ASG’s Programme of Inquiry


Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. / An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. / An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. / An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. / An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
KG1 / Central Idea:
People make choices that influence their health. / Central Idea:
We express our thoughts, opinions and feelings in various ways. / Central Idea:
Living creatures go through change / Central Idea:
Humans create systems that affect their lives.
Lines of Inquiry:
-human biological needs
-the effect of physical activity, nutrition, sleep and psychological health on us
-making decisions / Lines of Inquiry:
- I express my thoughts and feelings freely with awareness.
-how to deal with my feelings and those of others
-methods and skills to express thoughts and feelings / Lines of Inquiry:
-needs of living creatures
-kinds of living creatures
-change during a creature’s life / Lines of Inquiry:
-systems and their kinds
-the importance of systems
-reading signs and symbols
Key Concepts: responsibility, change, perspective / Key Concepts:
function, connection, perspective / Key Concepts:
change, causation, reflection / Key Concepts:
form, function, responsibility
Learner profile:
balanced, knowledgeable, thinker / Learner profile:
principled, communicator, open-minded, risk taker / Learner profile:
inquirer, reflective, caring / Learner profile:
principled, inquirer, communicator
Related Concepts:
biology / Related Concepts:
communication / Related Concepts:
growth, habitat, classification / Related Concepts:
enthusiasm, independence, cooperation / Attitudes:
creativity, tolerance, self confidence, / Attitudes:
curiosity, appreciation, empathy
·  / Attitudes:
commitment, integrity, respect
Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
KG2 / Central Idea:
Balanced nutrition is one of the requirements for health. / Central Idea:
Recognition of other cultures helps us understand the world. / Central Idea:
A person may express himself through writing a story. / Central Idea:
Experimenting is one way to understand how the world works. / Central Idea:
Development of means of transport changed the ability of humans to move about. / Central Idea:
Insects affect the world in many different ways.
Lines of Inquiry:
-food sources
-importance of nutrition
-the effect of nutrition on health
-decision making / Lines of Inquiry:
-countries and cultures of the world
-cultural dishes, songs, celebrations, games and costumes
-comparing and contrasting countries
-respecting people from different races / Lines of Inquiry:
-kinds of stories (fiction/non-fiction)
-story elements
-composing a story and presenting it / Lines of Inquiry:
-the importance of scientists and their role
-inquiry is one of the ways to learn and understand
-knowing and applying what we have learned / Lines of Inquiry:
-importance of transportation in our life
-development of the forms of transportation means through time
-means of transportation(on land, in water, in air)
-the importance of general safety while being a passenger / Lines of Inquiry:
-characteristics of insects
-where and how insects live
-the role of insects in their habitat
Key Concepts:
function ,connection, causation / Key Concepts:
form, connection, perspective / Key Concepts:
function, form / Key Concepts:
function, form, reflection / Key Concepts:
function, responsibility, form / Key Concepts:
connection, form, change
Learner profile:
inquirer, thinker, reflective, balanced / Learner profile:
communicator, knowledgeable, open-minded, caring / Learner profile:
principled, knowledgeable, reflective / Learner profile:
inquirer, knowledgeable, risk taker / Learner profile:
inquirer, communicator, knowledgeable / Learner profile:
knowledgeable, inquirer
Related Concepts:
body systems / Related Concepts:
cultures / Related Concepts:
communication / Related Concepts:
magnetic, mechanic / Related Concepts:
transportation means / Related Concepts:
living creatures, classification
commitment, independence / Attitudes:
curiosity, respect, cooperation, tolerance / Attitudes:
cooperation, creativity / Attitudes:
appreciation, self confidence, integrity / Attitudes:
commitment, cooperation, enthusiasm / Attitudes:
cooperation, empathy
Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
1 / Central Idea:
Human beings have social and emotional needs. / Central Idea:
Geographical terrain varies and is represented by multiple forms. / Central Idea:
Cartoon characters can evoke feelings and thoughts. / Central Idea:
Climate varies with location. / Central Idea:
People have different professions through which they interact. / Central Idea:
Living creatures interact among themselves and with their environment.
Lines of Inquiry:
-the relationships between individuals, groups, individuals and groups
-social structures that serve needs, meet objectives, achieve work/ jobs
- social and emotional needs that are of individual and group human rights / Lines of Inquiry:
- terrain differs from one place to another
- maps are one of the means to represent the terrain
-borders that separate countries are natural or man-made / Lines of Inquiry:
- the emergence of cartoons in children's programs.
- manufacturing stages of cartoons
- cartoon character design
- the message carried by cartoons / Lines of Inquiry:
-the four seasons
-weather versus climate
-the impact of climate and weather in decision-making / Lines of Inquiry:
-kinds of professions
- people’s cooperation with one another
-the connection between different jobs
-steps of doing a specific job / Lines of Inquiry:
-characteristics of living creatures
-a comparison between living creatures according to their needs and characteristics
-the relationship between humans and other living creatures
-the benefits of living creatures
Key Concepts:
function, connection, responsibility / Key Concepts:
form, function, reflection / Key Concepts:
perspective, form, function / Key Concepts:
causation, connection, change / Key Concepts:
connection, function, responsibility / Key Concepts:
form, connection, function
Learner profile:
reflective, caring, balanced, risk taker / Learner profile:
knowledgeable, reflective / Learner profile:
balanced, knowledgeable, communicator / Learner profile:
inquirer, knowledgeable, reflective / Learner profile:
communicator, open-minded, principled / Learner profile:
caring, thinker, inquirer
Related Concepts:
roles, family / Related Concepts:
borders, natural scenery, geography / Related Concepts:
history, chronology, innovation / Related Concepts:
climate, seasons / Related Concepts:
artefacts, diversity, roles / Related Concepts:
animals, plants, classification
·  respect, commitment, cooperation / Attitudes:
·  appreciation, curiosity / Attitudes:
·  empathy independence, creativity / Attitudes:
·  curiosity, self-confidence, independence, enthusiasm / Attitudes:
·  cooperation, integrity, tolerance, self confidence / Attitudes:
·  enthusiasm, empathy, curiosity
Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
2 / Central Idea:
Knowledge of family history helps in self-understanding. / Central Idea:
People build homes in different places and different ways. / Central Idea:
Poetry is a type of self expression. / Central Idea:
Humans have invented instruments to examine natural phenomena. / Central Idea:
Societies have governments and structures that help meet the people’s needs. / Central Idea:
People’s choices and practices affect the environment.
