2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003
Pool Play - Round 1
9:20:00 AM
Tossups / 1 / 2Question 1. Where does the next batter wait for his turn at bat in baseball?
Answer: In the on-deck circle / 10 / 10
Question 2. How many points are scored for a football field goal?
Answer: 3 / 10 / 10
Question 3. Which American president has a varied career as a Navy officer, nuclear engineer, successful farmer, businessman, and governor?
Answer: Jimmy Carter / 10 / 10
Question 4. What instrument was the first means of telling time?
Answer: Sundial / 10 / 10
Question 5. The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, served as a fort, and many men died defending it. What was the Alamo before it was turned into a fort?
Answer: Mission or church or convent or hospital / 10 / 10
Question 6. What South American country is largest on the continent?
Answer: Brazil / 10 / 10
Question 7. A shaggy, gigantic, manlike creature is known as Sasquatch to the Pacific Northwest Indians. What do we call this legendary creature?
Answer: Bigfoot / 10 / 10
Question 8. An ailing worker rescued by Canadian pilots from what place, after five days of weather delays, is back in the USA?
Answer: The South Pole / 10 / 10
Question 9. I'll name the first half of three famous pairs, and you name the other half: Sacco and ______; Tweeldedum and ______; Amos and ____.
Answer: (In order) Vanzetti, Tweedledee, Andy / 10 / 10
Question 10. Keith Lockhart is the current conductor of which orchestra, previously under the baton of such notables as Arthur Fiedler and John Williams?
Answer: Boston Pops Orchestra (He also serves as conductor of the Utah Symphony Orchestra.) / 10 / 10
Question 11. An adjective modifies a noun. What three parts of speech does an adverb modify?
Answer: Verb, adjective, or another adverb / 10 / 10
Question 12. An alphabetized list of the fifty states of the Union would begin with Alabama and end with what state?
Answer: Wyoming / 10 / 10
Question 13. Madison Avenue represents the American advertising industry. Another New York street represents American finance and the stock market. What is it?
Answer: Wall Street / 10 / 10
Question 14. What is the difference between cavalry and Calvary?
Answer: Cavalry is a mounted military unit. Calvary is the hill where Jesus Christ was crucified. / 10 / 10
Question 15. Prince Henry the Navigator
Answer: Portuguese / 10 / 10
Question 16. The United States Supreme Court opens on the traditional first Monday in October. How many justices are there on the Court?
Answer: 9 / 10 / 10
Question 17. Antoine Lavoisier has been called the Father of Modern Chemistry. Who is called the Father of Psychoanalysis?
Answer: Sigmund Freud / 10 / 10
Question 18. THE WALRUS AND THE CARPENTER is a ballad depicting the trials and tribulations of some oysters. Who wrote the poem?
Answer: Lewis Carroll / 10 / 10
Question 19. Stone Mountain, Georgia, measures about two miles long, one mile wide, and is the largest stone mountain in North America. What kind of stone is it?
Answer: Granite / 10 / 10
Question 20. Saudi Arabia’s religious police have declared what dolls a threat to morality, complaining that the revealing clothes of the toy—already banned in the kingdom—are offensive to Islam?
Answer: Barbie / 10 / 10
Question 21. A baseball player comes to the plate 5 times. He is hit by a pitch, he strikes out, he draws a base on balls, he singles, and he knocks a sacrifice fly. What is his batting average for the game?
Answer: .500 / 10 / 10
Question 22. The first commercially successful steamboat was designed and built by Robert Fulton. What was the name of the vessel?
Answer: Clermont / 10 / 10
Question 23. Ben is 9 years old; Sam is 7; Greg, 4; and Marvin, 8. What is the average age of these four boys?
Answer: 7 / 10 / 10
Question 24. A father and son made wings of wax and flew with them. The son flew too close to the sun, which melted the wax, and he plunged to his death. Can you identify this mythological pair?
Answer: Daedalus and his son Icarus / 10 / 10
Question 25. Numerous new Internet “foliage cams” are giving viewers daily or weekly updates as well as live looks at what annual event, popular especially in New England?
Answer: The changing of the autumn tree colors / 10 / 10
Question 26. In 1628, an English doctor demonstrated how the human blood circulates. Who was he?
Answer: William Harvey / 10 / 10
Question 27. What unit of mass is abbreviated by the letters kg?
