Program framework and funding guidelines 2012-15
Effective from February 2015
Public Housing Infrastructure Program
Program framework and funding guidelines 2012-15
Effective from February 2015
Table of contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Program supporting documents 1
3. Public Housing Infrastructure Program funding and activities 2
3.1 Activity 91425 - Housing advocacy and support - secondary advice 2
3.2 Activity 91426 - Housing advocacy and support - legal tenancy advice 2
3.3 Activity 91427 - Housing advocacy and support - phone service 2
3.4 Activity 91431 - Housing infrastructure tenant participation 2
3.5 Activity 91432 - Housing infrastructure TP - support to tenant groups 2
3.6 Activity 91415 - Housing infrastructure facility management 2
3.7 Activity 91433 - Housing infrastructure – Tenant participation projects 2
3.9 Activity 91452 - Housing infrastructure - training 3
3.10 Activity 91454 - Housing infrastructure - garden management 3
3.11 Activity 91455 - Housing infrastructure - education services 3
3.12 Activity 91456 – Housing infrastructure – community support service 3
4. Public Housing Infrastructure Program framework 3
4.1 The Public Housing Infrastructure Program 3
4.3 Program management 4
4.6 Initiatives impacting on PHIP aims and directions 5
5. General requirements 5
5.1 Service agreement context 5
5.2 Continuous development, standards and planning 5
5.3 Data collection and privacy 6
5.4 Monitoring and reporting 7
5.5 Grievance process 7
5.6 Approved use of funds 8
5.7 Acknowledgement of funding 8
5.8 General notice to the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services 8
5.9 Access to documentation 8
5.10 Advance notice of service suspension/closure 9
5.11 Transfers of funding 9
5.12 Service amalgamation 9
6. Program operations 9
6.1 Accessibility 9
6.2 Tenant participation 10
6.3 Community Contact Service 10
1. Introduction
This document covers program framework and funding guidelines for the Public Housing Infrastructure Program (PHIP) and is supplementary to general Department of Health & Human Services (the department) guidelines outlined in the service agreement and in the Service Agreement Information Kit for Agencies. The kit outlines the legal arrangements that exist between the department and a funded community service organisation (CSO) when a service agreement is signed.
The department, funds PHIP a program arrangement that commenced on 1 January 2006. These guidelines underpin the program and are applicable to all services recurrently funded under PHIP with the exception of tenants groups for whom separate and specific guidelines have been developed.
These guidelines detail the program framework, funded activities and funding guidelines, and are designed to assist the funded CSO to be aware of and understand:
· Aims and structure.
· How the program is managed at the government level.
· How the program relates to other key DEPARTMENT initiatives.
· Expectations of continuous development, data collection, planning and review.
· Standards of service delivery and inter-CSO cooperation.
· The activities funded under the program.
· Types of services and activities the program funds.
· The basis upon which funding levels are determined.
These guidelines cover all PHIP activities. “PHIP” is the term used where elements of these guidelines have generic application across this overarching program.
For further information on this program, contact the program area.
2. Program supporting documents
The departmental funded organisations are obliged to comply with specific departmental policies and certain legislative requirements as outlined in the terms and conditions of the service agreement. The PHIP program framework and guidelines also reference government and departmental policies and guidelines that have applicability to the provision of PHIP services as follows:
· Business Practice Manual· Complaints Management Policy
· Client Services Charter
· Housing Services Policy and Procedures Manuals
· Housing Standards manual
· Quality Practice Framework
· Housing Act 1983 (as amended 2010)
· Public Housing Employment Program Procedures
· Public Housing Infrastructure Program Work plan
· Residential Tenancies Act 1997
· Community gardens list by catchment
3. Public Housing Infrastructure Program funding and activities
3.1 Activity 91425 - Housing advocacy and support - secondary advice
The Tenants Union Victoria (TUV) is funded under this activity to provide secondary advice to organisations funded by department for housing and support services.
