Physical Education : PE + M ath = Fun
Issue 1 Schlander Verner March 1010
Editor’s note Welcome to the first issue of ‘Physical Education” brought to you by yours truly Schlander Verner. I hope this newsletter will prove that physical education is not all about fun and games, and that PE can be integrated into other curriculums.
How do you integrate PE & Math
You can start by incorporating math into your exercises and involving your students. You can start by allowing your students to divide the class into groups. You can also allow your students to count while exercising. Research and organize the lesson that you want to teach. Today’s PE classes are no longer sports oriented. They are moving in the direction of educating students by integrating PE with curriculums used in the classroom. Therefore, research will be crucial in this transition. There area website available that will provide some guidelines of integrating physical education and other subject matters.
Ways to incorporate PE & Math
You can incorporate PE & Math by adding math into games and exercises. Games such as dribbling math challenge are very popular in PE classes. This game allows students to learn how to dribble a basketball and count at the same time. PE classes that are sports oriented can be easily transitioned. Most sports already require students to add and divide in order to keep scores and create teams. Your job is to involve the students and make it fun. In order for integration to occur smoothly, you as an educator must love and take pride in what you are doing. For more games that integrates math and physical education, see
Integrated Games /Exercises
Aerobic Frisbee Golf Math Facts Basketball
Recycling Relay Number Crunching
Dribbling for Nutrition Geography Golf