Spring Term 2017 – Planning for 6DB
Theme – Imagining
In addition - P4C, Reciprocal/Guided Reading, County Maths Scheme, Pie Corbett, Big Write, Class Council, PE, Welsh, Rights.
** A note for parents:
You may be able to help, support and encourage your child in some or many of the activities that have been planned for them during the term. Here are just a few ways you could achieve this:
As the topic is Imagining‘…. Encourage your child to be creative, question them using ‘what if..?share stories, create art, explore the outdoors etc
- As a mini-project during the term, your child may be asked to produce a mini project on an aspect of their learning. Encourage your child to use a variety of books, photos, newspaper articles and the internet to research this and present their findings in a creative way. Remind them to list all the website addresses and resources used.
- Many of the homework tasks given this term will be based on what we are covering in class that week in Mathematics, English and our topic. Please ensure your child completes all homework tasks that are set and to the high standards that we expect of them in their class work. (ie handwriting, overall presentation of work) Please work with your child to ensure they achieve these standards – these elements contribute to your child’s overall levels at the end of the academic year.
- Homework will be given out on a Monday/Tuesday and returned to school no later than Friday. Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign in the space provided. You will be able to see what homework they have been given and when it is due in. Homework tasks are also set on Hwb online to develop pupils digital competency skills.
- As reading will be at the heart of all lessons, please ensure your child continues to practice their reading at home. Children can read books, comics, magazines or any other suitable texts of their choice. Your child has been given a reading record book, where parents are encouraged to make a note of what was read, plus any additional comments you may wish to make about your child’s reading. The reading record book will be checked regularly and reward stamps will be given to encourage avid reading. Question your child on what has been read, talk about setting, character, plot and themes. The more avid reading the better particularly in preparation for the Reading test in May.
- In class your child will be working hard to learn their times tables by heart. Please encourage your child to make regular use of the online tool ‘TT Rockstars’ and ‘Sumdog’ your child has their own password and can access theseprogrammes at home.
- This term we are approaching the May National tests, thorough preparation will take place in class, but please feel free to use the many online resources on the Learning Wales – National test website.
- Please make sure your child brings their full kit to school on their designated PE days of Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Please check out our website where you can keep up to date and find out what is going on by viewing our class page.
- Encourage your child to always strive to put great effort into everything they do in order ‘To be the best that they can be in 6DB!’
May I thank you in advance for your support and co-operation during the term.
MrsD. Bennett