
Diana L. Goff
1031 Hawthorn Ridge

Macomb, IL 61455


Present Assignment: Assistant Professor

and Field Experience Coordinator

Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction

Western Illinois University

Horrabin Hall 48A



1993 University of Illinois

Reading Recovery Certification

1991 Western Illinois University

Master of Science/Education

1969 Western Illinois University

Bachelor of Science/Education

1967 Toronto Teachers’ College

Teacher Certification

1969 2002 Approximately 60 hours of graduate credit in

Counseling, Special Education, Reading, Math, Social

Studies, and Science

Endorsements in Language Arts and Social Studies.


University Teaching

Western Illinois University Assistant Professor,

Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education

Placement and Supervision – Pre Student Teaching

Field Experiences Coordinator/ supervisor

Courses taught:

ELED 600 Graduate Seminar Action Research

ECH 603 Graduate Seminar Action Research

ELED 110 Seminar in Education I

ELED 170 Seminar in Education II

ELED 270 Seminar in Education III

ELED 370 Field Experience I

ELED 371 Field Experience II

C&I 476(G) Parent and Community Involvement

RDG 432 Early Childhood Struggling Readers

ECH 356 The K-3 Classroom Environment

ECH 381 Field Experience II

ECH 480 Field Experience III

Public School Teaching

Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, Pre 1st grade

teacher, Hedding Grade School, Abingdon, IL 1969-


Reading Recovery teacher 1993-2002.

Pre-first grade teacher, Borough of North York, Ontario, Canada, 1967-68


2011, Guided two ECH 603 graduate students writing

Capstone Action Research Project

2010, Guided two ELED 600 graduate students

writing Capstone Action Research Project

2009 Centennial Honors College- guided

Undergraduate research project on Parent

Involvement in Home Learning strategies

2008 Centennial Honors College- guided

Undergraduate Research project on literacy,

Harry Potter effect on increase reading of

elementary children

Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities


Winter, 2007. Goff, D. & Steward, F., Harris, S., & Barclay, K. Parent involvement enhances emergent literacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 36(1) 40-43.

Summer, 2007.Goff, D. & Steward, F. Adult and family literacy grants: Three ideas for family literacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 38(3) 33-35.

Spring, 2007. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Volunteer programs: Enhancing reading settings. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 35(2) 61-6.

Winter, 2006. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Using reading hangtags to promote book reading and sharing. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 35(1) 38-41.

Fall, 2006. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Let's make bookmarks! Illinois Reading Council Journal, 34(4) 37-41


Summer, 2006. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Using vocabulary game bookmarks. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 34(3) 51-53.

Spring, 2006. Goff, D. & Steward, F. A wealth of reading resources. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 34 (2) 61-64.

Winter, 2006-2005. Goff, D. & Steward, Frances, Creating learning centers for family literacy night. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 34(1) 54-58.

(Winter, 2005) Goff, D. & Steward, F. Creating parent friendly communication. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(1) 69-72.

Fall, 2005. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Hebert, S. Planning for parent workshops. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(4) 50-53.

Fall, 2005. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Hebert, S., Bradford, M., & Moran, C. Home-school links: Take home game boards. Spectrum, 3(2), 18-23.

Summer, 2005. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Parent involvement in reading; Communicating with families through school handbooks. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(3) 50-52

Spring, 2005. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Parent involvement in reading: Home-learning activities. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(2) 56-58.

Fall, 2004. Goff, Diana. Literacy Assessment in Early Childhood Programs, Children and Families Magazine, National Head Start Association.

Non- refereed

Summer, 2009. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Book Selection by Ms Chalkdust Issue 10, IParent Magazine, May, June, July, 5.

Spring,2009. Goff, D.& Steward F. Test-Taking by Ms Chalkdust Issue 9, IParent Magazine, Feb., Mar., Apr., p.24.

Winter,2009. 2008 Goff, D. & Steward, F. Writing by Ms Chalkdust Issue 8, IParent Magazine, Dec., Jan., p.25.

Fall, 2008. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Homework by Ms Chalkdust Issue 6, IParent Magazine, Oct., Nov.

Summer. 2008. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Reading incentives at home and school: Children learn to self-monitor home reading. Issue 6, IParent Magazine, August-September 6, 14.

Summer. 2008. Goff, D. & Steward, F. Macomb summer reading network: Homes, library, and businesses. IParent Magazine, June-July 5,5.

Summer. 2008. Dooley, C.J., Goff, D., & Steward, F. Welcome to school daze by Ms Chalkdust: WIU student teachers in area schools/ classrooms. IParent Magazine, April/May 4, 6.

Chapter review of text
2005. Chapter review for new text: T. Webb, Building Culturally Responsive Family-School Relationships.


March 2008. Elementary Science International NSTA

Convention, Boston, MA (Co-presenter)

Importance of Nature part II : Extended literacy, fine

arts, and math

March 2007. Elementary Science International NSTA

Convention, St. Louis, Missouri (Co-presenter)

Tracking Animals with Mr. Crinkleroot

March 28-April 2, 2004. Oxford Round Table presentation: Manipulation of Print to Accelerate Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills for Struggling Readers

November 2005. National Science Teachers Association regional convention, Chicago, IL (Co-presenter) Make and Take Extravaganza: science/literacy connection

November, 2005. Presentation, Illinois Science Teacher Conference. Chemistry of Color in Early Childhood Science, WIU.

March, 2004. Illinois Reading Conference, Springfield, IL presentation: Mix, Match, and Manipulate to Teach Reading Fundamentals


April 27, 2011. Faculty Innovator presentation- Tech

Fest Teachers share success through networking,


April 15, 2011.Pre K- 8 Science Update Conference,

WIU. Macomb, IL (Co-presenter)

Beneficial Bats, Have we misjudged them?

hands on projects, and computer activities to enhance


April 16, 2010. Science Update Conference, WIU

Spectacular butterflies, Life of the Monarch (Co-


Oct. 16, 2010. WIRC/KDP Conference – resume

Writing and cover letters for teaching positions, WIU

March, 2011- 2008 Annual Dept. Organizations and

Majors Fair, Opportunities in the field of teaching

In early childhood and elementary education,

Heritage Room, WIU

April, 2009. Science Update Conference, WIU. Amazing Balloon Experiments Meet Science Standards. (Co-presenter)

May 7, 2009. Faculty Innovators presentation to

Administrators and faculty of the College of

Education and Human Services on the topic of

faculty use of SPRUZ technology for networking,

Horrabin #1, WIU.

Nov. 18, 2008. Focus insights: Reveal! Redesign!

Reveal ! Western IL Reading Council, WIU HH Rm.

1, Macomb IL (66 participants)

April 2008. PreK-8 Science Update Conference, WIU. What is happening in science and reading? (Co-presenter)

November 2007.. Western IL Reading Council Workshop, WIU, HH Rm. 1 Macomb, IL. Vibrant reading settings (84 participants)

April, 2007. PreK-8, Science Education Update Conference Workshop, WIU, Macomb, IL.

The world of bubbles (Co-presenter)

April 2006. Mr. PreK-8 Science Education Update Conference WIU, Macomb, IL. Crinkleroot extends quality assessment tools in science and reading (k-3). (Co-presenter)

October, 2005. Presentation, Parent Involvement, District wide Teacher In-service, Monmouth-Roseville teachers.

March 5, 2004. Knox, Warren, Henderson, Mercer County Teachers’ Institute presentation: Rhymes, Rhythm, and Rock, Shared Reading in K-1 classrooms.

January 27, 2003. Presentation with Dr. Frances Steward, CUSD 118, Danville, IL. Presented to 60 parents and community members. Topic – Sibling Rivalry.

2001. Conducted “Best Practices in Reading” workshop at the Knox County Teachers’ Institute.

2001-2002, (Monthly) Teaching “Meeting the Challenge” to paraprofessionals in Knox County.

(2000-2001, (Monthly). Teaching “Meeting the

Challenge classes to teachers in Knox, Warren, and

Henderson counties

Professional/Academic Service


Coordinated Book Donations (WIU students and F.

Steward) or Funding to countries around the world:

2010-2009 Cambodia; 2009 Honduras;

2008-2007 Cuattro Elementary School, Phillippines;

2008-2007 Livada Orphanage, Romania; 2007- 2006,

Terra Linda School, Guatemala; 2006- 2005 China,

and 2006-2005 Christian Ville Academy in Graisser,

Haiti. Serving on the IRC International Projects

Committee, Illinois Reading Council.


Coordinated Book Donations or Funding to America’s

emergency aid schools or classroom needed libraries;

2011 Public School District, Joplin, Missouri; 2011

Baptist Christian Academy; 2010-2011 Sullivan

County Library, Dushore, PA, Appalachian Mts.; 2009

Rome-Floyd County Community Soup Kitchen,

Georgia 2008-2007 Flooded School District,

Waseka, IL; 2008-2007 Classroom libraries in IL

School Districts: Cuba, Canton, and Galesburg; 2006-

2005 Ranson Elementary School, Ranson. WV;

Starting Point, Monmouth, IL; Inmate Prison Taped

Books Project, Canton, IL; Samaritan’s Well, Macomb,

IL; and 2004 Two Family Literacy Nights, Bushnell-

Prairie City and Yorkwood Elementary Schools; and

Taped Books to: (1.) 2004 Mini O’Beirne Crisis

Nursery Shelter, Springfield, IL; (2.)2004 KnoxCounty

CADV, Galesburg, IL; and (3.)Sojourn Shelton

Services, Springfield, IL


Feb. 2011. Science Olympiad , co-captain, Write It-

Do It event, HH#43, WIU, Macomb, IL

Feb. 2010. Science Olympiad, co-captain, Trajectory

Event, WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL

Feb., 2009. Science Olympiad tournament, Team Captain, Trajectory Event, WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL

Feb. 2008. Science Olympiad tournament, Team Captain, Trajectory Event, WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL

Feb., 2007. Science Olympiad tournament, Team Captain, Trajectory Event, WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL

April, 2006. Science Olympiad tournament, Team Captain, Trajectory Event, WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL

March 2005. Science Olympiad Team Captain, Trajectory

February 14, 2004. Science Olympiad, Team Leader and Event Captain, Catapults

February 8, 2003. Science Olympiad, Served as Event Captain for the Mystery Architecture event


August 1, 2011-2003. Faculty Advisor for Tri-Sigma Sorority, Western Illinois University.

