Hull College Group: Policy / Procedure Status:
Approved /
Title: HCUK 14-16 College Admissions Policy / Ref: DE1.1 / Page 1 of 4
Key Policy underpinning the Group’s position on student admission to the HCUK 14-16 College at Year 10 for September 2016 / Next review date:
September 2016
  1. Introduction
  2. The HCUK 14-16 College is a sub-brand of the Hull College Group. The Hull College Group offers a high quality learning experience to young people residing within radius of the three main college sites based in Hull, Goole and Harrogate. The HCUK 14-16 College is focused on providing excellence in learning underpinned by outstanding student support within purpose-designed facilities at the main sites. The HCUK 14-16 College has been created in support of recognised employer need in developing employability skills and confidence.

The Hull College Group is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all HCUK 14-16 College applicants that will be achieved by:

  • ensuring that all applications are managed in a manner that is clear, fair, explicit and consistent:
  • all places are offered and allocated in accordance with the HCUK 14-16 College Admissions Policy

The admission arrangements for the HCUK 14-16 College will explain:

  • How many places are available
  • How applications to the College should be made
  • How places will be allocated
  • Key criteria for successful transition to HCUK 14-16 College
  • The appeals process
  1. Published Admissions Number:

2.1HCUK 14-16 College is not limited to any capped admissions number. It is anticipated that the College will have groups that will enable efficient delivery at the Hull and Goole sites that will provide a stimulating and rewarding learning experience. The space occupation of the sites will be taken into account when allocating places.

  1. Applying for a place at the HCUK 14-16 College

3.1Arrangements for application for places at the HCUK 14-16 College at year 10 (for places available in September 2016) should be made directly to HCUK 14-16 College by the application deadlines;

Application Window / Application Deadline / Confirmation deadlines
Window 1 / 27thNovember 2015 / 15thJanuary 2016
Window 2 / 12th February 2016 / 24th March 2016
Window 3 / 20thJune2016 / 15thJuly 2016

Interested young people and their parents/carers will be invited to participate in a meeting to discuss individual applications once the deadline has been reached. Only once an application is received, signed by a parent/carer and at least one meeting has been held with the student, parent/carer and a representative of the HCUK 14-16 College, will consideration be given to an offer of a place.

3.2When applying for a place in Year 10, students will express a preference for a subject pathway alongside the delivery of the national curriculum (GCSEs). Welcome events will enable students to learn more about their chosen route and receive personalised guidance and support; at this stage they may wish to discuss alternative pathways to maximise opportunity for success and achievement.

3.3Following enrolment all Year 10 students will participate in the HCUK 14-16 College induction process, which includes personal guidance, support and progression planning.

3.4The HCUK 14-16 College will offer multiple opportunities for prospective students, parents and carers to visit the college prior to commencement of programme in September of each year.

  1. Allocation of places

4.1Places will be offered to students who are able to make full use of the distinctive full time offer of Level 1 and 2 vocational courses combined with academic GCSEs. Confirmation of places will be given by the deadlines listed in 3.1 with final deadline of 15thJuly 2016

  1. Key Criteria for successful transition to HCUK 14-16 College

5.1A student must demonstrate a commitment to a vocational specialism offered at the College.

5.2Student attendance, behaviour and effort at their current school must demonstrate a positive attitude to education.

5.3Basic Skills in English and mathematics must be adequate to study within the chosen vocational areas.

5.4A vocational curriculum aligned with academic GCSEs must meet the needs of that student and current attendance, behaviour and achievement would not be put at risk through the transfer to HCUK 14-16 College.

5.5At least one application meeting with a student’s parent/carer must have taken place with the College.

  1. Late Applications

6.1Applications received after the admissions closing date may be considered at the discretion of HCUK 14-16 College.


7.1Parents/carers or students whose application for a place is unsuccessful are entitled to appeal. An Independent Appeals Panel will act in accordance with the provisions of the ‘Schools Admissions Appeal Code’ published by the Department for Education.

7.2Information on how to appeal will be provided with the confirmation that an application has been declined and can be accessed through the HCUK 14-16 College website, or by contacting the HCUK 14-16 College directly on phone number: 01482 508749, email: .

8.Special Considerations

8.1Children in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still in public care at the time of their admission to school, and those who have been previously looked after, (see note (i) below),

(i) The highest priority must be given to looked after children (1) and children whowere looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (2) (or becamesubject to a residence order) (3) or special guardianship order (4).

Further references to previously looked after children in the Code means children who were adopted (orsubject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately followinghaving been looked after.

1 A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided withaccommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).

2Under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. See section 46 (adoption orders).

3Under the terms of the Children Act 1989. See section 8 which defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live.

4See section 14A of the Children Act 1989 which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order.

8.2Special consideration will also be given to those relocating into the area in the UK Armed Forces (not discharged).


9.1Please note this admissions policy will be updated on an annual basis according to business need and the response of the local communities.

9.2Some vocational pathways may not run depending upon viable student group sizes.

5. Procedure Checklist
Senior manager responsible / Hull College Principal
College Committee / Strategic Leadership Team
Date of next policy review / July 2016
Date Equality Analysis agreed / Draft