Agreement between the Central Carolina Chapter, American Orff-Schulwerk Association and

Name of Clinician


Home Phone: Work Phone:


Date(s) of Workshop:

Time: . Location:

Honorarium: Estimated number of participants:

Session subject/title:

Our chapter is pleased to request your services as a presenter for the above stated workshop, with the following conditions:

1. Travel expenses will be reimbursed at the lowest available fare: Chapter will make arrangements.

A Saturday night stay may be/is required because of the cost savings. The Presenter will assume the cost of the additional airfare if other arrangements desired.

2. Housing will be arranged by the chapter: TBA

3. The chapter will provide the following meals:

4. All notes intended for workshop distribution must be received in camera ready condition two weeks prior to the workshop date. The presenter will assume all printing costs if this deadline is not met.

5. It is the presenter’s responsibility to obtain copyright permission and pay necessary expenses for the use of any copyrighted materials.

6. If this workshop is canceled by either party for reasons beyond their control, all efforts will be made by both parties to reschedule the workshop at a mutually agreeable date.

Program Chairperson Date Presenter Date

Please sign both copies of this agreement. Keep one for your records and mail the other to:

Name and Address of Program Chair