Missouri Math Standards – 6 page Summary
Number System / NS - number sense / NBT - number sense in base 10 / NF - number sense and operations in fractions / NS(2) - number sense and operations / RP - ratios & proportional relationshipsK / natural or counting numbers from 1 on up (sometimes 0 is included) / know # names and count sequence; understand relationship betw # and quantities; connect counting to cardinality; compare numbers / foundations for place value 11-19 / na / na / na
1 / whole numbers- 0 is definitely included / understand and use # up to 120 / understand place value of 2 digit numbers; use place value for +,-; / na / na / na
2 / na / understand place value of 3 digit numbers; use place value and properties of operations for +,-; represent and solve problems using +, - / na / na / na
3 / na / use +,- within 1000; x whole # by 10; rounding / understand fractions as numbers; represent on a number line; equivalent fractions; compare fractions with same numerator or denominator / na / na
4 / na / multi-digit arithmetic up to a million; rounding; comparison; quotients & remainders (up to 4 digits) with a 1 digit divisor / recognize/generate equivalent fractions; compare fractions;+/- fractions; x fractions; convert to decimals when denom 10 or 100, understand equivalence, compare decimals / na / na
5 / na / operations with numbers to billions and decimals to 1000ths; powers of 10 and relationship to place value; rounding / parts of a whole as either fractions or decimals; interconvert fractions and decimals; compare; perform operations with both; estimate results of sums, differences, products / na / na
6 / integers - negative numbers added; rational numbers - anything that can be represented by a ratio of integers / na / na / na / fluency with multi-digit division; division of fractions; common factors and multiples; extend understanding to system of rational numbers; absolute value / understand ratio as a comparison of 2 #s; create equivalent ratios, find missing values, plot them; solve unit rate problems; solve % problems; convert units
7 / na / na / na / operations with rational #s; represent rational # on # line; understand multiplicative inverse; convert rational # to decimal; real world contexts of rational #s / determine when 2 quantities are in proportional relationship; compute unit rate; explain x,y coordinates in terms of rate; passing thru origin on a graph; solve problems with ratios, rates percentages and proportions
8 / real numbers - add irrational #s (like sqrt 2 or
Pi) / na / na / na / extend understanding to system of real numbers / na
RA - relationships and algebraic thinking / EEI - expressions, equations and inequalities / F - functions
K / use +/- within 10; fluency within 5; decompose #/= 10 in different ways; make 10 from any # 1-9 / na / na
1 / use +/- within 20 to solve problems; add 3 whole numbers whose sum is <20; meaning of = sign; unknown whole #; use properties as strategies for +/- (prop of 0, commutative property, doubles, fact families); subtraction as unknown addend / na / na
2 / use +/- within 20; det if set has odd or even #; count by 2s to 100 starting with even #; express even # as pairs of 2s or being composed of equal groups; find total of rectangular array of up to 5 / na / na
3 / multiply/divide within 100 using strategies; fluency with products within 100; use 4 operations to write/solve 2-step problems; use mental computation and estimation to check answers; id arithmetic patterns (e.g. steps of +2) / na / na
4 / multiplicative comparison problems (1 thing is multiple of another by what factor); multi-step problem with 4 operations, variables and estimation; whole number division with remainders; factors & multiple of whole numbers; composite and prime # and all factors of number within 100; generate # pattern using a rule, express with math symbols or words / na / na
5 / generate 2 patterns given 2 rules; translate 2 patterns into sets of ordered pairs; graph on the Cartesian coord plane; id relationship betw 2 patterns; use order of operations to write/interpret expressions; translate word problem into expression; solve and justify (why one process over another) multi-step problems w/ variables, whole #s, fractions, decimals / na / na
6 / na / diff between expression & equation (has = or </> symbol); id parts of expression; evaluate expressions at specific values of variable; evaluate + rational # expressions; generate equivalent expressions; solution sets for equations and inequalities; understand and use variables; one step linear equations; graph solution of inequality; use inequality to show constraint; show relationships betw dep and indep variables using tables, graphs, equations and their relations to each other / na
7 / na / use properties of operations to simplify, factor linear algebraic expressions with rational coefficients; use equiv expression to clarify quantities; convert betw equiv forms of same number; use mental computation or estimation to assess reasonableness of answer; write/solve x+p=q and px=q for rational #s; write/solve px +q=r and p(x+q)=r for rational #s; write/solve/graph px=q >r or px+q <r for rational #s / na
8 / na / apply integer exponents; evaluate sqrts of perfect sqrs< 625 cbrts of cbs </= 1000; non-perfect sqrts irrational; scientific notation; unit rate as slope of a graph; compare proportional relationships; why slope is same betw 2 distinct points; derive y=mx for line through origin and y= mx +b for line intercepting vertical axis; id linear equations w/ 1, no or infinite solutions; solve linear equations/inequalities with rational coeff; graph systems of linear equations 7 recognize intersection; why points of intersection of graphs; solve systems with 2 linear equations / understand function assigns to each input just one output; determine if relation is a function; graph a function; compare characteristics of 2 functions represented in different ways; interpret y = mx + b as linear function (lf) with parameters are slope (m) and y-intercept (b); lf has constant rate of change; examples of non-lfs; parameters of lfs based on context of problem; determine parameters of lf, x-intercept of lf; functional relationship betw. 2 quantities from graph or verbal description
GM - geometry and measurement / DS - data and statistics / DSP - data, statistics and probabilities
