Student Enrollment
Re-Enrollment Form

Print neatly. All fields must be completed. Include payment with enrollment.

Today’s Date / Date Classes Begin / Grade in which student is enrolling
Student’s Full Legal Name – Last, First, Middle / Student’s Nickname, if applicable
Student’s Physical Address (no PO Boxes) / Student’s Mailing Address, if different
Student’s Date of Birth / Place of Birth: City, State, Country / Student’s Sex / Student’s Race*
Student’s Home Telephone Number / Parent’s Email Address
Mother’s Legal Name – Last, First, Middle / Father’s Legal Name – Last, First, Middle
Mother’s Address, if different from student / Father’s Address, if different from student
Mother’s Daytime Telephone Number / Father’s Daytime Telephone Number
Church Name, if applicable / Church Address, if applicable
Name of Last School Attended, if applicable / Address of Last School Attended, if applicable
Last Grade Completed at Above School / Date of Attendance at Above School
Circle Desired Reporting Option:
ANNUAL BI-ANNUAL (twice a year) / Circle Desired Payment Option – Payment due at time of registration and should be included unless paid via Paypal.
High School Students Only:
Student’s Social Security Number / Parent’s Driver’s License Number – if paying by check

*Crossroads Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race. By signing this parents have read and agree to CCS Policy/Parent Responsibility Agreement.

Parent’s Signature Print Name Date

CCS Policy/Parent Responsibility Agreement

We hereby certify that the information provided on all documents submitted to Crossroads Christian School is true and correct. We understand that Crossroads Christian School is a Christian organization, as put forth in its doctrinal statement. Both parents are in agreement to home-school our child(ren). We understand and agree to the following:

Crossroads Christian School, its directors or members, shall NOT be responsible for the education of our child(ren); rather, we are responsible for our child(ren)’s education. As parents of the child(ren), it is our responsibility to choose and obtain the necessary curriculum, and all costs are our responsibility. Crossroads Christian School does NOT provide any curriculum or include curriculum expenses in their services.

Crossroads Christian School does not require standardized testing; however, they reserve the right to require testing from individuals if the situation warrants it. If testing is requested, we, as the parents, will complete the request within the specified time frame and in the fashion stated.

We release and hold harmless Crossroads Christian School from any and all claims for loss, damage, and/or injury of any nature or property resulting from Crossroads Christian School program or activities.

We understand that if we are homeschooling outside the state of Florida that we may be required to fulfill our state’s homeschool laws and obligations. It is our responsibility to become aware of these obligations and fulfill them as necessary. We release and hold harmless Crossroads Christian School from any and all responsibility in this matter.

Payment is required at the time of registration unless otherwise noted by CCS. All fees are non-refundable.

We understand that every educational institution has the right to refuse any other educational institution’s records and transcripts. While this is unlikely, the possibility does exist. No educational institution, whether public or private, accredited or not, can in good faith guarantee that their records will be accepted in all instances. We release and hold harmless Crossroads Christian School from any and all responsibility in this matter.

Florida students only: We understand that immunization records (or waivers) shall be made up-to-date and be on file with Crossroads Christian School in order to continue the enrollment.

If reporting bi-annually, we agree to submit a semester report after the completion of ninety (90) days of school. We understand that we have six (6) calendar months in which to complete the ninety school days. A second and final report is required after the completion of an additional ninety (90) days of school. The total number of school days completed will be one hundred eighty (180) days within a twelve-month period. If reporting annually, we agree to submit an annual report after the completion of one hundred eighty (180) days of school, which must be done within a twelve month period.

We agree to submit each semester for semester reporting or annually for annual reporting: updated curriculum list as needed, attendance and grades using Crossroads Christian School’s Reporting Form, lesson plans and/or journals, samples of the student’s work, awards, and recognition of achievements. If we submit yearly standardized test results, we are not required to submit lesson plans and/or journals. Failure to submit standardized test results will require the submission of lesson plans and/or journals reflecting the entire year.

We agree to provide adult supervision (18 years or older) for students up to and including the age of sixteen (16) during the school day. We agree to teach the required one hundred eighty (180) days of school per year. We understand that we have twelve months from the time of enrollment (or start of classes) in which to complete the 180 days.

We agree to teach the minimum subject areas of Bible, English, Mathematics, History, and Science either separately or in a unit study program, unless otherwise agreed upon by Crossroads Christian School.

We understand that application for enrollment in Crossroads Christian School is open to all home-school households where at least one parent/guardian is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Crossroads Christian School does not discriminate or exclude families from enrollment based on race. Since Crossroads Christian School is religious in nature, they reserve the right to make distinctions in areas of religious beliefs and affiliations.

We understand that when compliance with Crossroads Christian School requirements would result in hardship, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school in writing. Notification should be made before a violation occurs in order to seek a resolution or grant an extension. When a violation occurs, a letter will be sent to advise of the violation and to seek resolution. If a family does not respond within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of the letter, the family shall be assumed to be negligent and will be notified that their child(ren) is/are removed from enrollment and all files will be closed. If the family fails to meet an obligation by a specific set time, they will be found negligent. These actions cancel the family’s rights and privileges in Crossroads Christian School. All existing records shall remain on file until a transfer is requested and obligations are met. No further records will be accepted until the procedures from enrollment reinstatement are completed. Incomplete reporting/records and unpaid financial obligations will require student records to be held. At that time only immunization and health records as well as birth certificates will be transferred.

Negligence of these responsibilities may result in suspension or expulsion from Crossroads Christian School without refund. Reinstatement is dependent upon recommitment to Crossroads Christian School’s policies, favorable decision of the Board of Directors, and repayment of all fees.

Copyright © 1997-2012 Crossroads Christian Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved