MovieMaker Project
Performance-Based Student Contract
My Expectations of Myself:
I, _______________________________ have checked my choice of and commitment to the following grade:
_____ For a grade of “A” I will:
· Meet all established deadlines.
· Had my topic approved by Mrs. Baer.
· Submit a well-written, CSI-style paragraph telling about their film.
· Utilize my time wisely, both individually and as a group member.
· Achieve a grade of a 93 or better on all completed assignments and the final product of a MovieMaker film.
_____ For a grade of “B” I will:
· Meet all established deadlines.
· Had my topic approved by Mrs. Baer.
· Submit a well-written, CSI-style paragraph telling about their film.
· Utilize my time wisely, both individually and as a group member.
· Achieve a grade of an 85 to 92 on all completed assignments and the final product of a MovieMaker film.
_____ For a grade of “C” I will:
· Meet all established deadlines.
· Had my topic approved by Mrs. Baer.
· Submit a well-written, CSI-style paragraph telling about their film.
· Utilize my time wisely, both individually and as a group member.
· Achieve a grade of an 77 to 84 on all completed assignments and the final product of a MovieMaker film.
I understand that if I do not complete all requirements for the grade I have selected, the teacher will determine an alternative grade such as A-, B+, B-, C+, D or F!
Student Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________
Teacher Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________