1. Cut all the questions and answers from one of the comprehensive study guides into strips. (Keep the question and answer together. You will end up with 50 strips.) Put them in an envelope.

2. Hand out A Bingo card with 24 empty boxes--except for the free space (5 squares X5 squares). If you don't have a bingo card, you can print one at www.FunTeaching.Com. (CLICK HERE FOR A BINGO CARD)

3. Have the students get out the comprehensive study guide you previously passed out to them. Have them write down 24 of the 50 "Answers" off the study guide and put these answers onto the Bingo card. They should complete all boxes on the bingo card with answers. (Keep them moving along until the bingo card is complete. Several tend to take their time doing this.)

4. The teacher or the substitute should draw one cutup strip from the envelope and read the "Question" aloud. As a group, let the students call out the "Answer" to the question. If you prefer, have them raise their hand to give their response. (Student should cross out a square if it contains an answer that matches a question that was read.)

5. Set each strip out flat and face-up after it is read. You may need to refer back to it.

6. Continue to draw and read until a student fills their whole card and yells, "Bingo". It takes the whole hour, and you will not have more than 2 or 3 Blackout at once. Quit after the first blackout. Check their card against the strips you have read.