Lines of Inquiry:
- the birth place of my ancestors and my family
- childhood memories of my parents and grandparents
- how to record and transfer personal stories / Lines of Inquiry:
- housing and its definition
- search in housing types.
- how housing differs from one region to another
- materials used in housing construction / Lines of Inquiry:
-elements of poetry
-poetry can communicate feelings and values
-converting poems to songs / Lines of Inquiry:
-generation of light, sound and heat).
-transmission of light, sound and heat
-measuring natural phenomena using senses and instruments / Lines of Inquiry:
-structures and functions of administrative/ political systems
-obligations and rights of the political/ administrative system
-change in political/ administrative structures / Lines of Inquiry:
-environments and their types, elements and components
-the role and effect of humans on the environment
- awareness of the effects of environmental change on life
Key Concepts:
function, change, form / Key Concepts:
form, function, causation / Key Concepts:
form, change, responsibility / Key Concepts:
form, function, reflection / Key Concepts:
form, function, connection / Key Concepts:
form, responsibility, perspective
Learner profile:
inquirer, communicator, reflective / Learner profile:
knowledgeable / Learner profile:, reflective, open-minded, communicators, balanced / Learner profile:
thinker, inquirer, reflective, risk taker / Learner profile:
balanced, principled, caring / Learner profile:
inquirer, principled, reflective
Related Concepts:
identity, family / Related Concepts:
population, settlements / Related Concepts:
communication, tradition / Related Concepts:
forms of energy / Related Concepts:
rights, roles, government / Related Concepts:
pollution, conservation
independence, enthusiasm, self-confidence, cooperation / Attitudes:
respect, enthusiasm / Attitudes:
appreciation, self-confidence, empathy / Attitudes:
creativity, curiosity / Attitudes:
independence, integrity, enthusiasm, tolerance / Attitudes:
appreciation, enthusiasm, commitment
Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
3 / Central Idea:
Decisions are made under the influence of several factors. / Central Idea:
Humans have strived to explore the limits of the world. / Central Idea:
We express our ideas, values and hopes through our choice of heroes. / Central Idea:
Vegetation varies from one region to another and there are various ways to take advantage of it
/ Central Idea:
Each country has economic sectors that can be run in various ways. / Central Idea:
Water is one of the main natural resources and we must preserve it.
Lines of Inquiry:
- the elements that affect decision- making
-kinds of decisions that a person makes in his life
-the effect of social culture on decision-making / Lines of Inquiry:
-purposes of exploration
- methods of exploring different habitats
-role of technological development in exploring the world around us / Lines of Inquiry:
-characteristics of a hero
-our choice of heroes reflects values
-variation of the concept of heroism
-the difference between being a hero and being a celebrity / Lines of Inquiry:
- diversity in the forms of vegetation in different regions.
- the different life cycles of plants
- the benefits of plants / Lines of Inquiry:
- exploration and distribution of resources on a local and global scale
- geographical diversity and its impact on the diversity of resources
- The impact of diversity on the structure of the economy
- economic resources and their impact on relations between countries / Lines of Inquiry:
-water characteristics and its distribution on Earth
-the effect of human activity on water availability
-human role in conserving water
-learning about the experiences of some countries in the world
in managing scarce water resources
Key Concepts:
reflection, form, connection / Key Concepts:
form, function, responsibility / Key Concepts:
form, causation, perspective / Key Concepts:
causation, change, function / Key Concepts:
causation, reflection, form / Key Concepts:
causation, form, responsibility
Learner profile:
principled, inquirer, reflective, caring, balanced / Learner profile:
inquirer, knowledgeable, reflective, communicator / Learner profile:
thinker, reflective, open-minded / Learner profile:
inquirer, caring, knowledgeable / Learner profile:
communicator, reflective, knowledgeable / Learner profile:
risk-taker, communicator, caring
Related Concepts:
family, role / Related Concepts:
space, solar system, habitat, areas / Related Concepts:
authority, progress / Related Concepts:
diversity, classification, methods of reproduction / Related Concepts:
reliability / Related Concepts:
resources, sustainability
self-confidence, empathy, tolerance / Attitudes:
enthusiasm, cooperation, commitment / Attitudes:
respect, cooperation / Attitudes:
commitment, curiosity, enthusiasm / Attitudes:
curiosity, independence, appreciation / Attitudes:
appreciation, integrity, creativity
Grade / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
4 / Central Idea:
There are different levels of diversity in every society. / Central Idea:
Events of the past and the present contribute to shaping the future. / Central Idea:
Media has an effect on people’s decisions / Central Idea:
Energy plays an important role in life. / Central Idea: