word say is the reason we need to organize “our” time?

I Cor. 6:19-20_________________________________________________________


3. Looking at Luke 9:57-62, what would you say were the predetermined priorities of

these three men?_______________________________________________________

4. According to Matt. 6:33 and Luke 12:31, what should our priorities center around?


5. Where can we find a daily guide or “instruction in righteousness” for a correct way to

schedule our time? II Timothy 3:16-17_____________________________________

6. If you are not getting everything accomplished that you intend in a day, what conclusions can you draw about your use of time from II Cor. 9:7-8? _____________


Time is a God given “wealth”.

7. According to Luke 16:10, can you afford to be “dishonest” with any of God’s precious moments?_____________________________________________________

What is a practical way to the most out of little moments of time, for example, between classes, waiting in lines, etc.? Joshua 1:8-9, Psalm 119:97-99



8. What do the following verses indicate are the things for which we are responsible

with our time?

Eph. 5:15-17 __________________________________________________________

Psalm 19:14___________________________________________________________

II Cor.10:4____________________________________________________________

Psalm 141:3-4_________________________________________________________

James 1:22____________________________________________________________

9. After considering your personal priorities (what they are and/or what they should be),

think of practical ways you can build the things God values into your life. Study

these verses and note in each case what seems of importance to God.

Luke 10:38-42_________________________________________________________

I Tim. 5:8 ____________________________________________________________

Col. 1:28-29 __________________________________________________________

Col. 3:23 _____________________________________________________________

I Cor. 10:31___________________________________________________________