3.2 Activity 91426 - Housing advocacy and support - legal tenancy advice
The TUV is funded under this activity to provide legal services to SHASP eligible social housing tenants requiring complex (VCAT) legal tenancy advice. Clients for assistance under this activity will generally be referred from the divisional SHASP providers
3.3 Activity 91427 - Housing advocacy and support - phone service
The TUV is funded under this activity to provide direct telephone assistance to social housing tenants/applicants. This will include active referral to regional SHASP providers
3.4 Activity 91431 - Housing infrastructure tenant participation
The Department’s Tenant Participation Framework provides structures and consultative mechanisms, intended to enable tenants to give regular feedback about the quality of services and factors affecting their tenancies at a local and regional level. The framework has recently been reviewed and the recommendations from the report are currently being considered.
3.5 Activity 91432 - Housing infrastructure TP - support to tenant groups
The VPTA, the peak tenants association is funded under this activity for the provision of advice and support to department funded public tenant groups.
Tenants groups are also funded under this activity to provide a representative forum for public tenants and are managed under separate guidelines.
3.6 Activity 91415 - Housing infrastructure facility management
The Director of Housing has approximately 110 community facilities throughout the state whilst most are managed by the department’s divisional housing offices some of these facilities are managed by CSOs, through PHIP funding. Management of the facilities is focused on providing positive value for public tenants and the local tenant community.
3.7 Activity 91433 - Housing infrastructure – Tenant participation projects
Community facilities are a key part of the department’s commitment to creating better opportunities for tenants to actively participate in their community.
3.8 Activity 91451 - Housing infrastructure - resources
The PHIP includes provision of funding for a resource service to advise the department on housing/tenancy issues; undertake specific projects related to department business; participate in periodic reviews undertaken by ; department and identify and report to the department on emerging issues particularly as they relate to SHASP.
3.9 Activity 91452 - Housing infrastructure - training
The PHIP includes funding to TUV and VPTA for the provision of:
· Governance and management training for members of department funded tenant groups.(VPTA)
· Accredited face to face and online advocacy and legal based training for SHASP staff. (TUV)
All SHASP workers who have not previously received accredited training in advocacy and tenancy law must attend the above training.
Training for SHASP providers will increasingly form part of the broader Homelessness and Community Housing Training program currently provided by department. To inform the training provided by PHIP to SHASP workers the department and the TUV will meet regularly with providers.
3.10 Activity 91454 - Housing infrastructure - garden management
There are over 850 community garden plots across 22 gardens on Director of Housing (DOH) owned and leased land across the metropolitan area. The community gardens support service is responsible for supporting the day-to-day management of the gardens; supporting development of the gardens and tenant management; and for the promotion of community gardens and community activities.
3.11 Activity 91455 - Housing infrastructure - education services
The PHIP includes the provision of tenancy related educational documents for public and social housing tenants. Representatives of SHASP providers may be sought to advise on this work.
3.12 Activity 91456 – Housing infrastructure – community support service
PHIP includes the provision of funding for a community contact service across public housing estates in inner Melbourne.
4. Public Housing Infrastructure Program framework
4.1 The Public Housing Infrastructure Program
PHIP is the generic term for a range of services provided to social housing tenants by CSOs and details of the sub-programs are provided throughout this document. All the other sections in these guidelines refer to all PHIP recurrently funded services.
Divisional housing offices and the department more broadly, achieve the program aims by:
· Providing high quality housing assistance that is accountable to applicants and tenants.
· Complying with the department’s service delivery model and its quality practice guidelines.
· Only making appropriate referrals to SHASP providers.
· Managing tenancies within the agreed parameters of an individual tenant’s tenancy action plan, with
the focus on successful/sustained tenancies.
· Taking the lead in promoting tenant participation.
· Taking responsibility for the resolution of anti-social activities that impact on sustaining a tenancy and in compliance with department policies.
· Actively promoting PHIP to applicants and tenants and within the department.
· Advocating on behalf of individual tenants and promoting access for SHASP service users to broader departmental programs.
· Complying with the department’s Client Services Charter.
