Paynesville Lutheran Church

July 18th, 2010 – Contemporary Worship

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering songs

Announcements and Words of Welcome

*Call to Worship

Song: “You Are Holy”

Prayer of the Day

Sharing Time with Children

Scripture Readings: Esther 4: 11-14

Esther 8: 6

Romans 8:28

Biblical Character: Esther Vivian Johnson

Song: “Days of Elijah”

Confession and Forgiveness

Song: “Count Your Blessings”

Prayers of the Church


*Offertory: “Create in Me A Clean Heart, O God”

*Offertory Prayer

*The Words of Institution

*The Lord’s Prayer

Music during Communion

Post Communion Blessing

Prayer of Thanksgiving


*Sending Song:

“I Shall Walk in the Presence of God”


July 18, 2010 – 8:30 ANNOUNCEMENTS

Good morning, and welcome to our worship service! During the offering, we ask that you sign and pass on the Welcome Pads; this is an opportunity to learn the names of those who are near you. Hearing enhancement aids are available - please see an usher for assistance.

This Week in our Lives Under God

Today, July18th, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship

9:30 a.m. Fellowship

10:30 a.m. Worship at Veterans Park - Potluck meal following worship service

Tuesday, July 20th

8:00 a.m. Valley Fair / MOA trip

11:30 a.m. Staff meeting

8:00 a.m. Sr. Shepherds

7:00 p.m. Council

Wednesday, July 21st

5:00 p.m. Preschool Board Meeting

5:30 p.m. Chicago Trip Appreciation Meal

Thursday , July 22nd

10:00 a.m. 700 Stearns

Next Sunday, July25th Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

9:30 a.m. Fellowship

10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

Prayer Concerns

Please keep in your prayers the following individuals who are in need of God’s healing power…Don Anderson, LeeAnn Buck (daughter of Fran Hedlund), Jamie Fry (son of Bob & Donna Fry), Doug Hendrickson, Maurine Larson (mother of Kathy Kampsen), Jerry Meyer, Nadine Miller (daughter of Lilah Hammer), Harlan Nepsund (brother of Wyman Nepsund), Bill Quarfot (brother of Mary Cushman), Mary Schultz, Charlene Schuch (sister-in-law of Sharon Lunz), Paul Scott (brother of Leenay Doll), Pauline Segaar (sister-in-law of Carl Segaar), Val Stanger, Gary Swenson, Verna Thomsen, Becky Thorpe (daughter of Ken & Cathryn Hahn), LaDonna Tollakson, and Susan Vanderpool (daughter of Doug & Shirley Hendrickson), .Janet Kok (Grandmother of Pastor Dan), Ron Mayer (brother of new member Don Mayer), Kristyn Osterhaus (daughter of Jackie Osterhaus)

Please pray for the safety of the men and women serving in our military: Jenifer Detert, Adam Ingalsbe, Cole Kampsen, Jackie Osterhaus, Dylan & Joseph Sheridan, Brandon Soine, Chad Wyffels and others.

Please pray for the safety of those currently serving our country overseas: Scott Ingalsbe in Iraq

Note: We must have permission of the person before we print any names. Requests will be shared for a three-week period and must then be resubmitted.


Offerings for the Operating Fund last week $ 6188.00

Amount needed weekly to meet mission goals $ 6523.00

Offerings for the Building Fund last week $ 1085.00

Amount needed weekly for mortgage payment $ 1321.00

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR TODAY are given by John & Betty Jane Povilaitis in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Congratulations and Thank you for sharing them with us.

THE FLOWERS ON THE ORGAN TODAY are in honor of Harry Driste’s 100th Birthday. Happy Birthday Harry! Thank you for sharing them.

Worship in the Park TODAY!

Join us TODAY at Veterans Park shelter on the shores of Lake Koronis. A potluck will follow the 10:30 worship and families are asked to bring a main dish, salad, or dessert to share. Please bring reusable tableware (plates, cups, silverware) in order to minimize waste and be more “green”. The Deacons will provide napkins, lemonade, and coffee.

Mission of the Month:

Habitat for Humanity

Construction of the Paynesville Build HFH house will be underway soon. PLC has secured several dates dedicated to just our congregation, and you may go to the table in the gathering area to sign up for a day, a half day, or to provide lunch for the group. You can also sign up at if you desire other times. Thank you for volunteering and donating!

Attention Youth

Valley Fair and MOA Trip

Sign up TODAY on the table in the gathering area if you are attending the trip on Tuesday July 20th, to Valley Fair and MOA. We will be leaving at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $30.00 to cover the VF ticket, hotel and 2 of the 4 meals. Contact Pastor Dan if you have any questions.

Also, don’t forget the Chicago Mission Trip Appreciation Dinner on Wednesday, July 21st at 5:30 p.m.

Caring Bridge link to Kristyn and family

Kristyn Osterhaus was involved in a car accident on July 3, and is now in Atlanta, GA where she is undergoing physical therapy and rehab at the Shepherds Center, which is a state of the art facility dealing with spinal cord injuries. To follow her progress you can visit her at the Caring Bridge site at

Prayer Shawl Needs

The women who make the prayer shawls for that incredible ministry need your help! If you know of someone who is having a tough time in various ways, please come to the church and ask for a shawl to bring to them. This is to help match the needs of people in need of God’s love and presence.

Kindergarten Readiness

PLC Preschool Wednesday morning Kindergarten Readiness class still has openings. This class is for children who will be attending Kindergarten in the fall of 2011. We work on letter and number recognition skills as well as social, spiritual, and physical wellness. Your child does not have to be in the regular preschool program to attend. The cost for this program is $35 a month. Application forms are available in the church office. Please direct any questions to Melanie Lundberg at 243-5713.


Sr. Shepherd’s will be meeting this week on Tuesday, July 20th. We will be going to McKale’s in New London. We will meet at the church at 8:00 am if you need a ride.

Upcoming Bazaar Meeting will be held on July 22nd at 7 p.m. to plan this years Bazaar theme and work to be done. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.

This year’s Dinner Groups: Watch for sign up sheets coming up very soon for this year’s dinner groups.

Be sure to Check the Community Events on the office window for upcoming Ice Cream Socials, Fundraisers and Celebrations of our Lutheran Church families in the area! There are many events to attend if you wish.

Women of the ELCA

The Women of the ELCA are having two outings coming up: the first will be sometime in August to "Heartland Girls Ranch" in Benson. We will car pool, lunch out and tour of the ranch. Date is to be determined. The second outing will be Sept. 11th to the Science Museum to see "The Dead Sea Scrolls." There is a sign-up sheet outside of the Fellowship Hall, cost between $30-35, includes bus and ticket. This does not include lunch or dinner. Anyone is invited to join us.

100th Birthday Celebration

Everyone is invited to an open house on July 24th at Queen Bee’s from 1-4 pm to honor Harry Driste’s 100th Birthday.

Green Lake Annual Quilt Auction

Green Lake will be holding their annual Quilt Auction on July 24, 2010. Anyone interested in volunteering their help before or during the Quilt Auction, please contact Jackie Grothe at camp by calling 320-796-2181, or email

Authors to speak about local churches

Brothers John and Robert Roscoe will speak about the architecture and history of Catholic churches in Stearns County on Thursday, July 22, at the Paynesville Area History Museum. Their 2009 book – “Legacies of Faith” – traces the history of Stearns County, the founding of its 49 Catholic parishes, and the building and architecture of its 52 Catholic churches. Their talk will begin at 7 p.m. Starting at 6 p.m., guests can tour the museum’s new exhibit, “The Village of Paynesville.”