dining/meal plan satisfaction survey 709 Responses

The results of this survey indicated that students were understandably concerned about the increase in minimum meal plan prices. USGA’s Senate Dining Committee presented this concern to Richard Yokeley (Former Resident District Manager for Campus Dining) and Marc Booker (Student Housing and Dining) —these administrators stated that the cost of minimum meal plan prices rose to fund past changes to UAB Dining, such as the multimillion- dollar renovation of the Commons, and future changes, such as the opening of Jamba Juice in the new School of Business building and expansion of Einstein’s. USGA is currently working with Dr. Jones, the Vice President of Student Affairs, to see if the $300 increase is justified and advocating for lower minimum meal plan prices.

Furthermore, the Senate Dining Committee presented miscellaneous concerns expressed in this survey to UAB Dining Administration during the Food Advisory Committee’s monthly meeting.

Meal Plan / Meal Swipes / MP Dining Dollars / Cost (per semester)
Blazer 1 / Unlimited (No more than 5 per day) / $25 / $1850
Blazer 2 / 150 per semester / $350 / $1850
Blazer 3 / 7 per week / $450 / $1850
Green 4 / 75 per semester / $200 / $900
Green 5 / - / $500 / $500
Green 6 / 25 per semester / $300 / $500

Getting to know the student body survey 703responses

USGA plans on presenting results of this survey to Dori Weldon, the newly hired Assistant Director of Off Campus Student Services, in an effort to discuss working towards meeting the needs of specific student groups such as nontraditional students or commuter students. As her position was created very recently, USGA intends to begin working closely with her.

To be considered non-traditional one of these characteristics must apply to you: 1) delayed enrollment into post-secondary education 2) attends college part-time 3) works full time 4) financially independent 5) has dependents other than a spouse 6) a single parent 7) do not have a high school diploma (National Center for Education Statistics)

1. GED recipient 2. 24 years or older 3. First generation college student claiming dependent* status for financial aid 4. First generation college student claiming independent* status for financial aid 5. Claiming independent* status for financial aid and claiming a dependent child(ren) and/or dependent adult 6. Single parent (regardless of independent*/ dependent* student status) 7. Delayed initial enrollment to undergraduate education after high school for greater than 3 years 8. Returning for degree completion after withdrawing from undergraduate study for over 2 years 9. Considered a paid employee at or over 30 hours per week

* Independent means no one else claims you on their taxes. * Dependent means you are claimed on your parent(s), spouse's, or other qualifying party's taxes.

Parking survey 449 Responses

In order to influence decisions on potential solutions for on-campus parking, USGA discussed results with Dr. Pam Benoit, the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost. Additionally, members of USGA’s Senate Housing and Campus Planning Committee have worked with Andre Davis, Director of Parking and Transportation Services, to ensure that future changes to parking, such as improvements to the Blazer Express and increased usage of satellite parking lots, are in line with the interests of students.

*satellite/remote lots are not located in the vicinity of campus buildings, (does not include parking decks or residence hall parking); shuttle services are provided.

**Freshmen will be allowed to park in the deck and residence hall lots during the weekends (Friday-Sunday). **There are designated spots for unloading cars immediately next to all residence halls.

BSync and uab app survey 280 responses

Presented to Lauren Hobbs, Assistant Director for Leadership and Service, to discuss improvements to BSync and UAB App interfaces based on student feedback.