DraftGeneral Meeting - August 9, 2017

2017 Officer and Board Member’s Status:

President: Pete Loguicide (present)

Vice-President: Carol Mills (present)

Treasurer: Ernie Martinez (present)

Secretary: Diane Kalivoda (present)

Member-at-Large: Vacant

MSCC Web Master: Terry Mills (present)

Past President: Steve Wilson (present)

President's Opening Remarks:

President Pete Loguicidewelcomed new members Dahl and Julia Metzler, Scott and Roxanne Blair, and Bonnie and Steve Pleune.

President's report: Volunteers where requested to serve on the nominating committee for 2018 Officers. Flo Brand and Tamie Peterson volunteered to canvas the membership and present a slate to Members at the October Meeting. Election will be held in November.

Pete reminded members the September meeting will be held Sept 6 at Leo's. Members are asked to come at 4:30 to load the trailer and organize items for the Beach Show.

Vice-President's Report:Carol Mills provided the following on the Vettes at the Beach Show:

Pensacola News Journal published a full page article on the show. Bill Kettenring and David and Rose Lee Bank's cars were feature.

NationalCorvetteMuseum will have a booth at the show.

O'Reilly's Autoparts is providing a $500 sponsorship and door prizes.

Hooter Girls will assist in handing out trophies.

Room reservations are ahead by 55 plus rooms.

Volunteers are still needed for both Friday and Saturday. Members who serve will receive dinner (Friday) and a free show T-shirt.

Minutes: Diane Kalivodareported that July minutes had been posted. No corrections or additions were made to the minutes. 119 participants have registered for the Vettes at the Beach Show.

Treasurer's Report/ NCCC Governor's Report:The current treasury balance is $14058.40. The Club has 71 members. Membership renewals are due mid-October.Ernie Martinez provided the attached updated report.

Recent events: Pete asked each event's coordinator to describe their event:

Blue Wahoo's Game: Carol reported 38 tickets were purchased for the game. Problems with the food put a damper on the otherwise very pleasant evening. The Blue Wahoo's will provide a gift basket for VAB Show door prizes to compensate for the catering problem.

Upcoming Events:

Aug 18Poker Night: Sponsor Gordon Schaffer. Check the flyer for details.

Aug 21-25NCCC Convention at the NationalCorvetteMuseum: Information Mark Schmitt

Sept 6Monthly meeting at Leo's for show prep.

Nov 2-4Vettes for Veterans at the NationalCorvetteMuseum; Mark Schmitt recommends making reservation early. Contact him for additional information.

Dec 2Christmas Party: Jennie Williams

Dec. 3Santa Rosa Kids House Toy Run

Aug 201825th Annual Corvette Caravan: Terry Mills will share information as soon as available.

Web Master's Report: Terry Mills reported updates and additions to the website should be complete within two weeks..

Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Submitted by:

Diane Kalivoda, Secretary