held on the 7th February,1966, in the Methodist Church, Otley, commencing at 7-30 p.m.

The Rev.S.Leon Cook (in the Chair), the Reverend Father Backhouse the Reverend N.Forster, Messrs T.Procter and G.Grain (Parish Church), Mr.D.B.Good and Miss Wallace (Methodist Church), Messrs Teasdale and Greeley and Mrs Swales (Roman Catholic Church) and Mr.R Wigglesworth (Congregational church) Mrs Vance, Secretary and Mr.C’.Moxon, Treasurer.


Apologies were received from Canon Clayton, Mr.J.Jenkins and Mr.J.Bartie.

The Rev.S.Leon Cook opened the Meeting with a prayer for Christian Unity, and then welcomed all those present to the Meeting, expressing the hope that the decisions reached and the plans made would have far-reaching effects upon the work and witness of our respective Churches.


The Secretary then read the Minutes of the First Meeting of the Council of Churches. Mr.Teasdale proposed that these Minutes be accepted and this proposal was seconded and approved unanimously. Thanks were accorded to Mrs Vance for the fullness and clarity of the Minutes.


Mr.Teasdale that a letter should be written to the Speakers at the Service on the l8th January, thanking them for their contribution to its success. This was seconded by Mr.Good and approved.

A general discussion then took place concerning the Joint Service and all agreed that the advance publicity had without doubt influenced the size of the congregation. There had been a wonderful atmosphere right from the start and it was felt that the hearty singing of the hymns, the prayers, the beautiful readings of the chosen -Scripture Lessons, and the message put forward by each Speaker, had contributed to make this indeed a memorable occasion.

Mr.Good proposed that a letter be sent to the Salvation Army, inviting them to attend future Meetings. This was seconded and approved and the Secretary was instructed to write to this effect as soon as possible


Mr.Moxon reported that the offertory taken at the Joint Service amounted to £29.13.6d, and accounts for expenses incurred amounted to £11. 8. 3d, but that he had not yet received an account from Miss Jungeman for the posters and window bills. Mr. Moxon proposed that Barclays Sank Limited,Otley, be appointed the Bank of the Council, and this was seconded and approved. IT WAS THEREFORE RESOLVED

That Barclays Bank Limited be appointed the Bankers of the Otley

council of Christian Churches, that the said Bank be and they are

hereby authorised -

(1)To honour and comply with all cheques drafts bills promissory notes acceptances negotiable instruments and orders expressed to be drawn accented made or given on behalf of the said Otley Council of Christian Churches at any time or times.

(2)To honour and comply with all instructions to deliver and dispose of any securities or documents or property held by the Bank on behalf of the said Otley Council of Christian Churches.

Provided any such cheques drafts bills promissory notes acceptances negotiable instruments, instruments orders and instructions are signed by the persons holding the undermentioned offices for the time being:-

Cyril Moxon, Treasurer.

Gladys Mary Vance, Secretary.

(3) To treat all cheques drafts bills promissory notes acceptances negotiable instruments and orders as being endorsed on behalf of the said Otley council of Christian Churches Provided such endorsements purport to be signed by either the Treasurer or the Secretary.


The Rev.N.Forster asked if it were possible to arrange a Joint Service in Holy Week, and Mr.Teasdale said he thought it was very necessary to publicize Holy Week in order to inspire and encourage interest in the minds of non-Church attenders. The publicity angle was then widely discussed- advertisements - house-to-house distribution of descriptive handbills- larger bills for display in shop windows and in the windows of private houses, Church notice-boards,etc., and posters - and out of this was evolved a plan. This was proposed by Mr.Teasdale who said that the most significant thing would be to do something together in the open-air, and one possibility was that for Palm Sunday afternoon the various Church members would meet at their own place of worship at a given time and then proceed to a central point and there, altogether, join in a short service and listen to the reading of the Palm Sunday Passion - with several people taking part in the reading. This proposal was thoroughly discussed and approved AND IT WAS FURTHER DECIDED that the beginning of Holy Week be observed by an Open-Air Service on the afternoon of Palm Sunday and that a further Open Air Service be held on the afternoon of Easter Sunday, to mark the end of Holy Week, the form of the Services to be agreed upon by the Clergy.

The Rev.N.Forster proposed that the Secretary write to the Otley U.D.C. for permission to use the Market Place on the two days between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. and also to make enquiries regarding the use of the Council's dais and amplifying apparatus. Seconded and approved.

Mr.Good proposed that a Sub-Committee be set up, consisting of one delegate from each Church, to deal with the publicity and other external arrangements for the Open-Air Services, the actual form of Service to be left to the Clergy. Seconded and approved.

The following gentlemen were appointed to the Sub-committee:-

Mr .Good.

Mr .Teasdale.



Mr.Good proposed that the Rev.S.Leon Cook be appointed Chairman for the period of one year. Seconded and approved. Mr.Cook consented to act in this capacity.

The Rev.a .Forster proposed that the First Annual Meeting of the Council be held in the last Quarter of the year, seconded and approved.


The Rev.Father Backhouse, on behalf of his Church, offered to have leaflets printed, showing the Cross and a Christian message on one side and announcements of all the Services in the Town on the reverse side, and also to arrange for the distribution of these leaflets through the letter boxes of the town. He would first submit these leaflets to the other Clergy for their approval. This offer was warmly accepted and offers of help in the distribution of these leaflets were ^promised.

Mr.Good offered to make a large wooden Cross based on the measurements of the original Cross of Calvary, for use at these Services and further offered to see to its erection in the Market Place and later removal.

This offer was also warmly accepted, Father Backhouse and Mr.Good being thanked for their generosity.

IT WAS RESOLVEDthat no collection be taken at either of the two Services.

THE DATE of the next Meeting to be Monday the 9th May, 1966, commencing at 7-45 p.m., in the Methodist Church premises, by kind permission of Mr.Forster.

There being no other business and the time being 9-30 p.m., the Rev.S.Leon Cook closed the Meeting with the Benediction. 9th May,1966.