Feedback Sheet

Presenter: [Name]

1.  NAME (optional):
2.  LENGTH OF COURSE (Too long, too short, about right for subjects covered)
3.  CONTENT (level of detail too great or not enough, pitched at too high a level ? Would you have preferred more coverage of certain topics and less on others (give examples) would like other topics covered in future courses)
4.  QUALITY OF COURSE HANDOUT MATERIAL (was it useful, what material was of no or little interest, what material could have been usefully added?)
5.  USEFULNESS OF OTHER MATERIALS USED IN COURSE (were such materials useful for you in following and understanding course content? What would you suggest be omitted or included in future courses?)
6.  PRESENTATION STYLE: (How did you find the coursed presentation format? Would you have preferred more interaction, discussion of topics, a more two way conversation or just lectures?
7.  PREREADING (do you think that enrolees would have been better off with some pre reading before the course or was it easy enough to follow with such knowledge?
8.  OVERALL RATING (1 (poor) -10 (very good))
9.  ADDTIONAL COMMENTS ON COURSE (any summary additional comments on the overall course or suggestions you would like to make to help improve future iterations of it?)
10.  RECOMMENDATION (Would you recommend this course to others?)