Strategic Planning Survey

July, 2015

Personal Interviews: Strengths of First Baptist Church

Please choose the top 5 strengths that you agree with and rank order them 1-5 with 1 being the highest agreement and 5 being the least.

¾ The church and its people are very friendly, caring, and welcoming.

¾ The music ministry is a strength of this church.

¾ The music ministry meets a range of musical preferences in the two worship services.

¾ The church is pursuing more contemporary ways to worship with the introduction of The Link worship service.

¾ The staff is a real strength of the church.

¾ The preschool is a strength of the church.

¾ The youth program is a real strength of the church.

¾ The church is known for its engagement in the community.

¾ Sunday School helps make the congregation feel the most connected.

¾ The people of the church help make the congregation feel the most connected.

¾ The church has the ability to change and adapt to changing societal and congregational needs and preferences.

¾ Our facilities are viewed positively.

¾ We are utilizing our facility and the space within it to the maximum of our capabilities.

¾ Worship services, Sunday School, and Bible Studies are the activities most used by the congregation.

¾ Our current style of worship communicates effectively to all generations.

Comments/Additional Strengths that you feel should be included that are not listed above:


Personal Interviews: Areas of Need at First Baptist Church

Please choose the top 5 areas of need that you agree with and rank order them 1-5 with 1 being the highest agreement and 5 being the least.

¾ There is a need to better negotiate the generational gap that exists in the church (primarily in regards to maintaining older traditions vs. adapting to a changing society) and be inclusive to all age groups.

¾ There is a need to help people feel a deeper sense of connection with the church and its people.

¾ There is a need to increase communication through different avenues of technology.

¾ There is a need to better meet the needs of college aged students.

¾ There is a need to better incorporate younger generations who feel they do not have a voice in leadership or policy decisions into the life of the church.

¾ There is a need to increase our engagement with our community, especially the eastside areas close to the church.

¾ There is a need for a family activity center/gym to be built at First Baptist.

¾ There is a need to be more aware and responsive to the needs of the congregation.

¾ There is a need to upgrade our current facilities.

¾ There is a need to increase the use of our current facility, including more use for community engagement.

¾ There is a need to adapt our worship style to better communicate with different generations.

Comments/Additional Areas of Need that you feel should be included that are not listed above:
