
-They are made up of at least one cell and they reproduce.

2. Whichcharacteristicof livingthingsdoesthisbestrepresent? The sun shines on a bush; the bush makes berries that a bird eats.

-All living things require energy in order to survive.

3.Whichcharacteristic ofliving thingsisbestdescribedinthefigures? Prairie dogs standing around with a bird in background. The prairie dogs are running into the hole to hide from the bird attacking them.

-Living things respond to stimuli in their environment.

4. Which statement correctly identifies a functionof a chloroplast in a eukaryotic cell?

-It contains green pigment which helps a plant capture energy from sunlight.

5.Ascientistwantedtostudyacell which lacked the structure that contains the materials needed to provide energy to the cell. Which structure would be missing?


6. Whichstudentcorrectlyidentifiedcharacteristics1hatarespecifictoanimals?

-student 3

Student / Cell Wall Present / Conducts
1. / yes / yes
2. / yes / no
3. / no / no
4. / no / yes


-A greenvineusesenergyfromthesunto produce more cells

8. Which statementcorrectlydescribesadifferencebetweenplantcellsandanimalcells?

-Plant cells have chloroplasts, but animal cells do not.

9. Whichstatementdescribesamajorreproductivedifferencebetweenplantsandanimals?

-Most plants have both male and female structures, while most animals do not

10. Whichstatementidentifiesacharacteristic ofplantsbutnotanimals?

-Plants are producer but animals are consumers.

11. Whichcharacteristiccommontolivingthingsisevidencedbytheformationoftheegg inthebutterfly lifecycle?

-The butterflies are producing new offspring

12. Whichstudentcorrectlyidentifiesthecellstructureresponsibleforletting things in and outandthecell structure responsiblefor storingmaterialsinaplantcell?

-student D

Student / Mitochondrion / Chloroplast
- / Membrane / Vacuole
A / X / X
B / X / X
c / X / X
D / X / X

13. Evenonawindyday,mostplantscanremainupright.Whichstructureplaysthegreatestrolein providingaplantwiththistypeofsupport?

-cell wall

14. Whichstatementcorrectlydescribesa differencebetweencoyotesandstrawberryplants?

-Coyotes can only reproduce sexually; strawberry plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually

15. Whatisthefemalepartof aflowerthatdevelopsintoafruitafterfertilization?


16. Based on the differences between plant and animal cells, which cell would be from a plant?

-(rectangular) cell wall, large vacuole, chloroplasts


-sex cells and spores

18. Whatdoeukaryoticcellshavethatprokaryoticcellsdonothave?

-a nucleus “you do have a…”

19. Butterfliesundergowhatprocess?

-complete metamorphosis

20.What would happen to a cell if it lacked a ribosome?

-it could not have the ability to produce proteins

21. Whatstatementdescribesboththebioticandtheabioticfactorsinthispondecosystem?

-there is sand on the bottom and plants on the shore

22. Whichorganelleprovidesevidencethatthiscellcanproduceitsownfoodfromthesunlight?

-organelle 2

23. Whichofthesebestidentifiesbioticfactorsinaforestsystem?

-Producers, consumers, and decomposers (wildflowers, deer, songbirds, mushrooms)

24. Plant X and plant Y are the same species. Plant X is placed on a table. Plant Y s placed inside a cardboard box with only a hole in the top for light. How will these plants respond to these conditions?

-Plant X will bend towards the window, and plant Y will grow upright

25. Which statement best describes only biotic factors in a forest ecosystem?

- Abirdandasquirrellivinginatree

26. Which items correctly identify the abiotic items in a pond?

Items= fish, water, dissolved gases, plants, parasites in fish, and rocks on the bottom

-water, dissolved gases, and rocks on the bottom

27. How do angiosperms reproduce?


28. What type of environment do non vascular plants grow in? How do they obtain (get) water?

-moist / they absorb water from the environment using nearby cells

29. An animal with two similar halves that are mirror images of each other would have which type of symmetry?

-bilateral symmetry

30. Which of the following is a biotic part of the ocean?

Parts= salt water, fish, oxygen, and sand


31. Which statement describes an abiotic factor in the ecosystem?

-the sun shining in the sky

32. Whichofthefollowingidentifiestheprocessofphotosynthesis?

-student C

a. Prokaryoticlightcarbondioxide andoxygen
b. Plantdarknesscarbondioxide,
water, and chlorophyll
c. Plantlight carbondioxide,
water, and chlorophyll
d. Animalsdarknessglucose and oxygen

33. Astudentputssoilinthebottomofajar,plantsaseed, andputsthelidonthejar.Theseedsprouts, buttheplant soondies.Whichcharacteristicoflifeismostlimitedbythedosedlidonthejar?

Characteristics= lack of heat, lack of food, gas exchange, absorption of light energy

-exchange of gases

34. What abiotic factors are in an environment?

-rocks, water, sunlight, nutrients, and other nonliving characteristics

35. Technology is created by a process best described as -----?

-Engineering design process

36. What is: define a problem, research, and test? These are the…..

- Engineering design process

37. What is true of the Engineering Design Process?

-test and redesign

38. What process is described in the engineering design process when measuring the role of photosynthesis while creating bio-fuel?



39. How do you read the scale?

-224.6 g

40. Howdoyoureadthefollowing?Whatisthecorrectposition?

-B level and to the side


41. Whatpartofthescientificmethodisbeing usedbythefollowingdescription?

[1stputthewaterinthetesttube.2nd putthetubeinabeakerofwater.3rdheatthewater.]


42. This question has pictures and words concerning water and fertilizing plants. You have to match the words describing the hypothesis to the picture. They are 4 before and 4 after pictures of the results. (This is the best I can remember the question- sorry).

Hypothesis= “If I add water to the soil and fertilize the plant, then the plant should grow the best.”