Plymouth and District Rugby Combination

General Meeting

The Rectory

10th September 2012

Apologies: OPMs

Bob Anstis welcomed everyone to the meeting with a tap on the table with a pound coin. He declared that attendance at meetings has been distressing. At a number of meetings he has been to clubs rely on volunteers, and it is worrying to see not so many there. When we all resign who will take our place?

“You have all read the minutes, any matters arising? No…… Hon sec.”

1. Matters arising. None.

2. Hon. Secretary.

  1. MY had an email enquiry from Peter at Tavistock re rolling replacements in the Combination cups. Are we going to follow the RFU ruling? MY replied that we probably would but it would be discussed at the next Executive meeting and he would let him know. There was a discussion on rolling replacements. There are 3 replacements with 8 interchanges in leagues. Bob said that we have decided that Combination cups will have three replacements with eight interchanges; we will do it for a year as a trial. Ken Dobson said that Refs would keep a check on how many interchanges have taken place. Graham Emond gave Ken some interchange cards he has had reproduced for him. Blood replacements count as an interchange. Once you have had your eight that it is, if you then loose a prop, bad luck scums go uncontested. MY has replied to Peter with the Executive decision.
  2. MY had an email from Bill Ryan saying that he was stepping down from attending the Combination meetings. Dave Venables will be taking his place. MY replied to Bill thanking him for his long service and saying that we will miss his wisdom.

3 Hon. Treasurer.

  1. No report.

4. Hon. Cup Steward.

  1. There was a long discussion on dates that cup games should be played by. Mike Freeman felt that it made a mockery of set dates when Devonport Services and Barbarians can set a date for a game after the set date. The feeling by some was that so long as the games were played it was better to be flexible.

Mike Freeman highlighted DHS’s request to Argaum to play their cup game, Argaum refused the two dates offered by DHS (home team). MY asked Mike Freeman to let him know why Argaum would not play of the dates offered and of any other developments.

5. Merit table.

  1. No report. We are sure that Darren has everything under control.

6. Referees.

  1. Ken said that their first meeting of the season was taken with David Rose, the referee who entertainingly refereed Albion and Doncaster, discussing positional play. The discussions were on being in the right place at the right time, it was about angles and positioning yourself.
  2. Ken is struggling for referees, so if you have a match cancelled please phone Ken as soon as you know so he can re-allocate.
  3. Bob spoke about the problems they are having with referees training. The Referees development officer has gone. It can take six weeks to get a new referee on the field. Prospective referees are getting fed up waiting so long.

Mike Freeman said that when he had parents who wanted to referee who should he contact to get things going, Ken.

7. Fixture exchange.

  1. Alan said that he only had four fixtures cards so far, A club had phoned him for a fixture but he was unable to help them because he did not have their fixtures list.

8. Hon Training coordinator.

  1. Mike Freeman introduced himself to Barry from Plympton Victoria.
  2. Mike handed out some Club Coaching co-ordinator newsletters. He went through some dates for rugby ready and level 1 courses.
  3. CPD courses are club driven, he gave out dates of courses at PAO, 2nd October and 3rd November. Details of all courses are available on the RFU web site.

9. Devon Representative.

  1. Devon have £146k in the bank.
  2. Exeter juniors want to form a stand-alone club separate from the Chiefs.
  3. There was a discussion on rolling subs, Devon to consider.
  4. There is a proposal to allow clubs to send team sheets electronically, postal delays are causing clubs to be penalised through no fault of their own.
  5. Bob Armstrong is the new Community rugby coach for the area.

10. AOB.

1.Taff of St Columba asked about Bills proposals. Bob said that the executive had discussed the proposals and found that there was little to change. Some people felt that by putting the higher first teams in it would put off some clubs. Dave Venables had not seen the proposals, MY said he would send them on to him.

2.Mike Freeman said that Rob Masters was keen to help any club who wanted to do the RFUs Club accreditation scheme.

He also told members about the Rugby scholarship being run at Albion, it is a B tec for 16~19 year olds.

3. Bob said that club incorporation was the flavour of the month.

Mike Yeats

Hon sec