Preparation for the Oral Bagrut - Interview> Questions the testers might ask in the test
I suggest that you answer these questions in writing prior to the exam. The more you talk and the less the examiner has todrag information about you - the better!!!
1. Tell me about yourself: your name, something about your family, where do you live, your neighbourhood, relationships with your family - who do you get along with and who you don't get along with and so on.
2. Tell me about your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time? Talk about what you do when you get home from school, music you like to listen to, activities that you do without any connection to schoolwork, books, movies you have seen and really liked. Do not contain yourself to short statements - elaborate!!! Hanging out with your friends is your best activity? Talk about what you guys do, best to give an example of the last time you were together and actually did something. You do not have a hobby? Get one!! Watching movies and tv is always good - but be sure to have something to talk about - watch a movie the night before the exam and talk about it.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up? Here is where you talk about your future plans. DO NOT JUST SAY - "I don't know" !!!!! Be prepared, think of a dream. The tester will NOT come back in ten years and check it out! Think about what you wanted to be when you were very young. If it has changed, talk about this change and reasons for the change.
4. Tell me about school: It is important for you to remember that testers are teachers as well, and we do not like to hear students trashing school. So this is NOT the place to settle scores with your teacher! Talk about subjects that you like, or least hate, to study. Explain why and what you like about those subjects. You can talk about subjects you do not like. Talk about school life - the breaks for instance, or the school trips. You can talk about having more lectures and activities in school if this is what you think should be. Be sure to elaborate.
5. What do you want to do in the Army? Here is where you need to prepare. Find out something you would like to do in the army and translate the necessary terms into English. Remember! You are tested on your ability to talk in English- not Hebrew! Even if deep inside you do not care what you will do in the army - you have to talk - so just choose something. Again, the tester will not come and check up on you in the army! You can talk about what your brother/sister did in the army and why you would like/not like to do that as well, and so on.
6. What would you like to do after the Army / What are your plans for after the army life? Again, even if you have no plans, make some! You need to have something to talk about. Talk about a place you want to visit - going abroad. Where would you like to go if you had the money? Why? If you have only limited funds, where can you go? Why there? Are you going to work? As what? Why that profession? Are you going to study? What? Why? The best thing you can do is answer all these questions - where you want to go abroad, study and work.
Written by Tammy Cohen
If you have any questions, feel free to drop by my office or email me
Preparation For The Oral Bagrut - Interview> Questions The Testers Might Ask In The Test