Answer: Kilogram / 10 / 10
Question 28. It's the eighth largest country in the world. Its neighbors are Bolivia and Paraguay to the north; Chile to the west; Uruguay to the east; and Brazil to the northeast. What is the country?
Answer: Argentina / 10 / 10
Question 29. How many others were crucified with Jesus Christ?
Answer: 2 / 10 / 10
Question 30. Is the heroine of PETER PAN named Becky Sharp, Wendy Darling, Dorothy Gale, or Lorna Doone?
Answer: Wendy Darling / 10 / 10
Question 31. Ted Turner has started a restaurant chain, Ted's Montana Grill, where he is turning what animals into burgers and, in the process, hoping to build what he calls "another great fortune"?
Answer: Bison (Accept buffalo.) / 10 / 10
Question 32. The United States participated in World War II for a period of how many years: one, two, three, or four?
Answer: Four / 10 / 10
Question 33. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS, JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, are all books that have been made into adventure movies. Do you know the 19th century French author who wrote the novels?
Answer: Jules Verne / 10 / 10
Question 34. Known as the crossroads of the Pacific, this port city serves as the stopping point for ships and planes crossing the Pacific Ocean. Located on the island of Oahu, it is the capital and largest city of Hawaii. Name the city.
Answer: Honolulu / 10 / 10
Question 35. What world leader said that he would have resigned had there been any truth to a report that his government had embellished an intelligence dossier on Iraq with dubious information?
Answer: British Prime Minister Tony Blair / 10 / 10
Question 36. What TV quiz show did blind sportswriter Eddie Timanus become a five-day champion on, in 2001?
Answer: Jeopardy / 10 / 10
Question 37. What period of the year begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday?
Answer: Lent / 10 / 10
Question 38. What do we call a natural electrical discharge in the sky?
Answer: Lightning / 10 / 10
Question 39. Sometimes it is possible to use exact numbers, but when numbers become very large or change very fast, exact numbers may be impossible to arrive at. Data is often reported in this way. What mathematical term describes these estimates?
Answer: Rounded numbers / 10 / 10
Question 40. Who had a teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh?
Answer: Christopher Robin / 10 / 10
Question 41. Who attempted to turn West Point over to the British in 1780?
Answer: Benedict Arnold / 10 / 10
Question 42. Prior to this year’s victory over the Atlanta Braves, when was the last time the Chicago Cubs won a postseason series?
Answer: 1908 / 10 / 10
Lightning Round
LETTERS-Each of the following descriptions leads to a single letter of the-alphabet. For example, if I said niacin, you'd say B as in B-12. / 1 / 2Question 43. Operation Overlord
Answer: D (D-Day) / 5 / 5
Question 44. The time for an attack to begin
Answer: H (H-hour) / 5 / 5
Question 45. An elementary particle
Answer: Z or W / 5 / 5
Question 46. A military food
Answer: K or C (K/C rations) / 5 / 5
SHAKESPEARE-Name these Shakespearean characters. / 1 / 2
Question 47. She was driven mad by Hamlet.
Answer: Ophelia / 5 / 5
Question 48. He kills his wife, then executes himself when he learns of her innocence.
Answer: Othello / 5 / 5
Question 49. Hamlet kills this king.
Answer: Claudius / 5 / 5
RED, WHITE, AND BLUE- The three colors of the flag appear in other places, too. In this quiz I want you to tell me what color is: / 1 / 2
Question 50. A sapphire
Answer: Blue / 5 / 5
Question 51. Which is hottest--red, white, or blue?
Answer: Blue / 5 / 5
Question 52. Turquoise
Answer: Blue / 5 / 5
Question 53. Azurite
Answer: Blue / 5 / 5
SUN-Louis XIV was called the Sun King. Come up with these other sunny items. / 1 / 2
Question 54. Prostration from extreme heat is . . .
Answer: Sunstroke / 5 / 5
Question 55. An ancient instrument for measuring time
Answer: Sundial / 5 / 5
Question 56. Norway
Answer: Land of the Midnight Sun / 5 / 5
Unique is what you seek in this category. / 1 / 2
Question 57. The only metal that is a liquid at room temperature.
Answer: Mercury / 5 / 5
Question 58. The only four-letter word ending in eny.
Answer: Deny / 5 / 5
Question 59. The oldest living thing in the U.S. is named for a Civil War general. It is located in Sequoia National Park. What is its name?
Answer: General Sherman Big Tree / 5 / 5
Question 60. Identify the only President who served more than two terms.