K / describe measurable attributes of objects (l, w); compare measurable attributes; understanding of concepts and time, devices that measure time; days of the week; id coins; id shapes, describe objects in env using shapes; relative positions of objects in space; attributes of shapes; sort using shapes; draw/model 2-d shapes; compose larger shapes from simple ones w/ manipulatives / classify objects into categories, count them; compare category counts
1 / defining vs. non-defining attributes of shapes; compose/decompose 2-d, 3-d shapes; partition circles, rectangles into 2 or 4 equal shares; order 3 or more objects by length; compare lengths of 2 objects using 3rd object; measure length or distance using objects; hours and half hours using analog and digital clocks; know value of coins / collect, organize and represent data with up to 3 categories; draw conclusions from object or picture graphs, t-charts (compares 2 things side by side, and tallies
2 / id, draw triangles, quads, pents, hex, circles, cubes; id facets of 3-d objects; partition rect into rows and columns of same-size squares and count squares; partition circles into 2,3,4 = shares; measure length in std units; results of same object w/ diff units; estimate using inches, feet, cm, m; how much longer one is than the other; use +/- within 100 to solve length problems; whole #s, sums and differences on a number line; time to nearest 5 min for analog, digital; time on digital as hours and minutes; value of combos of coins and bills; combos of coins = given amount / create a line plot for numeric data with horizontal scale marked in whole numbers; generate measurement data to nearest whole unit and display in line plot (i.e. frequency plot w/o y-axis); draw picture or bar graph for data with up to 4 categories; solve problems and draw conclusions using info from graphs
3 / shared attributes define larger category; rhombuses, rectangles as quads, other quads; partition shapes into = shares, express as fraction; time to nearest minutes, intervals of minutes, +/- minutes; length, liquid volume and weight; use four operations on units; area using unit squares; label area measurement with sqrd units; tiling a rectangle = l x h; rectangular arrangements that can be formed for a given area; decompose rectangle to find area; solve problems involving perimeters of polygons; rectangles with equal perimeters but different areas or vice versa / create frequency tables (col 1 is scale, col 2 is freq), scaled picture graphs (sub picture for # in freq table), bar graphs for data with several categories; solve 1 or 2-step problem using graphs; create line plot, use to answer questions
4 / draw and id point, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendiculars and parallels; classify 2-d shapes by sides and/or angles; construct lines of symmetry for 2-d figure; id and estimate angles and their measure; use protractor; know relative sizes of measurement units w/in one system and interconvert; use 4 operations to solve distance, time, liquid volume, weight, money problems; apply area & perimeter formulas for rectangles / create freq table, line plot to display data; solve problems involving +/- using info from data display; analyze data in freq table, line plot, bar graph or picture graph
5 / hierarchy of attributes; properties of prisms & pyramids; unit cubes, volume measured in cubic units by stacking; V=l x w x h; axes as scaled perpendicular number lines intersecting at 0; id points by ordered pairs, first is x, second is y; plot point on 1st quadrant Cartesian coordinate system; convert capacity, length, weight within a measurement system; solve multi-step problems that require measurement conversion / create line graph (x and y-axes) for data set, analyze data to answer questions; create line plot for data, analyze recognizing outliers and generating median
6 / find area of polygons by composing or decomposing into triangles or rectangles; volume of right rect prism with layers and V=l x w x h or V = Bh; signs of numbers in ordered pairs in quads of coordinate plane; difference in signs of points is a reflection; use nets (the surface of the figure unfolded) to represent and find 3-d figures / statistics deals with variability; data set has a distribution with center, spread and overall shape; mean or median summarized center, variation describes variation; dot plots, histograms and box plots for data; create and interpret circle graphs; report n; describe nature of attribute measured, how measured and units used; mean, median, interquartile range (middle 50%) and deviation; analyze choice of measures based on shape and/or context of data
7 / solve problems using scale drawings; construct figures using constraints and specific parameters; describe 2-d sections of pyramids, prisms, cones & cylinders; relationships among circumference, radius, diameter, the area and Pi, apply formulas for circumference and area to solve problems; use angle properties to write and solve equations for an unknown angle; find area of triangles, quads, other polygons and volume and surface of prisms, pyramids and cylinders / stats use sampling, samples only valid if they represent population, understand randomization, data from multiple sample to draw inferences; compare mean, median, freq, variability of two random samples from same pop; probability of simple events; prob a # betw 0 and 1 that expresses likliehood; predict outcomes; perform experiments that model theoretical prob; compare theoretical and experimental prob; dev uniform prob model (assign = prob to all outcomes); dev prob model observing frequencies; represent sample space of compound event; design, use simulation to generate freq for compound events (matrix for outcomes, P(outcomes that meet 2 or more conditions)
8 / verify angle, betweeness, collinearity and distance preserved under rigid transformation, know when it is preserved, verify a sequence of rigid transformation between 2 congruent figures; effect of dilations, translations, rotations and reflections; describe possible sequence of transformations; sum of interior angles; relation betw interior and exterior angles; angles when parallel lines cut by transverse; use similar figures to solve problems; models to demo Pythagorean theorum, use theorum; surface area and volume of pyramids, cones and spheres / construct and interpret scatter plots of bivariate data to investigate association; trend lines for bivariate data, assess fit informally; use parameters of linear model to solve problems; construct and interpret 2-way table; use relative frequencies for rows or columns to describe possible associations