Marist College North Shore

Preliminary Year Assessment Task Schedule

YEAR 11/2015 TERM 1
Week / Subject / Task / Date
6 / English Advanced / Module A - Hand in before school / 6/3/15
Studies of Religion 2 / Nature of Religion and Beliefs (In class task) / 6/3/15
7 / English Standard / Module B - Hand in before school / 11/3/15
Hospitality / Be Prepared: Hygienic and Safe / 13/3/15
Mathematics / Class Test / 10/3/15
Mathematics General / Class Test / 10/3/15
PVDI / Photographic Book / 11/3/15 - P3
8 / Catholic Studies / Nature of Religion / 20/3/15
Drama / Group Performance / 20/3/15 - P3 & P4
Mathematics Ext 1 / Class Test / 17/3/15
Mathematics Accelerated / Mid-Course Exam / Year 12 Exam Block
Modern History / Research Essay – Hand in task / 20/3/15
Physics / Exam - In class / 16/3/15 - P1 & 2
9 / Ancient History / Research Task – Hand in task in class / 25/3/15
Business Studies / Research Task / 25/3/15
Chemistry / Research Task – Dashboard submission / 25/3/15 – P2
Economics / Extended Response / 25/3/15
Drama / Essay / 23/3/15 – P3
Senior Science / Field Report / 25/3/15 - P1 & 2
SLR / Coaching Lab (in class) / 23/5/15
10 / Legal Studies / Extended Response / 31/3/15
Marine Studies / Problem Solving Assignment / 31/3/15 – P1
Music / Composition / 31/3/15 – P6
PDHPE / Research Task – Core 1 / 31/3/15
Studies of Religion 1 / Nature of Religion – in class task / 2/4/15
Studies of Religion 2 / Research task – Religions of Ancient Origins / 2/4/15
Visual Arts / Body of Work and Case Studies / 1/4/15 – P5
YEAR 11/2015 TERM 2
Week / Subject / Task / Date
1 / Biology / Field Work Report – Long Reef / 22/4/15
Visual Design / The Projects – In class / 24/4/15
2 / Design and Technology / Design Fundamentals – Hand in task / 30/5/15
English Advanced / Area of Study / 27/4/15
English Extension 1 / Speaking, Representing and Reflection Electronic Submission / 28/4/15
English Standard / Area of Study / 27/4/15
Industrial Technology / Practical Project and Folio / 30/5/15
3 / Mathematics / Examination / 6/5/15
Mathematics General / Examination / 6/5/15
Modern History / Part 1: Presentation (Ongoing) / 6/5/15
4 / Ancient History / Examination – in class / 11/5/15
Mathematics Ext 1 / Examination / 12/5/15
5 / Economics / Test – Topics 1, 2 & 3 / 18/5/15
Business Studies / Business Management and Nature of Business – in class task / 18/5/15
Hospitality / Class Topic Test / 18/5/15
Modern History / Part 2: Hand in Report (Ongoing) / 22/5/15
6 / Mathematics Accelerated / Class Test / 26/5/15
PDHPE / In class Exam / 25/5/15
Physics / Practical Exam in class / 25/5/15 - P1& 2
PVDI / Photo Journalism – in class / 27/5/15
Senior Science / In class practical / 25/5/15 P1 & 2
