Policy Document
A17 – Admissions Policy

The admission policy of Boldon School is based on that of the Local Authority. This is set out in 'Education in South Tyneside - A Guide for Parents' published and distributed annually by the LA.

An extract of ‘Admission to Secondary School' is reproduced in the school's ‘A Guide for Parents’.

Admission to Year 7 at 11+ is the responsibility of the LA. Parents are given the opportunity to express a preference for the school or schools of their choice. Parents of all students in South Tyneside aged 11+ on

31 August of any year receive a letter in the preceding November giving full details of the arrangements for expressing a preference for the schools of their choice and other matters related to transfer of students. In support of this, an Open Evening is held at school in the Autumn Term prior to the September when admission is requested. Where there is pressure on places, the Authority will decide upon applications for admission in accordance with a list of published criteria.

Any parents wishing to appeal against a decision of the Authority concerning an admission or transfer application for a school should inform the Director of Education in writing.

All parents of students in feeder schools are invited by letter. To inform all parents in the Borough of school open evenings, the LA. places a joint notice in the local press and this school co-ordinates the date with neighbouring secondary schools.

Sufficient copies of the school's 'Guide for Parents' are distributed, before the open evening, to all primary schools who will be sending students. They are also available on request.

Parents who wish their children to be admitted to Year 7 after the beginning of term and to other years are interviewed with their children. This interview may be with the Head Teacher or Director of Learning depending upon the circumstances of the transfer request. The interview is to ascertain that all relevant information for a successful transfer and integration is discussed. Term time transfers within the Borough are co-ordinated with the LA. Transfers will normally take place at the start of a school term only.

One day is set aside, near the end of the summer term, to familiarise all new entrants to Year 7 with the school.

Parents may visit the school at any time by appointment and will be seen by a senior member of staff.

School Leaving Date

There is a single school leaving date for Year 11 students. The date is the last Friday in June. Young people will not be able to leave school before that date even if they are already 16 years old.



Legal Surname: / Surname / Forename: / Middle Names:
Date of Birth: / Gender: / Admission Date: / Name of your child's last school:


Mother's Personal Details

Title (Mrs, Miss, Ms):……………….
Post Code:………………………………..
Home Tel No:………………………………..
Mobile No:………………………………..
Does your child live at this address:
If no, please state where your child lives and with whom: /

Father's Personal Details

Title (Mr):……………….
Post Code:………………………………..
Home Tel No:………………………………..
Mobile No:………………………………..
Does your child live at this address:
If no, please state where your child lives and with whom:

Mother's Work Details

Serving in HM Forces: Yes: No:
Place of Work:………………………….
Work Tel No:…………………………. /

Father's Work Details

Serving in HM Forces: Yes: No:
Place of Work:………………………….
Work Tel No:………………………….
If your child is ill, or has an accident at school and we cannot contact a parent, who is the person we should try next?
Title (Mrs, Miss, Ms):…………Forename: …………………….Surname: ……………………….
Address: …………………………………..……………………………………………………………………
Post Code: ……………………………………..Home Tel No:………………………………….
Relationship to your child (eg. Grandmother, Aunt, Neighbour, Friend etc.) …………………………………


Data Protection: Please read the attached Privacy Notice. We assume that you will have no objection to important school partners e.g. School Nurse and Services for Young People (Careers etc.) having access to your child’s personal details. If you do have concerns please contact the school office on 0191 5362176.

Does your child have any brothers or sisters who attend this school?

SurnameForenameYearRelationship (eg. brother/sister)


Name of Your Family Doctor: / Address of Surgery: / Tel No:
Has your child had any illnesses or disabilities which we should know about?
Does your child have a hearing or sight problem? / Does your child have a caring responsibility for a family member?
ETHINICITY (please tick)


Traveller of Irish Heritage
Any other White background


White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background
Chinese /
Asian or Asian British

Any other Asian background

Black or Black British

Any other Black background
Any other ethnic background
Refused/preferred not to say
Other – please state……………………………………. / Home
Free School Meals
Paid School Meals
Other – please state…………………………………….
Food Allergies:

UPN: Reg Group: Teaching Group:

Parental Consent Form

Child’s Name: ......

