Performance Indicators-Language Arts
Reading and Writing
3rd Grade
Learning Standards / Performance Indicators / Possible Evidence1st
Narrative / 2nd
Informational / 3rd
Persuasive / 4th
Response to Lit
Fluency, Vocabulary, and ComprehensionReads orally with speed, accuracy, and expression
(ELA3R1) / Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode unknown words quickly and accurately.
(ELA3R1 a)
Reads familiar text with expression.
(ELA3R1 b)
Reads at least 95 words accurately per minute with 95% accuracy.
(ELA3R1 c)
Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level texts.
(ELA3R1 d) / Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode unknown words quickly and accurately.
(ELA3R1 a)
Reads familiar text with expression.
(ELA3R1 b)
Reads at least 105 words accurately per minute with 95% accuracy.
(ELA3R1 c)
Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level texts.
(ELA3R1 d) / Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode unknown words quickly and accurately.
(ELA3R1 a)
Reads familiar text with expression.
(ELA3R1 b)
Reads at least 115 words accurately per minute with 95% accuracy.
(ELA3R1 c)
Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level texts.
(ELA3R1 d) / Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode unknown words quickly and accurately.
(ELA3R1 a)
Reads familiar text with expression.
(ELA3R1 b)
Reads at least 120 words accurately per minute with 95% accuracy.
(ELA3R1 c)
Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level texts.
(ELA3R1 d) / *Fluency Rubric
Teacher Conferences
Reader’s Theatre
Running Records
Acquires and uses grade level words to communicate effectively
(ELA3R2) / Reads literary and information texts and incorporates new words into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 a)
Uses grade-appropriate words with multiple meanings.
(ELA3R2 b)
Recognizes and applies appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
(ELA3R2 c)
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases and incorporates them into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 d)
Identifies and infers meaning from common root words, common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-,
in-), and common suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ous, -ly).
(ELA3R2 e)
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context.
(ELA3R2 f) / Reads literary and information texts and incorporates new words into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 a)
Uses grade-appropriate words with multiple meanings.
(ELA3R2 b)
Recognizes and applies appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
(ELA3R2 c)
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases and incorporates them into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 d)
Identifies and infers meaning from common root words, common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-,
in-), and common suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ous, -ly).
(ELA3R2 e)
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context.
(ELA3R2 f) / Reads literary and information texts and incorporates new words into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 a)
Uses grade-appropriate words with multiple meanings.
(ELA3R2 b)
Recognizes and applies appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
(ELA3R2 c)
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases and incorporates them into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 d)
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases and incorporates them into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 d)
Identifies and infers meaning from common root words, common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-,
in-), and common suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ous, -ly).
(ELA3R2 e)
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context.
(ELA3R2 f) / Reads literary and information texts and incorporates new words into oral and written language.
(ELA3R2 a)
Uses grade-appropriate words with multiple meanings.
(ELA3R2 b)
Recognizes and applies appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
(ELA3R2 c)
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases and incorporates them into oral and written language.
. (ELA3R2 d)
Identifies and infers meaning from common root words, common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-,
in-), and common suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ous, -ly).
(ELA3R2 e)
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context.
(ELA3R2 f) / Teacher Observations
Correctly uses: Content Area Words
CRCT terminology
Cunningham Words
Writing Journals
Writing in Content Areas
*System Writing Prompt
LA Quizzes
Uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade level text
(ELA3R3) / Makes predictions from text content.
(ELA3R3 b)
Generates questions to improve comprehension.
(ELA3R3 c)
Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements between texts.
(ELA3R3 e)
Makes judgments and inferences about setting, characters, and events and supports them with evidence from the text.
(ELA3R3 f)
Summarizes text content.
(ELA3R3 g)
Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
(ELA3R3 i)
Identifies and infers cause-and-effect relationships and draws conclusions.
(ELA3R3 j)
Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts.
(ELA3R3 m)
Identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry).
(ELA3R3 n)
Recognizes author’s purpose.
(ELA3R3 p)
Formulates and defends an opinion about a text.
(ELA3R3 q) / Makes predictions from text content.
(ELA3R3 b)
Generates questions to improve comprehension.
(ELA3R3 c)
Distinguishes fact from opinion.
(ELA3R3 d)
Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements between texts.
