Project ID: ISD 2016 SS 56 S C/1 August 2016
Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
For Data Center Facilities
- Introduction
- Project Background
ASHGHAL ISD Department has state of art Data Centers in Tower-1, West Bay Office and Asset Affairs Building in Salwa Road. The Data Centers already equipped with Air Conditioners, Generators and Uninterrupted Power Supply for all the IT Hardware located in the Data Centers.
ASHGHAL ISD intends to renew the Annual Maintenance Contract for the Data Center Facilities.
- Project Objective
The objective is to select a supplier to assist ASHGHAL in establishing the most effective and efficient way for the Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Lie Bert AC Units, Chloride UPS & CASRL – CATERPILLAR SARL (Generator Set) while maintaining high standards of quality and excellent services
- Terms and Conditions
a)The Tenderer should be an authorized service partner of the products mentioned.
b)The Tenderershall provide qualified/certified engineers to perform the maintenance activities.
c)The Tenderer shall take sole responsibilities for functional of the devices which they are maintaining.
d)The Tenderer shall strictly adhere with the Contract Agreement.
e)The Tenderer is requested to designate a main contact personwho willbe responsible for the communication with ASHGHAL
f)Show a motivation to develop a long term working relationship with ASHGHAL in order to meet the future growing needs of the business.
g)Show an ability to meet all of the requirements mentioned herein this document.
h)Show a proven track record maintaining same class of generator in Qatar.
- Technical Requirements
- The following Hardware equipment’s to be covered under Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract
Item / Description / Qty
1 / LieBert Close Control Precision Ac Unit / 9
2 / LieBert HPM AC Unit - Salwa / 2
3 / IMSS 4000 / 2
4 / Chloride 60KvA UPS (Salwa Road) / 1
6 / LieBert UPS 120 KvA (Tower I) / 1
7 / LieBert UPS 10 KvA (Tower II) / 2
8 / Caterpillar Olympian - DG 250Kva / 1
9 / Tenure of AMC for DC (tower and Salwa office) / 1 year
- Tenderer shall provide all personnel, equipment’s, tools, material, supervision and other items and services necessary to perform the maintenance and repair of the listed equipment’s
- Tenderer shall perform preventive maintenance as per equipment's manufacturer recommendations, to ensure continuous system operational capabilities.
- All new parts used for the repair of the equipment’s and ancillary materials will be covered under the contract together with any necessary installation and setup required to make the equipment operational. Delivery of all supply items shall be to the premises of ASHGHAL or any other location indicated by ASHGHAL.
- (Preventive Maintenance) services will be performed on monthly basis, which in on the first week of the month.
- Tenderer shall perform Emergency and Breakdown repair whenever needed on 24 hours/day and 7 days a week basis.
- Tenderershall configure IMSS Alert to the Technical Support Engineer as Second Point of Failure in the contact list.
- The proposed maintenance services shall include the supply of the spare parts whenever needed. (examplefilters, engine oil, engine belt, gas and all electrical equipment).
- Tenderershallchange the engine oil and oil filter at-least 2 times within the contract period
- Tenderershall respond to remedial /corrective maintenance requests by telephone, during the contract period within 30 to 60 minutes at the site.
- Tenderer shall provide the maintenance site logs with a complete service history and Preventive Maintenance checklist.
- Tenderer shall provide qualified engineers and technicians to perform the required maintenance services, having a minimum of three year experience in maintaining and troubleshooting of similar equipment.
- Equipment shallbe in good operating condition upon contract start up, and will be handed over at the end of contract period in the same condition.
- The maintenance shallbe carried out according to the following mention checklist;
- Inspect & timely renewal of the drive belt / thermostat /fuel filter / lubricating oil in the sump / lubricating oil pressure at the gauge / intercooler ,coolant radiator for debris, canister of the coolant filter.
- Clean or renew the air filter element (on earlier basis if in extremely dusty conditions)
- Ensure that the valve tip clearance of engine are checked and adjusted if necessary.
- Ensure that the turbocharger impeller and the turbocharger compressor casing are cleaned.
- Ensure that the alternator, the starter motor and the turbocharger are checked
- Inspect all of the electrical system.
- Thepower drill and power on test shall be carried out quarterly for the Generator Set.
- Tenderershalldraw a single line diagram of DC electrical setup and update the drawing every month and send the updated drawingtogether with thepdf file format to Ashghal IT staff.
- Tenderershallsubmit the floor plan with detailswiring layout and termination details from DB to rack servers along with a proper document
- Tenderershallname / number the MCB’s and distribution boards and all power plug sockets connecting to the rack (thenaming and numbering shallbe verified and updated on monthly basis) and shall submit areport to Ashghal staff.
- Tenderershall take monthly current and voltage measurement consumed for multiple circuits connecting each rack and present it to Ashghal IT staff in a specified format.
- Tenderershallalso measure the overall current consumed from all DB’s and the main DB
- Tenderershalldraw the AC flow diagram for DC and submit the file on a monthly basis to Ashghal IT staff
- Tenderershallperform and maintain an inventory of Data Center Components and update on a monthly basis and submit the report to Ashghal staff in excel sheet or any specified format.
- Support and Maintenance
- Tenderershallprovide Onsite Support & Service during contract period.
- Tenderershallprovidesupport within agreed time frame after the problem is reported.
- Tenderershallsubmit the primary focal point and Emergency update contact details
- Tenderershall send prior notification if there is any changes required and also explain the impact and roll back plan in a documented format.
- Tenderershall submit Monthly Inspection Report
- Tenderershallregularly check andclean the filters, oil, gas, etc.
- Project Deliverables
Monthly Maintenance Reports for all the devices which are covered under the scope of works..
- Project Timeline / Duration:
Sl.No / Description / Period for Completion in Calendar Days / Completion Period from the Commencement Date(CD) in Calendar Days
1 / Commencement of the Service Delivery / 14 / CD + 14
2 / Comprehensive Annual Maintenance for 12 months / 365 / CD + 379
Project ID: ISD 2016 SS 56 S C/1 August 2016
Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
For Data Center Facilities