MPC Regular Meeting Minutes

December 26, 2017


Regular Meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission of the City of El Reno

6:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 23, 2018

El Reno City Council Chambers — 101 N. Choctaw Ave., El Reno, Okla.


Chairman Proctor called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.


PRESENT:Commissioner JT Chronister

Commissioner Bobby Stevenson

Commissioner David Jensen

Commissioner Gerardo Troncoso

Commissioner Nancy Wise

Commissioner Vicki Proctor

ABSENT: Commissioner Tom Lloyd

STAFF: Matt Sandidge, Assistant City Manager

Dustin Downey, City Planner

Lindsey Grigg, City Clerk

OTHERS: Mason Schwarz

Gary Owens

Mark Grubbs

Chris Carnott

Kathy Kouba

Jason Duff

Mark Whitman

Kyra Escott


1.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the minutes of the December 26, 2017 meeting.

Jensen made the MOTION to APPROVE item 1 of the consent agenda. TroncosoSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Troncoso

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Chronister


2.Acknowledgment of a lot split in the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., creating 2 lots conforming with the current zoning classification, which was approved administratively by City staff.

Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE item 2 of the consent agenda. ProctorSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Troncoso, Chronister

NAYS: None



3.Election of the vice chair of the Municipal Planning Commission.

Item no. 3 was pulled from the agenda.

4.A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request submitted by Grubbs Consulting, LLC, on behalf of Gary Owens, to amend the zoning classification of a tract of approximately 64 acres
located west of the El Reno Cemetery on the south side of E. Elm Ave., a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian
Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Light Industrial (I-1).

Opened at 6:04pm and Closed at 6:20pm

Mark Grubbs, Gary Ownes and Mason Schwarz were all present for this item. Discussion was held in length with staff stating that this was denied at the December 26th meeting and the application was modified as to the discussion of that meeting with neighborhood meetings held. This would have setbacks according to the codes with Residential use next to the property allowing sensitive boarder standards.

Chronister asked if the ingress/egress been discussed and situated?

Schwarz stated the easement has been discussed but has yet to be finalized. The access will be on Shepard as discussed and this will be in with the closing of the property.

Owens said he discussed this with Gamble and is looking at getting 11 acres of his. The Senior Living is contingent upon the Tax Credits and there are 3 places in the running for it.

Grubbs asked if they could recommend approval with recommendation of access off of Shepard.

Carnott lives on Donald and Elm and stated that Elm is busy.

Staff stated that if they would want to change what is left zoned as Ag they will have to go through this same process.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Grubbs Consulting, LLC, on behalf of Gary Owens, to amend the zoning classification of a tract of approximately 64 acres
located west of the El Reno Cemetery on the south side of E. Elm Ave., a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian
Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Light Industrial (I-1).

Jensen stated that he understands the 13 (+) acres has been pulled from the application but they would still have the ability to access the property from Elm as it is currently zoned. As long as the access is from Shepard, I am not opposed to this.

Downey responded by saying that there is no certain zone for road/driveway private and/or public. We cannot deny access to a piece of property if not accessed by the easement off of Shepard.

Owens said that the Final Plat will have to come before this board and organization.

Jensen stated that he does not doubt intentions but if the property changes ownership, they may not be okay with an agreement.

It was stated that it could be approved on the site plan with no access from Elm.

Downey stated that this is a yes or no vote on the zoning alone.

Jensen asked if they received a letter from Gamble? If there was a letter then that would meet some concerns.

Jensen made the MOTION to APPROVE request submitted by Grubbs Consulting, LLC, on behalf of Gary Owens, to amend the zoning classification of a tract of approximately 64 acres
located west of the El Reno Cemetery on the south side of E. Elm Ave., a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian
Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Light Industrial (I-1) provided they get a letter from Gamble in regard to an easement allowing access from Shepard and also the recommendation to deny access to the I-1 zoned property from Elm.ChronisterSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Troncoso, Chronister

NAYS: None


5.A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request submitted by Kyra Escott, on behalf of Jeff Kouba, Kathleen Chance, Earnest Bomhoff, and Joann Bomhoff, to amend the zoning classification of a tract of approximately 88 acres located east of S. Alfadale Rd., and north of E. Highway 66, a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate
Industrial (I-2).

Opened at 6:24pm and Closed at 7:02pm

Downey stated that this is a rezone with the potential of selling property. The X on the schedule shows what is allowed by right and the P is for Conditional Use Permit. If it is left blank, then it is not allowed in the zoning.

Kouba expressed concern about the water issues and the bridge condition.

