Planning Goal Outcomes and Uses 2007 – 2008

Name of Person Completing Form: Sharon Yarbrough


Phone #: 6526

Reviewed and Approved by:

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Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning & Grant Development

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Mission or Philosophy

Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning & Grant Development: Our purpose is to provide services and to collaborate with other faculty and staff in: compiling appropriate college information, generating institutional reports, providing information for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs and services supporting the strategic planning process. The department assumes direct responsibility to and serves as liaison with staff of the college’s governing board in several major reporting and planning areas. We coordinate and participate in carious ongoing institutional data collection and reporting activities, special projects, and periodic plans and reports. Our functions involve developing and maintaining information files, consulting with administrators, faculty, and staff in responding to information request, and assisting inquirers in locating appropriate data sources. As a central collection of information on the college, the IERP office maintains the Pellissippi State Fact Book.

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Goal 1: To provide appropriate, timely and official institutional information.

Objective: Increase availability of institutional information by 10%

Action Plan: 1. Use Luminis/IR website to provide readily available information in an internal and external format; 2. Continue to address ad hoc requests; 3. Continue to provide selected institutional information on IR Repository

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

Goal 2: To provide reliable and timely support for institutional planning and evaluation.

Objective: Increase planning support to the college 40%

Action Plan: 1. Review planning development procedures, complete development of the Goal/Outcome entry and retrieval software system, publication and/or distribution of calendars, instructions and action plan/goal development/assessment guidelines, models, presentations, and articles; 2. Provide online archiving and password protected access to all submitted PSTCC action plans; 3. Provide training in the development of unit plans, i.e., development of goals, objectives, outcomes, assessment of outcomes, and linking budget to unit plans.

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

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Goal 3: Provide Grant Development support to institution

Objective: Increase grant proposal submissions 20%

Action Plan: 1. Form a Grant Development Advisory Committee; 2. Develop a series of grant writing workshops; 3. Prepare and disseminate Grant Development matrixes (availability of grant opportunities)

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

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Goal 4: To develop an assessment model that can be used to maintain and enhance the quality of college-wide programs and institutional services.

Objective: Increase assessment awareness and practice college-wide by 25%

Action Plan: 1. Provide workshops on assessment models and best practices in assessment; 2. Identify assessment measurements; 3. Document use of assessment measures; 4. Maintain database of how assessments were used to improve programs and services

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

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Goal 5: To continually review and improve skills, knowledge, and processes to enhance Institutional Research and Grant Development services

Objective: To increase participation in professional development activities for Institutional Research and Grant Development by 15%

Action Plan: 1. Attend Banner, Web Focus, Luminis, Desire2Learn and on-line survey training; 2. Maintain “a” current knowledge IR and Grant Development practices, 3. Become familiar with new and improved methods for providing data to institution

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

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Goal 6:


Action Plan:

Complete this section by April 1, 2008:


Use of Outcomes:

Assessment Source: (Please describe how the outcomes were determined.)

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Questions / Comments please contact: Dr. Sharon Yarbrough at

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