Gila Pueblo Campus-Globe
CSA 130B PowerPoint: Module B Syllabus
CSA 130A, 130B, and 130C together constitute CSA 130
Course Information:
Course Prefix/Number: CSA 130B Course Title: PowerPoint Module B
Semester: 200512 (Spring, 2005) CRN (Section Code): 29166
Class Days/Times: 3/5/05 & 3/12/05 8:00am – 5:00pm Site/Room: Lab 1
Credit Hours: 1.00 Prerequisites: 130A Preferred
Required Assessments: Teaching Format: (Lab/lecture
Methodology: Hands on Transferability:
Course Web Page: http://cc.pima.edu/~cbarnes Estimated Study Time: 16 hours
Instructor Information:
Name: Cindy Barnes
US Mail: Gila Pueblo Campus
P.O. Box 2656
Globe, AZ 85502
Phone/Voice Mail: (928) 475-2378 Work (928) 428-2871 Home
Availability: Office hours: Contact me anytime via phone or email. I will respond as quickly as possible.
Instructional Materials:
Required Text: Beskeen, David W. Microsoft PowerPoint 2000. Thomson Learning. Cambridge, MA. ISBN: 0760060746 Others:
Note: Textbooks are available at Classbook.com.
CSA 130B Course Syllabus
Course Description: Microsoft PowerPoint at the intermediate level. Includes coloring and shading tools, pictures and clipart, drawing features, appearance, and pictures and slides. Information: CSA 130A, 130B, and 130C together constitute CSA 130. Course Co requisites: NONE
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the use of coloring and shading tools.
2. Add pictures and Clipart to slides.
3. Demonstrate and use PowerPoint’s drawing features.
4. Draw pictures on slides.
5. Change the appearance of an existing presentation
6. Add pictures to slides.
Course Outline:
· I need your email address
· Let the instructor know if you completed CSA 130A or not.
· Read and sign syllabus
· Most of this class will be from the MS PowerPoint 2000 required book
· Create a folder on the desktop and call it your name. Or save your presentation on a disk.
· Email your presentations that you saved for this course to the instructor
Let’s get ready for class!
1. Please read B2 – B4 to help you determine what you want your presentation to convey. Try AutoContent Wizard, Design Template and Blank Presentation and see which one you like best. Play around and have fun.
2. Page C2 – C19 After you create the basic outline of your presentation and enter text, you need to add visuals to slides to communicate your message in the most effective way possible. Go through each step.
3. Page D3 – D19 After completing the content of your presentation, you can supplement your slide text with clip art or graphics, charts, and other visuals that help communicate your content and keep your slide show visually interesting.
4. Quiz on chapters C & D. Then we will resume next week.
5. Pages E2 – E17 Design features such as text spacing and color are some of the most important qualities of a professional looking presentation. It is important, however, to make design elements consistent throughout a presentation. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE.
6. F2 – F17 A PowerPoint presentation is a visual communication tool. A slide that delivers information with a relevant graphic object has a more lasting impact than a slide with plain text.
7. Quiz on chapters E & F.
Thank you for a wonderful journey! Your self-learning starts from here!
"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end."
--Ursula K. LeGuin
Course Requirements: You are expected to complete the four chapters, save your work and email everything to the instructor. If you are not available for the quizzes, please make sure I have your email address so I can send them to you.
Important Phone Numbers:
For questions concerning subject matter: 928 475-2378 Days 928 438-2871 evenings
For general information about the Globe Campus: 928-425-8481
For general information about Pima Community College: 520-206-4500
To register for all PCC courses: 928-425-8481 or via Internet website: www.pima.edu
CSA 130 Course Policies
Attendance: (choose one, only)
§ The attendance policy for this class is simple. You are all adults who have in some form paid for this class. If you do not wish to come to any session, you do not have to attend. However, it is your responsibility to make up what you have missed by not attending
Academic Integrity: (choose one, only)
§ Violations of scholastic ethics are considered serious offenses by Pima Community College, the XXX Department and by your instructor. Students may consult the PCC Student Handbook sections on student code of conduct, on scholastic ethics and on the grade appeal procedure. Copies are available at PCC campus libraries and at http://www.pima.edu/~coadmissions/studresp.htm.
§ All work done for this class must be your own. While you may discuss assignments with other class members, the final written project must clearly be your own. You may use work from books and other materials if it is properly cited. Copying from a book without proper reference or from a person under any circumstances will result in an F for the assignment, and at the instructor's discretion, possibly an F for the course.
§ Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and the Scholastic Code of Conduct found in the Pima Community College Student Handbook. Copies are available at PCC campus libraries and at http://www.pima.edu/~coadmissions/studresp.htm.
ADA Compliance:
Pima County Community College District strives to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations must notify the instructor of this need or directly contact the Disabled Student Resources Office on your campus at the beginning of the semester.
