EdTech Leaders® Online
Instructions for Completing the
Permission Request Letter
To reproduce content created by EdTech Leaders® Online (ETLO), please complete this Permission Request Letter. You will need to request permission to use content created by EdTech Leaders Online of any type and in any format – print, web-based, graphics, video, audio, etc.
Please address the ten areas on the letter described below, and send it to Joyce Balich by fax or regular mail:
Joyce Balich
EdTech Leaders Online/COPE
Education Development Center
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458
Fax: 617-969-1580
If you have any questions, please email or call Joyce Balich at or 617-618-2721.
Required Information on Permissions Request Letter
1. Name of your organization and, if non-profit, to indicate this
2. List your organization’s city and state (and street address and zip code if you are not using organization letterhead)
3. Your organization’s specialization, i.e., a school district or a research and development organization
4. What is the project you're working on
5. What is the material you'll be producing in which ETLO's material will appear
6. What are the limitations on the distribution of the material that you're producing
7. When will the material that you're producing be available
8. What exactly are you taking from the copyright owner's material to reproduce in your work (please include a photocopy of the material you'll be reproducing if possible)
9. How you will give credit to ETLO for its work.
10. To whom should the signed permission letter be returned
ETLO usually does not charge for a limited distribution of permitted portions of its work, by a non-profit organization. However, a license fee will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
EdTech Leaders® Online
Permission Request Letter
Joyce Balich
EdTech Leaders Online
Education Development Center
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458
Dear Ms. Balich:
(1) state organization and, if non profit, list here in (2) city and state (and address and zip code if not using letterhead). We specialize in (3) list specialization here, i.e., educational research and curriculum development and are currently developing (4) state nature/title of project here. This (5) state nature of material (i.e., book, video, software, etc.) will be distributed (6) state limitations on distribution here. For example, state number of copies, free or at what price, people or groups who will receive copies, and (7) state expected publication date.
To make this material as effective as possible, we would like to include (8) pages XX through YY from your work, [name of publication], [year of copyright], [author]. For a video, describe relevant sections that you will use. For sections of websites or online courses, specify each section of the website or online course you wish to use. Of course, we will fully credit your work, using the following language:
Reproduced with permission from Education Development Center, Inc., Copyright 2000-200_ , [current year] all rights reserved (http://www.edtechleaders.org).
To grant us permission, please sign below and return it to (10) author .
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number below. Thank you.
[Author/Facilitator/Research Assistant]
Authorized Signature ___________________________ Date____________________
Name and Title ____________________________