Personality Project
Your assignment is to create a Newsletter (scrapbook) explaining who you are. In the project you must explain at least 3 factors (other than ethnicity and birth order) that have contributed to your personality. You must find one journal article that supports your reasoning for the other factors that have affected your personality. For example, if you feel being in a family with a single parent has contributed to who you are, find an article that supports your rationale. Be sure to e-mail or turn in a copy of the articles. YOU MUST INCLUDE A SUMMARY ABOUT THE ARTICLE. THEN YOU ARE TO INCLUDE 5-6 QUOTES PER FACTOR AND WRITE YOUR THOUGHTS/REACTIONS TO THE QUOTES. BE SURE TO USE IN-TEXT DOCUMENTATION (APA FORMAT) OR YOU WILL LOSE ALL POINTS.
You must include an explanation of Ethnicity and Birth order in your publication even if you don’t feel it applies and explain why or why not.
Birth Order
You need to read the articles about birth order for each person in your family. If you are the middle child you would need to cover yourself, your older sibling and your younger sibling. If you are an only child or have only 1 other sibling, you will need to discuss your parents birth order and the role it plays in your life.
Also, you must include a family tree. Follow the instructions for family tree.
The publication should be a minimum of 9 pages (approx. 1 page SINGLE SPACED TYPED per factor).
You should interview 2 separate people. One should be a close family member and the other should be someone that knows you outside of the family structure. The second could be a close friend, teacher, boss, coach, etc. You should have 10 questions you would want to ask each person. The questions will be different for each group of people. The questions should not be yes/no questions, but rather questions where you would get a discussion with the person. After each interview you should write a ½ page paper about what you learned about yourself from the interview. Bonus points: with your family member, include questions/reflections from what you learned about B.O and Ethnicity
Assessment (1000 pts)
Ethnicity (160 pts)
Birth Order (240 pts)
Creativity (50 pts)
Articles and explanation (450 pts)
Family tree (50 pts)
Interview (50 pts)