WPAR Manager Demonstration

Powerpoint script goes here ...

Flash Script:

  1. Click on “Resource Views” button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on “Managed Systems” submenu item. Describe the listing of individual servers that are all managed by this instance of the Workload Partition Manager”
  3. Click on “Workload Partitions” submenu item. Note that there is one active Application Workload Partition named “AppServer” located on system ash.wasplants.com. The other partition is a System partition which has been defined, but not yet deployed.
  4. Click on the “New” button to open the “Create Workload Partition” dialog.
  5. Click “Next” to advance to the “Start” panel. Note that while we will be creating a new Workoad Partition from scratch, we could clone an existing Workload Partition definition.
  6. Click “Next” to advance to the “General” panel. Click the radio button next to Application Workload Partition. Position the pointer in the “Partition Name” text entry field, then press any keys until “ASTest” appears in the field. Point to the “Description” field and press any key until “Webshere Test” is typed into the text entry field.
  7. Click “Next” to advance to the “Deployment” panel. Do not select either option as we will deploy manually after completing the Workload Partition definition.
  8. Click “Next” to advance to the “Relocation” panel. Click the check box next to “Enable Relocation” to allow this Workload Partition” to move to another partition in the future.
  9. Click “Next” to advance to the “Paths” panel. Position the pointer in the “Path to Executable” text entry field, then press any keys until “/rfs/bin/startwas” appears in the field.
  10. Click “Next” to advance to the “Network” panel. Position the pointer in the Hostname” text entry field, then press any keys until “wastest.wasplants.com” appears in the field. Point to the “IP Address” field and press any key until “” is typed into the text entry field. Point to the “Network Mask” field and press any key until “” is typed into the text entry field.
  11. Click “Next” to advance to the “Filesystems” panel. Nothing is selectable here. Point out that initially, Workload Partition Migration will require an NFS file system. SAN Support will be added ata later date.
  12. Click “Next” to advance to the “Summary” panel.
  13. Click “Finish” to return to the Workload Partitions view. Note the addition of the ASTest partition in an Undeployed status.
  14. Click on “ASTest” to open the “Workload Partition Properties” panel.
  15. Click on the “Resource Control” tab. Click on the “CPU” checkbox, then point to the Min %, Soft Max %, and Hard Max % in turn and press any key until the text fields are filled. Repeat this process for “Memory”.
  16. Click “Finish” to return to the Workload Partitions view. Click the checkbox next to “ASTest”, then click the drop down arrow next the “---Select Action---” field.
  17. Click on “Deploy” in the drop down list, then click the “Go” button.
  18. On the “Deploy Workload Partition” panel, click the drop down arrow next to the “-- Select one item --” field and select “maple.wasplants.com”. Note on the following panel that ASTest is in a “Transitional” status. Click anywhere to comlete the deployment and note that ASTest is now in an Active status. This completes the steps to create and deploy a new Workload Partition.
  19. To begin the demonstration of workload Partition Migration, click on the Opera web browser icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  20. The expanded browser window displays an e-commerce application for a landscape retailer. Begin the transaction by clicking on “Bonsai Tree”. On the item detail panel click the “add to cart” button.
  21. On the “Shopping Cart” panel, click the “Continue Shopping” button.
  22. Click on the “Lily” to continue the order, and again click the “Add to cart” button on the item detail panel.
  23. With the “Shopping Cart” displayed, click on the upper left corner of the Opera window to minimize the browser. Note that the web application will not be disrupted as we migrate the Workload Partition to another server.
  24. Now that the browser has been minimized, click on the “Guided Activities” button in the upper left of the Workload Partitions panel.
  25. Click “Relocate Workload Partitions” in the submenu to open the “Relocate Workload Partition” dialog.
  26. Click “Next” to advance to the “Select WPAR” panel. Click the radio button next to “AppServer” to select the Workload Partition that is running the e-commerce application running in the Opera web browser. Note that AppServer is currently running on the “ash.wasplants.com” server.
  27. Click “Next” to advance to the “Select Managed System” panel. Click the radio button next to “Manual selection” to walk through the relocation process.
  28. Click “Next” to advance to the “Manual Managed System Selection” panel. Click the radio button next to “birch.wasplants.com” to select the target system for relocation.
  29. Click “next” to advance to the “Compatibility Test Results” panel. Note that the compatibility test has determined that the relocation can be reversed if desired.
  30. Click “next” to advance to the “Summary” panel, then click “Finish” to begin the relocation.
  31. On the task details panel click anywhere to complete the relocation and change to a status of “Succeeded”.
  32. Click on the “Workload Partitions” submenu item under the “Resource Views” button on the left of the screen. Note that the “AppServer” partition is now running on “birch.wasplants.com”
  33. Click on the minimized Opera browser to return it to view, then click on the two-headed arrow in the upper left corner of the Opera window to expand it. Note that it is still showing the same “Shopping Cart” panel that was active before the Workload Partition relocation.
  34. Click the “Continue Shopping” button to return to the “Flowers” panel.
  35. Click on the “African Orchid”, then click the “Add to cart” button.
  36. Click the “Checkout Now” button to complete the purchase transaction.
  37. This concludes the Workload Partiton Migration portion of the demonstration.