Parental consent form for all Category 0 and Category 1 visits and other off site activities

Categories / Category 0 visits / Category 1 visits
Range of Activities / School centre visits in local area:
Timetabled visits:
  • Swimming
  • Games
  • Surveys
  • Visits to churches
  • Visits to parks
  • Visits to local schools
/ Non residential visits to places of educational interests and activities that have no significant risks.
Visits to:
  • Concerts
  • Theatres
  • Sports fixtures / visits
  • Charity walks in parks and non remotes paths
  • Field studies in non remote / non hazardous areas

Please sign and date the form below if you are happy for your child, whilst at Boldon School:

  • To take part in school trips and other activities outlined above Yes No
  • To have photographs taken and displayed in the school, be published Yes No

with their names i.e. sports fixtures, in the press as well as on school,

Local Authority or press websites

  • To be given first aid or urgent medical treatment during any school YesNo

trip or activity

Signed: ...... Parent/Guardian Date: ......

All you need to know about data kept about your child

Privacy Notice - Data Protection Act 1998

Boldon School is a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. We collect information from you and may receive information about your child from their previous school. We hold this personal data and use it to:

  • Support their teaching and learning;
  • Monitor and report on their progress;
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care, and
  • Assess how well the school is doing.

This information includes contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, any special educational needs and relevant medical information. If your child isenrolling for post 14 qualifications we will be provided with their unique learner number (ULN) by the Learning Records Service and may also obtain from them details of anylearning or qualifications they have undertaken.

We will not give information about your child to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit this to happen.

We are required by law to pass some information to the Local Authority and the Department for Education (DfE) and to agencies that are prescribed by law, including Ofsted, the Department of Health (DH) and Primary Care Trusts (PCT). All these are data controllers in respect of the data they receive and are subject to the same legal constraints in how they deal with the information.

If you wish to see a copy of the information we hold and/or share, please contact the school office on 0191 5362176.

If you require more information about how other organisations such as the Local Authority (LA) or the DfE store and use information then please contact them directly.

LA contact details: Information Governance,Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL.

DfE contact details:

Telephone: 0370 000 2288

Email: http;//


For students aged 13 or over, we are required by law to pass on certain information to the provider of youth support services in our area. This is the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in England. We must provide the address, date of birth and any further information relevant to the support services' role.

However, until they are aged 16 or older, parent(s) can ask that no information beyond their childs name, address and date of birth (andyour name and address) be passed on to the youth services provider.This right transfers to your childontheir 16th birthday.Please inform the school office on 0191 5362176 ifthis is what you wish.

For more information about young peoples’ services, please go to the Directgov Young People page at

Boldon School
E-Safety Rules
All students use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of learning, as required by the National Curriculum. Both students and their parents/carers are asked to sign to show that the e-Safety Rules have been understood and agreed. The Rules are displayed in all networked rooms within school and can also be accessed on the school website.
Student: ______ / Reg. Group: ______
Student’s Agreement
  • I have read and I understand the school e-Safety Rules.
  • I will only use the computer, network, Internet access and other new technologies with the permission of a member of staff and in a responsible way at all times.
  • I know that network and Internet access may be monitored.

Signed (student): ______ / Date: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Consent for Web Publication of Work and Photographs
I agree that my son/daughter’s work may be electronically published. I also agree that appropriate images and video that include my son/daughter may be published subject to the school rule that photographs will not be accompanied by student names.
Signed:______ / Date:______
Parent/Guardian’s Consent for school information systems and Internet Access.
I have read and understood the school e-safety rules and give permission for my son / daughter to access the Internet. I understand that the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that students cannot access inappropriate materials but I appreciate that this is a difficult task.
I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed through the Internet. I agree that the school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the Internet facilities.
Signed: ______ / Date: ______
Please print name: ______
Please complete, sign and return to the school office.



These e-Safety Rules help to protect students and the school by describing acceptable and unacceptable computer use.

  • The school owns the computer network and can set rules for its use.
  • It is a criminal offence to use a computer or network for a purpose not permitted by the school.
  • Irresponsible or inappropriate use may result in the loss of network or Internet access.
  • No files or programs may be stored or accessed on the network from a data pen or other storage device without the permission of a member of staff.
  • Network access must be made via the user’s authorised account and password, which must not be given to any other person.
  • All network and Internet use must be appropriate to education.
  • Copyright and intellectual property rights must be respected.
  • Messages shall be written carefully and politely, particularly as email could be forwarded to unintended readers.
  • Anonymous messages and chain letters are not permitted.
  • Users must take care not to reveal personal information through email, personal publishing, blogs or messaging.
  • The school ICT systems may not be used for private purposes, unless the head teacher has given specific permission.
  • Use for personal financial gain, gambling, political activity, advertising or illegal purposes is not permitted.

The school may exercise its right to monitor the use of the school’s computer systems, including access to web-sites, the interception of e-mail and the deletion of inappropriate materials where it believes unauthorised or inappropriate use of the school’s computer system may be taking place, or the system may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing unauthorised or unlawful text, imagery or sound.