7 / Design and Technology / Research Task – Hand in / 3/6/15
8 / Chemistry / In class examination / 12/6/15 - P3 & 4
English Advanced / Module C - Hand in before school / 9/6/15
English Standard / Module A - Hand in before school / 9/6/15
Industrial Technology / Industry Study / 10/6/15
Music / Portfolio Topic 2 – Popular Music / 12/6/15 – P6
SLR / Resistance Training programme – Hand in task / 10/6/15
9 / Drama / Play building and Log Book in class / 15/6/15 – 18/6/15
Studies of Religion 2 / Research and Report – Islam / 16/6/15
Visual Arts / Case Studies - Hand in before School - 8.15-8.35am / 23/6/15
10 / Biology / In class practical exam / 22/6/15
Legal Studies / Research Task: The Individual and the Law / 24/6/15
Marine Studies / Case Study / 23/6/15
Visual Design / Cross media and cultural cut ups/reuse, recycle, re create – in class / 22/6/15
YEAR 11/2015 TERM 3
Week / Subject / Task / Date
1 / Mathematics / Class Test / 17/7/15
Mathematics General / Class Test / 17/7/15
Mathematics Ext 1 / Class Test / 14/7/15
Studies of Religion 1 / Research and hand in task – Judaism / 17/7/15
2 / Chemistry / Practical exam / 24/7/15 - P3 & 4
English Extension 1 / Critique and Composition – Hand in, in Library 8.15-8.35 / 21/7/15
Senior Science / Research / 20/7/15 - P1 & 2
4 / Catholic Studies / Research task – Mission, Leadership and Ministry / 7/8/15
Economics / Media File & Statistical Research (Topics 4 & 5) / 7/8/15
English Advanced / Module B - Hand in before school / 4/8/15
Hospitality / Staff Lunch and Digital Portfolio / TBA
Mathematics Accelerated / Trial HSC Exam / Year 12 Exam Block
5 / Business Studies / Topic: Business Planning – Pt 1 Presentation (Ongoing) / 10/8/15
English Standard / Module C - Hand in before school / 12/8/15
PDHPE / Research Task / 12/8/15
Physics / Research Task – Dashboard Submission / 14/8/15
6 / Biology / Research Task – Dashboard submission / 17/8/15
Design and Technology / Task 3 – Practical and Folio / 19/8/15
Legal Studies / Oral Task: Law in Practice / 18/8/15
Modern History / Source Analysis / 17/8/15
PDVI / Collaborative Task – Time Based Form / 19/8/15 – P1
7 / Ancient History / Source Analysis – Hand in Task in class / 26/8/15
Business Studies / Business Planning Task - Hand in Written Plan (Ongoing) / 28/8/15
Drama / Course Production – in class / 24/8/15 – 28/8/15
Music / Performance and Viva Voce / 28/8/15 - P1 & P2
SLR / Research assignment – hand in task 8.15 – 8.35am / 26/8/15
Visual Arts / Body of Work – In class / 24/8/15 – P5
8 / Industrial Technology / Major Project and Folio / 31/8/15
Visual Design / 2 D design and social commentary - In class / 1/9/15