(ELA3R3 e)
Makes judgments and inferences about setting, characters, and events and supports them with evidence from the text.
(ELA3R3 f)
Summarizes text content.
(ELA3R3 g)
Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers.
(ELA3R3 h)
Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
(ELA3R3 i)
Identifies and infers cause-and-effect relationships and draws conclusions.
(ELA3R3 j)
Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts.
(ELA3R3 m)
Identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry).
(ELA3R3 n)
Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text.
(ELA3R3 o)
Recognizes author’s purpose.
(ELA3R3 p)
Formulates and defends an opinion about a text.
(ELA3R3 q)
Applies dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings.
(ELA3R3 r) / Makes predictions from text content.
(ELA3R3 b)
Generates questions to improve comprehension.
(ELA3R3 c)
Distinguishes fact from opinion.
(ELA3R3 d)
Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements between texts.
(ELA3R3 e)
Makes judgments and inferences about setting, characters, and events and supports them with evidence from the text.
(ELA3R3 f)
Summarizes text content.
(ELA3R3 g)
Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers.
(ELA3R3 h)
Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
(ELA3R3 i)
Identifies and infers cause-and-effect relationships and draws conclusions.
(ELA3R3 j)
Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts.
(ELA3R3 m)
Identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry).
(ELA3R3 n)
Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text.
(ELA3R3 o)
Recognizes author’s purpose.
(ELA3R3 p)
Formulates and defends an opinion about a text.
(ELA3R3 q)
Applies dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings.
(ELA3R3 r) / Makes predictions from text content.
(ELA3R3 b)
Generates questions to improve comprehension.
(ELA3R3 c)
Distinguishes fact from opinion.
(ELA3R3 d)
Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements between texts.
(ELA3R3 e)
Makes judgments and inferences about setting, characters, and events and supports them with evidence from the text.
(ELA3R3 f)
Summarizes text content.
(ELA3R3 g)
Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers.
(ELA3R3 h)
Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
(ELA3R3 i)
Identifies and infers cause-and-effect relationships and draws conclusions.
(ELA3R3 j)
Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts.
(ELA3R3 m)
Identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry).
(ELA3R3 n)
Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text.
(ELA3R3 o)
Recognizes author’s purpose.
(ELA3R3 p)
Formulates and defends an opinion about a text.
(ELA3R3 q)
Applies dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings.
(ELA3R3 r) / Response Journals
*Reading Benchmark
*Running Records
Teacher Observation
Teacher Conferences
*Graphic Organizers from Learning-Focused Strategies that Work
Ticket Out the Door
Reads independently from different genres and sources
(ELA3R3) / Consistently reads at least 5 books or book equivalents from a variety of texts.
(ELA3R3a) / Consistently reads at least 5 books or book equivalents from a variety of texts.
(ELA3R3a) / Consistently reads at least 5 books or book equivalents from a variety of texts.
(ELA3R3a) / Consistently reads at least 6 books or book equivalents from a variety of texts.
(ELA3R3a) / *Reading Log
Teacher Conferences
Response Journals
Writing and Conventions
Demonstrates competency using the writing process in a variety of genres
(ELA3W1 m, n) / Pre-writes to generate ideas.
Develops a rough draft.
Rereads to revise.
Edits to correct.
Publishes by presenting an edited piece of writing to others. / Pre-writes to generate ideas.
Develops a rough draft.
Rereads to revise.
Edits to correct.
Publishes by presenting an edited piece of writing to others. / Pre-writes to generate ideas.
Develops a rough draft.
Rereads to revise.
Edits to correct.
Publishes by presenting an edited piece of writing to others. / Pre-writes to generate ideas.
Develops a rough draft.
Rereads to revise.
Edits to correct.
Publishes by presenting an edited piece of writing to others. / *System Writing Prompt
Writing Journals
Teacher Observation
Teacher Conferences
Graphic Organizers
Develops Ideas for writing
(ELA3W1) / Generally consistent focus; some evidence of a purpose and point of view. (ELA3W1 a)
Includes some relevant details and descriptions.
(ELA3W1 i)
Begins to develop main character(s) through action and dialogue.
(ELA3W1 g)
Sufficient information to tell a story.
(ELA3W1 c) / Generally consistent focus; some evidence of a purpose and point of view. (ELA3W1 a)
Includes some relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and/or details.
