Wednesday, April 25, 2018

DAILY ROTATION: 2-3-4-5-6-1


CJSF Awards Ceremony (6:00 pm MPR)


Thurs.4/26Minimum Day (8:45-12:40)

SOCIAL SKILL:This week’s social skill is “disagreeing appropriately.”


IMPORTANT: Please take note that Thursday, May 10th, WILL BE A REGULAR SCHOOL DAY DUE TO TESTING. The minimum day scheduled for that day has been cancelled.

SOME REMINDERS FOR CLEMENT VIKINGS . . . in our agenda page 6 under Viking Code of conduct, #13 “Bring only necessary items to school.” That means items such as water balloons stayhome. Right? Please leave at home. Thank you.

ALSO, we are seeing students who ride a bike, scooter, and skateboard without a helmet. Don’t forget a helmet is required . . . this is a state law.

CUCAS THURSDAY!!!:1-9pm. Go eat yummy food, and Cuca’s will donate back to the school!!!

ATTENTION 7TH GRADERS!!!: Are you interested in becoming an office T.A. next school year?? If so, come to the student center and ask Mrs. Carolina or Ms. Alex for an application. Deadline for applications will be June 1st.

CLEMENT DANCE TEAM: will be performing their Spring Show on Friday, May 4th at 6:30pm in the MPR. $5 for adults at the door, and all children are free!! Please come and support these amazing dancers!!!!

ATTENTION ALL 6th GRADERS:Wiffle-ball is our next intermural sport. 8 players per team including a captain. Please submit team lists to Miss. Katz in E-6 by Wednesday the 25th, Captains meeting Friday the 27th in E-6 during lunch. Grab your lunch first and then come on by. Looking forward to our last intermural sport this year!

REDLANDS ATHLETICS SPORTS PHYSICALS:Open to all RUSD students May 18th 2018 from 3:15-6:00 pm. at the Redlands High School Administration Building. 8th Graders, come pick up a packet at the student center, this is a great opportunity if you intend to participate in athletics at the high school level in the Redlands district.


Math tutoring:Math tutoring will be offered in the library on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:20-4:00. 6th and7th grade math, as well as 8th grade algebra will be covered.Please see Mrs. Johnson if you have any questions.

8TH GRADERS INTERESTED IN ASBNEXT YEAR: Come pick up a flyer at the student center to sign up

Deadlines to turn in applications are:

CVHS: Thursday, April 26th

HARKINS MOVIE TICKETS: PTSA is selling Harkins movie tickets every Thursday before and after school to help support music and drama boosters. Tickets are $8. Sales will take place at the east entrance gate between the main office and basketball courts.

CLEMENT USB DRIVES: 8GB drives available for $6. Go see Mrs. Fry in C-3 to purchase one.