Summers, 2009-2004. Freshman Orientation, Western Illinois University. Presentation/group discussion about academic success.

2009-2008. Freshman Experience presentations for students on academic expectations

2010-2009. PAA Committee for Unit B Faculty


2011-2010). Search Committee, literacy position

2010-2009. Search Committee, literacy position

2009-2008. Search committee, field experience, EIS

2008-2004). Bureau of Cultural Affairs Committee, Member-at-large.

2010-2005). Discover Western, parents and students

introduction to ElEd and Early Childhood programs.

April 28, 2006. Discover Western-type program, Education. Minority students from the Quad Cities visited for the day, presented and did a group discussion about majoring in Education.

April 2006. Graduate Program Display, Children’s Literacy Open House.

March 24, 2006. Multicultural Experience, Curriculum and Instruction. Took a group of EIS 201 students to Beardstown where we spent the day observing in classrooms with ESL students.

February, 2006. Graduate Program Display, Curriculum and Instruction at Five County Teacher Institute about the Graduate Program choices offered.

January 27, 2006).Discover Western-type program for minority youth from inner city Chicago, Education and Human Services. Dinner and introduction to Teacher Education program.

September 17, 2005. Presentation to EdAd graduate class, Curriculum and Instruction. Presentation on setting up children for success in reading at the elementary level.

April 9, 2005. Presentation in EdAd graduate class, Curriculum and Instruction. Class of soon to be principals on setting up successful reading programs in their schools.

April 2005. Graduate Program Display, Children’s Literacy Open House.

March 2005. Graduate Program Display, Curriculum and Instruction at Five County Teacher Institute about the Graduate Program choices offered.


December 2003-May 2004. Advisor for ECHOS, Early Childhood Organization.

February 20, 2003. Presentation to the Western Illinois University Student Education Association. Topic – Parent/Teacher Conferences – 17 students and faculty


2011-2006. Member of Paint the Town Pink Committee

For Breast Cancer Awareness, coordinate Tevar Walk/Bike /Run and other events every September/October

2010-2007. Consultant, Abingdon School Dist.,

Bushnell-Prairie City Dist., and West Prairie Dist.

Conscious Discipline in the classroom and literacy

Assessment for K,1, and 2nd graders.

Oct.2009, 2008 and 2007. Danish Student Exchange

Program, volunteer

2009-2002. Volunteer Summer reading tutor

December 2007-2003. Reading/Language Arts Consultant, Abingdon School District 217.

2002). Goff, D. & Sandford, T. question and answer

newsletter for parents, “School with Ms.Chalkdust”.

2002-1993).Planned and participated in reading, math, and writing parent-child workshops, once each semester.

2001- 1992. Taught parenting classes.

2000-1992. Planned and participated in “Super Saturday”, hands-on math and science workshops for K-5 students, one Saturday each quarter.

2003-1991. Yearly presentations to Kiwanis on early intervention in reading to receive funding for summer reading program for first graders.

2002- 1990. Co-chair of REACH, an after school tutoring program.

2002- 1980. Development and co-director of the Early Intervention Program for Abingdon Dist.217.

2001-1997. Member of the School Improvement Committee.

1998-1991. Development of and Director of Parent Involvement Program for Abingdon Dist. 217.

1997-1982. Chairman and member of School Discipline Committee.

Grants/ Awards

2011-2009 Invited to join Faculty Innovators to

develop new ways to use technology in the Department.

2011-2010. Recipient of the Who’s Who Among America’s Collegiate Faculty.

2009-2005. Recipient of the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers

May, 2007. KDP Grant for Parent /Child Connection Reading to Me program for inmates to read books on tape and send the tapes and books to their children monthly.

2008-2007. Recipient of Zeta Phi Beta Teacher Appreciation Award for assistance to minority students in Teacher Education

(May, 2006) KDP Grant coordinator for $200 grant for Family Reading nights.

April 2006. Recipient of the Golden Apple Award from Student Alumni Council for service at Western Illinois University

May 12, 2005. President of local chapter of KDP, grant coordinator. Dealing with Feelings Through Book Sharing grant submitted for $200. on February 20, 2005 to Kappa Delta Pi.

April 26, 2005. Recipient of the Office of Student Activities Greek Life Advisor of the Year, 2005.

Professional memberships/ Affiliations

Retired Teachers’ Association

National Association for the Education of Young


Illinois Reading Council, Assistant Editor of the Illinois

Reading Council Journal 2004-2007

Western Illinois Reading Council, Vice President,


Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi, Membership Chair, 2008- 2011

Kappa Delta Pi, President, 2005, 2006, 2007

Kappa Delta Pi, Vice President, 2004

Phi Kappa Phi

Performing Arts Society

Bureau of Cultural Affairs

Western Illinois University Women