Specifically, SHASP funded CSOs achieve the program aims by establishing successful tenancies and intervening when tenancies are at risk.
4.3 Program management
The Department of Health & Human Services through the Director of Housing (DOH) is responsible for providing housing assistance. Housing assistance refers to a range of products and services, including crisis, transitional and long-term public and community housing, homelessness assistance, new forms of social housing and related support services. Services are delivered in accordance with the Housing Act 1983 (amended 2005), through the statutory position of the DOH. It also operates within the framework of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA), which is currently under review.
The department employs staff to develop and provide housing assistance. Staff based in central office report through their Director to the DOH. Divisional Service Agreements between the Director of Housing and Divisional Directors underpin the delivery of housing services to our clients. The department provides funding to more than 380 non-government organisations that deliver housing assistance services. Within these organisations, more than 1,300 staff members are employed to provide a range of housing and support services.
The department’s central office responsibilities include:
· Developing and communicating policy and program frameworks.
· Developing standards, procedures and training programs to enable best practice and continuous improvement.
· Defining and monitoring program outcomes and determining output specification and structures at output, component and activity levels.
· Resourcing including budget development and funds allocation.
· Development of tender specifications in partnership with regions.
State-wide and specialist services are required to develop and maintain a close working relationship with the department in order to deliver the integrated service response that PHIP requires. These organisations are also required to keep central office informed of activities and/or specific issues in relation to the service implementation, development and ongoing management of the program.
The department delivers services through four divisions. Divisions plan for, fund and deliver housing and community services and develop strong partnerships with CSOs to collaboratively plan local services to give the Victorian community high quality services. Divisions are the department’s public face.
Divisional responsibilities in the funding process include:
· Ensuring services purchased contribute to the achievement of the department’s strategic direction and maximise the use of available resources.
· Monitoring provider performance to ensure that services meet acceptable quality standards and practice guidelines, and taking corrective action where performance is below target.
· Identifying and communicating to central office opportunities for cross program service initiatives or redevelopment.
· Developing strong links between divisions for sharing information on continuous improvements to service delivery.
· Within the above context divisional responsibility for the SHASP and tenant participation components of PHIP that includes managing the ongoing funding relationship including service development.
Central office has developed the Interim Integrated Case Management Guidelines for SHASP when managing SHASP services and the Community Gardens Program, Program framework and funding guidelines 2012-15 and the Community Gardens Program operational guidelines 2012-15. There are accessible at.,-guidelines-and-legislation/public-housing-infrastructure-program-guidelines
PHIP divisional services are therefore required to develop and maintain a close working relationship with the department’s divisional office, in order to deliver the integrated service response that PHIP requires, and to keep the division informed of activities and/or specific issues in relation to the service implementation, development and ongoing management of the PHIP program. In addition, at the direct client services level, PHIP providers and local public housing offices/social housing providers/homelessness services/specialist PHIP providers will need to establish and maintain close working relationships. Statewide organizations will also maintain a close working relationship with Central office.
4.6 Initiatives impacting on PHIP aims and directions
· In addition to the initiatives and agreements detailed in the Policy and Funding Plan, the following impact on the operation of PHIP and need continuity in delivery to underpin PHIP:
· The Department ‘s Client Services Charter. The charter sets the standards of service that public housing tenants, applicants and other clients can expect from the department.
· Multiple and complex needs initiative (MACNI). The initiative has been in operation since late August 2004. Its aim has been to develop and implement strategies for responding to people with extremely complex needs, to address continuing poor service outcomes. These individuals often fall between program boundaries and consequently receive reduced services, in an often uncoordinated way.
The service model, established under the Human Services (Complex Needs) Act 2009 has the following key elements:
· Divisional gateway and referral process including a divisional coordinators
· Extensive divisional collaboration and coordination processes to minimize need for MACNI referral
· Central group of program and clinical managers to approve eligibility and provide oversight
· Intensive assessment, care coordination and case management service, where no appropriate regional option is available, for individuals determined eligible