(ELA3W1 i)
Some evidence of information from source materials.
(ELA3W1 j)
Sufficient information to explain the topic.
(ELA3W1 c) / Generally consistent focus; some evidence of a purpose and point of view. (ELA3W1 a)
Includes some relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and/or details.
(ELA3W1 i)
States a clear position.
(ELA3W1 l)
Sufficient information to develop a point of view.
(ELA3W1 c) / Generally consistent focus; some evidence of a purpose and point of view. (ELA3W1 a)
Includes some relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and/or details.
(ELA3W1 i)
Begins to formulate a position and connect the text to self, outside world, or another text.
(ELA3W1 k)
Sufficient information to develop a point of view.
(ELA3W1 c) / *System Writing Prompt
Writing Journals
Teacher Observation
Teacher Conferences
Graphic Organizers
Produces Organized writing / Contains a beginning, middle, and end; one part of the paper may not be as strong as the others.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Ideas are generally presented in a chronological sequence.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Transitions are used but may not be varied.
(ELA3W1 e) / Contains an introduction, body, and conclusion; one part of the paper may not be as strong as the others.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Ideas are generally presented in a chronological sequence.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Transitions are used but may not be varied.
(ELA3W1 e) / Contains an introduction, body, and conclusion; one part of the paper may not be as strong as the others.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Ideas are generally presented in a chronological sequence.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Transitions are used but may not be varied.
(ELA3W1 e) / Contains an introduction, body, and conclusion; one part of the paper may not be as strong as the others.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Ideas are generally presented in a chronological sequence.
(ELA3W1 b, d)
Transitions are used but may not be varied.
(ELA3W1 e) / *System Writing Prompts
Writing Journals
Teacher Observation
Teacher Conferences
Graphic Organizers
Uses elements of Style / A mixture of simple, ordinary language and interesting language (e.g., descriptive language, sensory details, strong verbs).
(ELA3W1 f)
Some attention to the audience; some sense of the writer’s voice.
(ELA3W1 a) / A mixture of simple, ordinary language and interesting language (e.g., descriptive language, technical vocabulary, sensory details).
(ELA3W1 f)
Some attention to the audience; some sense of the writer’s voice.
(ELA3W1 a) / A mixture of simple, ordinary language and interesting language (e.g., descriptive language, sensory details, strong verbs).
(ELA3W1 f)
Some attention to the audience; some sense of the writer’s voice.
(ELA3W1 a) / A mixture of simple, ordinary language and interesting language (e.g., descriptive language, sensory details, strong verbs).
(ELA3W1 f)
Some attention to the audience; some sense of the writer’s voice.
(ELA3W1 a) / *System Writing Prompt
Writing Journals
Teacher Observation
Teacher Conferences
Graphic Organizers
Uses appropriate conventions in Writing
(ELA3C1) / Uses nouns (singular, plural, possessive) correctly.
(ELA3C1 b)
Uses contractions correctly.
(ELA3C1 c)
Uses complete sentences.
(ELA3C1 e, g)
Uses correct spelling of words.
(ELA3C1 l)
Uses correct capitalization and punctuation (end marks, commas, apostrophes, question marks).
(ELA3C1 m) / Uses increasingly complex (compound) sentence structure.
(ELA3C1 f)
Uses the dictionary and thesaurus to support word choices.
(ELA3C1 k)
*Include Quarter 1 Elements / Uses subject/verb agreement.
(ELA3C1 a)
Uses adjectives correctly.
(ELA3C1 a)
Uses personal and possessive pronouns correctly.
(ELA3C1 d)
Uses formal or informal language exchanges (slang, colloquialisms, idioms)
(ELA3C1 h)
*Include Quarter 1 & 2 Elements / Writes legibly in cursive, leaving space between letters in a word and between words in a sentence.
(ELA3C1 n)
*Include Quarter 1, 2 & 3 Elements / *System Writing Prompts
Writing Journals
Teacher Observations
Teacher Conferences
Graphic Organizers
Daily Grammar Practice
Identifies correct elements of grammar / Identifies nouns (singular, plural, possessive) correctly.
(ELA3C1 b)
Identifies contractions correctly.
(ELA3C1 c)
Identifies complete and incomplete sentences.
(ELA3C1 e, g)
Identifies correct spelling of words.
(ELA3C1 l)