After surgery you will remain in the recovery room for approximately two hours. Once you are alert and awake and able to ambulate, you will be discharged home. If you did not receive a pain medication prescription you may call our office with a pharmacy phone number and we will call in a medication for cramping. Upon leaving the Out-Patient Department you will need someone to drive you home. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU DRIVE YOURSELF HOME.


Once arriving at home, plan on resting the entire evening with very limited activity. If you have small children, you should make arrangements for another adult to be responsible for their care. It is not uncommon to have nausea after anesthesia. We recommend a clear liquid diet the evening of surgery, advancing to a regular diet 24 hours after surgery or when the nausea resolves.

You may resume your normal activities the day following surgery, avoiding heavy lifting or straining. If you are not taking any pain medications, you may be able to drive and leave the house the day following surgery. If you are uncomfortable enough to require pain medication, we recommend that you continue to limit your activities, increase your rest and post-pone driving and all other activities until you no longer require pain medication.

It is recommended that you do not douche, use tampons or have intercourse for the first two weeks following your surgery. You may have cramping for a few days and bleeding or spotting for several weeks.


For any of the following problems you should call the office during working hours at 771-5100 or the Medical Society nights and weekends at 463-1878 to reach a physician:

1.) temperature greater than 100.6

2.) constant, severe or increasing abdominal or pelvic pain, no relieved by rest or pain medication

3.) difficulty or painful voiding

4.) persistent or increasing foul vaginal discharge

5.) severe constipation, unrelieved by suppositories or Fleets enema

6.) bleeding heavy enough to soak through a sanitary pad every hour or passing large clots.


If you have not scheduled a post-operative appointment, please call the office between 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm to schedule your appointment for 4-6 weeks after your surgery.