Evaluator's Name


School Name Phone


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1. How did you use the material? (choose all that apply)

ٱ School-wide exhibit ٱ Classroom exhibit ٱ “Hands-on” classroom discussion

ٱ Supplement to curriculum ٱ Other

2. How would you describe the audiences/viewers? (choose all that apply)

ٱ Pre-school students ٱ Grade school- Grade ______ٱ High school- Grade ______

ٱ College students ٱ Seniors ٱ Mixed groups ٱ Special interest

ٱ Other

2a. How many people viewed/used the footlocker? ______

3. Which of the footlocker materials were most engaging?

ٱ Artifacts ٱ Documents ٱ Photographs ٱ Lesson ٱ Video

ٱ Audio Cassette ٱ Books ٱ Slides ٱ Other

4. Which of the user guide materials were most useful?

ٱ Narratives ٱ Lessons ٱ Resource Materials ٱ Biographies/Vocabulary

ٱ Other

5. How many class periods did you devote to using the footlocker?

ٱ 1-3 ٱ 4-6 ٱ More than 6 ٱ Other

6. What activities or materials would you like to see added to this footlocker?

7. Would you request this footlocker again? If not, why?

8. What subject areas do you think should be addressed in future footlockers?

9. What were the least useful aspects of the footlocker/user guide?

10. Other comments.