Section One

Higher School Certificate – Preliminary Year

(Year 11)

Assessment Policy

The following policy relates to Assessment Tasks in all Preliminary HSC courses conducted at Marist College North Shore.

Formal Assessment Task results contribute to the overall mark achieved by a student and subsequently contribute to his school-based Assessment Mark and A – E Grade submitted for the Preliminary Year.

Satisfactory Completion of a Course
“To have satisfactorily completed a course, students will have -
(a) followed the course;
(b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks
and experiences provided in the course by the school; and
(c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes.” [ACE 11.4]
Attendance At Marist College North Shore, 85% attendance is considered a minimum.
a)  Exceptional cases involving less than 85% attendance need to be approved by the Headmaster.
b)  In particular, any extended overseas leave requires the approval of the Headmaster at least two weeks prior to the student commencing their leave.
c)  There are to be no unexplained absences.
d)  Attendance deemed unsatisfactory will proceed to the Review Process.
Participation A Genuine Attempt must be made concerning the learning and teaching activities of a course.
a)  Participating in a course involves completing assignments, homework and set tasks.
b)  It is up to the teacher’s professional judgment to determine what constitutes genuine participation.
c)  Those deemed unsatisfactory will be referred to the Review Process.
Completion A student must make a Genuine Attempt at all Assessment Tasks in
of Assessment each course in which he is entered.
a)  Any student who fails to complete Assessment Tasks worth in excess of 50percent of the available marks will be issued with an official Board of Studies (BOS) “N” (Non-Completion) notice, which will disqualify him from this particular course.
b)  This may in turn disqualify him from receiving the HSC and ATAR.
c)  Warnings are sent to parents in writing if this eventuality appears likely.
Unsatisfactory Completion of a Course
Step 1 Notification Parents will be notified by letter when students are reviewed for their performance in a course. This formal Warning is called an ‘N-Warning’.
·  The appropriate Studies Coordinator / Head of Department and Director of Teaching and Learning are responsible for notifying parents at all stages of a review of a student’s performance in a course.
Step 2 Students are given Opportunity To Rectify Their Situation.
·  Attendance may involve students being placed on an attendance contract to meet requirements.
·  Participation may involve students being placed on a Class contract to meet requirements.
·  Completion Of Assessment requires students to complete the assessment task within a two week period.
Step 3 Second N-Warning Letter Sent - Students are given a second opportunity to rectify their situation.
Step 4 Unsatisfactory Determination (N-Award) An unsatisfactory result in a course will be determined by the Headmaster, in conjunction with the Director of Teaching and Learning.
·  This will occur after an Assessment Appeals Process has been completed.
·  The aim of the Assessment Appeals Process is restoration and the avoidance of awarding unsatisfactory results.
Schedule of Tasks
Step 1 Notification of tasks - The Schedule of Tasks (Section 2) indicates specific dates scheduled from Term 1 2013 to Term 3, 2013.
·  For hand-in assessment tasks, written notice will also be given outlining details and marking criteria at least two weeks prior to the task date. Teachers should use their professional judgement to ensure students have adequate time to prepare for each task.
·  For in-class tasks and examinations, written notice may be given outlining details prior to the task date; however, students should use the schedule of tasks for task dates, weightings and outcomes assessed.
·  Notification of change will be given in writing at least two weeks prior to the task date.
Step 2 Write in Student Diary and Family Calendar - It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the expectations, tasks and timing for each of their courses.
Reporting and Task Feedback
All students will receive meaningful feedback on their performance in each Assessment Task.
Timing Feedback will normally be provided as a raw mark, and/or ranked position within the course cohort.
ü  If it is a major task and undertaken by a large group, feedback will normally be within 10 school days.
Nature The College will provide each student with formal details of his ranked position within this school’s candidature for each course, as part of his final Preliminary report.
ü  Board of Studies regulations prohibit the College from providing a raw aggregate of marks scored in any course or subject.
Appeal Appeals against the ranking may be made within three school days of receiving it and should be directed through the Director of Teaching and Learning. See appeals process
ü  The onus is on students to check their mark calculations and report any discrepancies at the time the assessment task is returned to them.


RoSA Curriculum

Explanation of RoSA

The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is the new credential for students who leave school after Year Ten and before they receive their Higher School Certificate (HSC).

A Cumulative Record of all Academic Achievement

The RoSA is designed to record and credential all secondary school students’ academic results up until the HSC.

▪ While all students currently receive grades for courses they complete at the end of Year Ten, this system will be extended to also capture grades for courses a student completes in Year Eleven.

▪ If a student leaves school before receiving a grade in Years Eleven or Twelve courses, their RoSA will record the courses they commenced.

▪ This measures acknowledges the fact that many students begin senior secondary study but leave school for employment or other training opportunities before receiving their HSC.

Fair Allocation of Grades

It is important for parents, employers and students to know that grades awarded for the RoSA credential are given fairly and consistently.

▪ NSW teachers are very experienced in determining the standard of work that warrants a particular grade. As grading is extended into senior secondary courses, the Board will work with teachers to ensure that appropriate standards are developed and applied at that level.

▪ The Board will also provide schools with information about the historical allocation of grades to their students. This will serve as a guide for the allocation of grades to current students.

▪ These methods of moderation and monitoring of grades will help ensure that parents and employers can know that a grade awarded in one school is equivalent to the same grade awarded in another school.

Literacy and Numeracy Tests

Students who leave school before they get their HSC will have the option to undertake literacy and numeracy tests.

▪ The tests, which will be offered online and under teacher supervision, will be reported separately to the RoSA credential.

▪ The tests will not be available to all students, only those who indicate they wish to leave school. The tests will be designed to reflect the needs and expectations of students who leave school before undertaking the HSC.

▪ Students will be able to take the tests during ‘windows’ of availability throughout the year. They will be able to sit the tests only once during each window, but can sit for them again should they decide to stay on longer at school. The most recent results will be issued as part of the RoSA when a student leaves school.