Classroom Behavior:
§ Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or on field trips.
§ Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal.
§ Eating, drinking, smoking and soliciting are not allowed in classrooms.
§ Pets are not allowed in classrooms.
§ Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others will be asked to leave.
Instructor Withdrawals:
Students may withdraw from class at any time during the first 2/3 of the semester without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty. The instructor for this class will withdraw students only for the official 45th day report due on Date changes. Students who have not submitted any assignments nor taken the midterm at that time are assumed NOT to be participating in the class and will be withdrawn. Students not active after this date will receive an "F" grade at the end of the semester. Please be sure to withdraw yourself by date changes if you do not expect to complete the class.
Workload: Students are expected to spend an average of X hours per week attending class sessions, doing assignments and research, reading and preparing for exams. The standard Carnegie Unit of college credit assigns one credit hour for each 15 hours of class time and assumes that students spend two hours working outside the classroom for each hour of classroom instruction. For at three-credit course, this translates to 135 hours per semester or an average of nine hours per week for a 15/16-week semester.
CSA 130B Grading System/Policies
Your final grade will be calculated as follows:
PROJECTS / Unit C / 15 / A / 90-100
4 @ 15 points each / Unit D / 15 / B / 80-89
Unit E / 15 / C / 70-79
Unit F / 15 / D / 60-69
F / 0-59
QUIZZES / Unit C & D / 20
2 @ 20 points each / Unit E & F / 20
TOTAL: / 100
Incomplete (I) grade:
§ To receive an “ I “ grade, you must have finished at least 1/2 of the course requirements (including receiving a passing grade on the midterm) and specifically request the grade. Please call before the last week of class to be sure that there is sufficient time to consider your request. An incomplete grade generally implies that a student has shown sufficient initiative to complete the course on his or her own. You will receive a copy of the standard “I” form filed with the grade. This form details specifically what must be done to complete the course. A student has one year to complete the required work, after which the grade automatically reverts to an “F.”
§ “I” grades are not awarded automatically. The student must request an "I" from the instructor who will judge the student's ability to complete the course on his or her own. Generally the student must have completed over 75% of the course requirements. Student and instructor fill out a form listing what remains to be completed as well as how and when the work will be done. "I" grades will not be re-evaluated during the final two weeks of the semester when class activities are normally at their most intense.
§ “I” grades must be requested in writing by the student and final decisions regarding an incomplete grade are made by the instructor, but no incompletes are given if less than 2/3 of the course work has been completed. Incompletes are generally reserved for medical and family emergencies that are of significant duration or occur at a critical time during the semester.
§ Due to the nature of this class, incomplete grades will not be given.
§ Write your own.
Special Withdrawal (Y) grade:
The “Y” grade is an administrative withdrawal given at the instructor’s option when no other grade is deemed appropriate. Your instructor must file a form stating the specific rationale for awarding this grade. “Y” grades are discouraged since they often affect students negatively. Your instructor will not award a "Y" grade without a strong reason.
Make-up Exams:
No make-up exams are given. Since the lowest of the class exam grades is dropped, students missing an exam will have that exam grade dropped.
Sample/Practice Tests:
Tests from previous semesters are available for student inspection at the Library Reserve Desk.
Final Grades: Students will receive a grade transcript from the college mailed to the address given with registration materials at the end of the semester when all grades have been recorded. For privacy and security reasons, instructors are advised NOT to give grades over the telephone. Students who wish to check grades may call MAX 2000 at 206-4880.
CSA 130A Class Calendar/Schedule
Week Date Topic Description Text Chapter
1 01/12 First Day of Class
2 01/17
3 1/24
1/25 Drop/Refund & Audit Deadline for 16 week Class
4 01/31
5 02/07
6 02/14
7 02/21
02/25 45 Day Count
8 03/01
9 03/08 1st Eight Week Class Ends
03/09 2nd Eight Week Class Starts
10 03/14-18 Spring Break No Classes
11 03/21 Summer Registration Begins
12 04/04
13 04/11 Fall Registration Begins
14 04/18
Your instructor will make every attempt to follow the above procedures and schedules, but they may be changed in the event of extenuating circumstances.
Students submitting assignments through the mail are advised to make copies for their own protection.
If you move during the semester, please file a change of address form at any PCC campus registration office.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Syllabus
Please sign and return the following acknowledgment to me in class or at the following address:
Cindy Barnes
Pima Community College
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos, AZ 85550
____I have received my CSA 130B syllabus (including course objectives, policies, requirements and schedule) and have read
and understood all the enclosed materials.
____I have no objection to receiving an occasional call from the instructor at the number given with my registration materials.
____I prefer that the instructor not call or contact me by phone anytime during the semester.
My reasons for taking this course:
My background in this area includes:
____I would like to be contacted by the instructor regarding the following concerns:
Name ______Student ID #
Phone E-mail address