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt / 5 / 5
EXECUTIONS- Here's a list of people well-remembered by history, some for their crimes, some for their goodness, all executed by the legal system of their day. How were they executed? / 1 / 2
Question 61. Jesus Christ
Answer: Crucifixion / 5 / 5
Question 62. Nathan Hale
Answer: Hanged without a trial / 5 / 5
Question 63. Maximilien de Robespierre
Answer: Guillotined / 5 / 5
WHOSE WHAT?- The answers are things that belong to someone; for example, if I said Aesop's, you'd say Fables. / 1 / 2
Question 64. Halley's
Answer: Comet / 5 / 5
Question 65. Pandora's
Answer: Box / 5 / 5
Question 66. Dante's
Answer: Inferno / 5 / 5
LEGAL TERMS- Provide the word or expression used by the legal profession to describe the given data. / 1 / 2
Question 67. An individual's assets.
Answer: Estate (net worth) / 5 / 5
Question 68. To revoke an attorney's right to practice.
Answer: Disbar / 5 / 5
Question 69. Money paid for support of spouse.
Answer: Alimony / 5 / 5
Question 70. A document issued for purpose of travel outside the country.
Answer: Passport / 5 / 5
I will name four trophies and you name each sport. / 1 / 2
Question 71. Davis Cup
Answer: Tennis / 5 / 5
Question 72. Walker Cup
Answer: Golf / 5 / 5
Question 73. America's Cup
Answer: Yacht racing / 5 / 5
Question 74. Stanley Cup
Answer: Ice hockey / 5 / 5
2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003
Pool Play - Round 2
9:40:00 AM
Tossups / 1 / 2Question 1. Tell me exactly where the earth, sun, and moon are during both a solar and lunar eclipse.
Answer: Solar eclipse--the moon passes between the earth and sun. Lunar eclipse--the earth passes between the moon and sun. / 10 / 10
Answer: Edgar Allan Poe / 10 / 10
Question 3. New textbooks are being printed but they are not expected to be available until November, so until then Iraqi students will tear out pictures and draw lines through references to whom in a de-Baathication process?
Answer: Saddam / 10 / 10
Question 4. The English colony at Fort Rawley on Roanoke Island failed after many hardships. Roanoke Island was then considered part of an area called Virginia. What state is it part of today?
Answer: North Carolina / 10 / 10
Question 5. The U.S. will impose economic sanctions on Cuba, North Korea and Myanmar for failing to take steps to stop what sort of trafficking?
Answer: Humans for modern-day slavery / 10 / 10
Question 6. Which American President lost a great deal of popularity because of the failure of his attack on the Bay of Pigs in Cuba?
Answer: John F. Kennedy / 10 / 10
Question 7. A group of similar cells is called a tissue. What do scientists call a group of similar tissues?
Answer: An organ / 10 / 10
Question 8. This baseball championship is played annually at Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Answer: Little League / 10 / 10
Question 9. October 4, 1957, was the day the Space Age started with the launching of a Russian spacecraft. What was it called?
Answer: Sputnik / 10 / 10
Question 10. Who is zero called the identity number of addition?
Answer: Adding zero to any number of any number to zero does not change the value of the number. / 10 / 10
Question 11. I am; he is; they ___?
Answer: Are / 10 / 10
Question 12. Late maturity or old age in a river is characterized by : (a) a straight course, (b) rapids, (c) meanders and oxbow lakes, or (d) sharp divides?
Answer: (c) meanders and oxbow lakes / 10 / 10
Question 13. The prime minister of which Southeast Asian nation recently told a summit of Islamic leaders that Muslims should unite nonviolently against "Jewish domination"?
Answer: Malaysia / 10 / 10
Question 14. Both he and the headless horseman were in love with Katrina, in the story THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW by Washington Irving. Name this character.
Answer: Ichabod Crane / 10 / 10
Question 15. Name the capitals of these three states: Florida, Vermont, Delaware.
Answer: (In order) Tallahassee, Montpelier, Dover / 10 / 10
Question 16. It's 1/4 the size of the earth, has 1/6 the gravity, has no weather, no sound, no light. What is it?
Answer: Moon / 10 / 10
Question 17. An early Gothic cathedral completed in 1250.
Answer: Notre Dame / 10 / 10
Question 18. Name the immortal literary character who exchanges his mother's cow for a handful of beans.