Proctor stated that any issue will have to be addressed during the building process and they will need to abide by water runoff retention/detention.

Duff presented the Bradford Acres Home Association with concerns regarding the rezone. He stated this will affect the SE Industrial Subarea and the Route 66 Corridor Overlay Plan. The Association is okay with an I-1 zoning plan. The purpose of the 66 overlay is to keep the Historical Characteristic. This is to encourage tourism and if zoned I-2 it will take property value down.

Proctor asked what the difference is that bothers the association.

Duff said under the special permits, they can have a chicken Farm or Mobile home offices. They could also have second hand auto parts and salvage yards. There is a concern of the road and the property value. We believe you should stay with the planned I-1 zoning as set by the Subarea plan.

Mark Whitmanstated that this property is west of where his home is and will directly affect him. There will need to be buffers, the pipe yards lights shine at my house every night as it is now. He encouraged the commissioners to consider both sides.

Jensen said the property still has to be civilly engineered and there may be improvements. There is still a process that will involve engineering for runoff and also laws that will need to be abided.

Chronister stated that this would fall under a beautification corridor and would have landscaping requirements.

Sandidge said that any new development is required to have requirements on trees, shrubs, fencing, etc. adopted with the 66 overlay plan.

Escott mentioned that they are only going to open it up to the market at this point. There is interest in I-2 zoning at this point.

B. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Kyra Escott, on
behalf of Jeff Kouba, Kathleen Chance, Earnest Bomhoff, and Joann Bomhoff, to amend the zoning
classification of a tract of approximately 88 acres located east of S. Alfadale Rd., and north of E. Highway 66, a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial (I-2).

Chronister read aloud the Sensitive Boarder Standards that are required when abutting a residential area. The old Light Industrial is less restrictive than the I-2. Obnoxious odors, etc. would be subject to standards. Restrictions would apply to the entire parcel. I believe we have the ability to buffer the 66 frontage with trees and shrubs that are required.

Jensen stated that he is sympathetic to home owners and that this is difficult to make recommendation. He agrees with JT Chronister in that this zoning offers more protection and control. As long as any businesses are in compliance with regulations (local, state, and DEQ/Corp. Comm.), the list that was just given is irrelevant.

Chronister stated that noise, vibration, odor, development are I-2 and site coverage will be I -1 regulations.

Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE request submitted by Kyra Escott, on
behalf of Jeff Kouba, Kathleen Chance, Earnest Bomhoff, and Joann Bomhoff, to amend the zoning
classification of a tract of approximately 88 acres located east of S. Alfadale Rd., and north of E. Highway 66, a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial (I-2) with the 25 acre frontage off of 66 not permitting outdoor storage. StevensonSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Chronister

NAYS: Troncoso


6.A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of amending the permitted uses of Block 2 Lot 1 and Block 3 Lots 2 and 3, in the platted Southern Hills PUD, to include hospitals and related medical
services. The application was submitted by the City of El Reno. The subject property is located south of Southwest 27th Street, a part of the North Half (N/2) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma.

Opened at 7:32pm and Closed at 7:35pm

Downey presented the item with no in-depth discussion.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action to amend the permitted uses of Block 2 Lot 1 and Block 3 Lots 2 and 3, in the platted Southern Hills PUD, to include hospitals and related medical
services. The application was submitted by the City of El Reno. The subject property is located south of Southwest 27th Street, a part of the North Half (N/2) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma.

Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE to amend the permitted uses of Block 2 Lot 1 and Block 3 Lots 2 and 3, in the platted Southern Hills PUD, to include hospitals and related medical
services. The application was submitted by the City of El Reno. The subject property is located south of Southwest 27th Street, a part of the North Half (N/2) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma.ProctorSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Troncoso, Chronister

NAYS: None


7.Discussion and consideration of amending Section 361-58 of the Code of the City of El Reno relating to lot, yard, and height regulations within the commercial districts.

Chronister brought this to the Planning Commission and he would like to look at reducing the height and radius.

Jensen disagrees in saying that there are times when it will be an asset in taller buildings.

Chronister would like to see the radius reduction at 20% and the height reduction at 10%.



Filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the bulletin board at the west entrance of the El Reno Municipal Building, 101 N. Choctaw Ave., at 4:30pm. Wednesday, November 22, 2017.

Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE to adjourn.WiseSECONDED the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Proctor, Jensen, Wise, Stevenson, Troncoso, Chronister

NAYS: None


The meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.


Shelly Dalla Rosa, Secretary